Cabernet Toilet Repair Parts
By Kohler

When you are looking for replacement parts for your Kohler Cabernet, there's no need to look any further than right here on®! Whether you need bolt caps, flappers, or a flush valve repair kit, you'll find them here at your source for these and many other Kohler replacement parts.

Kohler Cabernet Toilet - K-3401K-3401
Kohler Cabernet Toilet - K-3408K-3408

Toilet Repair Parts for the Cabernet Series
Models # K-3401 & K-3408

Cabernet Series Toilet

Item # Image Part # Description Price & Quantity
1 kohler flush valve cap plunger kit 84503 84503 Flush Valve and Cap/Plunger Repair Kit
Includes top assembly (42482), plunger assembly (42393), flush valve kit (83650)
see 84499 below
2 kohler 1b1x conversion kit 84499 84499 Complete 1B1X Conversion Kit
Includes flush valve (83650), flapper (83064), float ball (42753), float rods (42752 and 54642), nut (41633), top assembly (42482), plunger assembly (42393) & washers, taper washer (42470), screw (84441/31490), body (42377), float assembly (42381), locknut (42396), washer (42398), nut (42397), and rim hose (54630)
$138.35 Enter a quantity and
kohler 1b1x brass ballcock 1B1X "Will Fit" Brass body Fill Valve Assembly & Diverter
Includes Brass 1B1X fill valve, refill tube, brass float rod, black plastic float ball, diverter assembly and mounting hardware (washers, nuts & screws) - without flapper and flush valve
Plastic Will-Fit
Available Below
fill valve 1b1x will-fit 1B1X-WF "Will-Fit" Replacement Fill Valve ONLY
Includes: Plastic ballcock/fill valve, refill tube, brass float rod and mounting hardware (washers, nuts and screws) - WITHOUT float ball & diverter assembly
Replacement for fill valve and diverter from 84499 kit, no diverter needed
$51.57 Enter a quantity and
3 kohler flush valve 83650 83650 Flush Valve Kit - Includes flush valve (83650), washer (53410), screws (61052), mounting lugs (87377), flapper (83064)
Please Note: If your toilet has a triangle hole in the tank then you must also order the #GP83888 flush valve gasket to be used instead of the red flush valve washer that is included with the #K83650 flush valve. The GP83888 flush valve gasket must be installed with the larger flat surface facing toward the tank (opposite of the way the red gasket is shown on the flush valve.)
$52.64 Enter a quantity and
4 kohler flapper 83064 83064 Flapper (New Style) $11.71 Enter a quantity and
5 kohler flush valve 83094 83094 Flush Valve Kit - Includes flush valve, flapper (83064), flush valve seal (83888) - 6-1/4" overall height, 5-1/4" from toilet tank to top of overflow Discontinued
Use 83650 above
6 kohler top assembly kit 42482 42482 Fill Valve Top Assembly Discontinued
7 kohler will-fit plunger repair kit 42393 "Will Fit" Repair Kit Plunger Repair Kit - Replaces 42393
Please Note: Large O-ring may fit tight and may need to be slightly stretched out using both hands (no tools) in order to be installed. Additionally, the 42393 plunger repair kit has been discontinued. The "will fit" replacement plunger is completely round. If your original plunger has a flat edge like this, the replacement plunger will NOT fit with your existing top assembly.
$5.59 Enter a quantity and
8 kohler bolt caps white 1013092 52048 Bolt Caps (2) - White (view more color options) $7.50 Enter a quantity and
9 image unavailable 42388 Flapper - old style replaced by GP49114 Discontinued
Use Will-Fit
flapper will-fit "Will Fit" Replacement for Old Style Flapper $8.46 Enter a quantity and
10 brass float rod 8 inch Will Fit" Float Rod 8" Brass Float Rod - Replaces 42752 $3.10 Enter a quantity and
11 kohler fill valve diverter assembly 1114276 1114276 Diverter Assembly - Includes #42377 diverter body, #31490 screw and #42381 float
(screw and float available separately below)
12 kohler rim hose 42452 42452 Rim Hose - Replaces 54630 $6.29 Enter a quantity and
13 image unavailable 500250 Trip Lever - Chrome Discontinued
kohler trip lever polished brass 500250 Trip Lever - Polished Brass Discontinued
14 will-fit plastic float ball "Will Fit" Float Ball Float Ball - Replaces 42753 $3.70 Enter a quantity and
15 kohler washer 53410 53410 Flush Valve Gasket $7.45 Enter a quantity and
16 tank gasket kohler 83888 GP83888 Flush Valve Gasket for toilets with triangle hole $8.00 Enter a quantity and
Not Shown image unavailable 74917 French Curve Elongated Toilet Seat - White see below
bemis affinity elongated toilet seat 1200e4 1200E3 Quality Bemis "Will Fit" Elongated Toilet Seat - White (view more color options) $67.91 Enter a quantity and

Not sure which model toilet you have? Try looking under the toilet tank lid or inside of the toilet tank.

Related Items & Information

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. "How do I adjust the water level for the 84499 conversion kit?"
A. As with any conversion or "will fit" replacement kit, you might need to make slight adjustments for the unit to function exactly like your original valve did. For the 84499 fill valve, you simply turn the adjustment screw counterclockwise to raise the water lever or clockwise to lower the water level. You may need to flush the toilet and keep turning either way until the water level in the tank matches the line on the flush valve overflow tube. If you're not sure where to find the adjustment screw or water level, view our handy parts diagram.

Q. "The 84499 1B1X conversion kit includes a diverter assembly on the fill valve but you also offer other 1B1X fill valves without a diverter assembly. If I purchase a 1B1X fill valve separately should I order the one with a diverter or without a diverter?"
A. If your toilet fill valve currently has a diverter, we believe you should purchase a 1B1X with a diverter. Older toilets came with 1B1X fill valves without a diverter. The diverter assembly was invented as a water saving device for the 1B1X fill valve and was added in later years after stricter laws regarding water saving toilets came into effect. When properly installed, the diverter assembly allows water to flow into the bowl and the tank at the same time. As the water in the tank reaches a certain level, the float on the diverter assembly closes off the water flowing into the bowl and diverts that water so it flows into the tank instead. The extra flow of water into the tank then helps fill the tank quicker causing the float ball to rise and turn off the fill valve completely. Without a diverter, the 1B1X fill valve will continue to flow water to the bowl the entire time the tank is filling up. The #84499 1B1X conversion kit was designed by Kohler to upgrade their older toilets to be more water saving. If you do choose to install the 1B1X-WF fill valve you will just put the tube into the hole for the bowl flush, and water will flow until the tank fills up through the tank tube.

Q. "How do I find my Kohler model number?"
A. For our customers' convenience, we often list both the model number and the tank number of the Kohler toilets we offer parts for. If you already know your model number, that's great - but oftentimes this information won't be available to you. What you'll need to do then is look for the TANK number, which is right where you'd expect it to be on the inside of your toilet tank. Grab a flashlight, carefully remove your tank lid, place your lid somewhere safe, and look around inside your toilet tank for a 4-digit number beginning with either a 3 or a 4. Certain specialty toilets may have a 5-digit number starting with a 1. The number will be either molded into the porcelain or stamped on in blue or black ink. This is your tank number and you can use it to find the parts you need to fix your toilet.

Kohler toilet tank number molded into porcelain tank
Kohler toilet tank number stamped onto side of tank

Q. "There are letters and/or numbers after the model number inside my Kohler toilet tank - what do those mean?"
A. Kohler offers many variations of almost all their toilet models, and has experimented in the past with many different features. Typically, numbers (or a single letter/number combination like K4 or Y2) after the 4- or 5-digit model number indicate the color code for your toilet. If your model number is followed by letters, those usually have different meanings to indicate the features of your toilet or will indicate that you have a specialty Artist Edition toilet.

Code Meaning
AA Water-Guard toilet flushing system - Old flush system that has long been discontinued
EL Toilet with Elongated Bowl
K Eco Lite tank
L Bedpan lugs or a Pressure Lite flush system - Both older features that have been discontinued
RA Tank with RIGHT side trip lever
T Tank locking system (vandal-resistant feature usually on commercial toilets)
U Insuliner® lined toilet tank
UR Insuliner® lined toilet tank with RIGHT side trip lever
X Peacekeeper® seat actuated flushing system - Discontinued
Need a new toilet seat? We offer color-matching toilet seats for almost all the Kohler colors below!
Code Color Name Code Color Name Code Color Name
0 White 02 Spruce Green 03 Lavender
04 Suez Tan 06 Skylight 07 Black
08 Cerulean Blue 10 Peachblow 12 Jersey Cream
17 Teal 18 Sunrise 21 Avocado
24 Expresso 31 Harvest Gold 32 New Orleans Blue
33 Mexican Sand 34 Fresh Green 35 Pink Champagne
40 Parchment 41 Country Grey 42 Aspen Green
44 Swiss Chocolate 45 Wild Rose 47 Almond
49 French Vanilla 52 Navy 53 Raspberry Puree
55 Innocent Blush 56 Tender Grey 58 Thunder Grey
68 Heron Blue 71 Seafoam Green 85 Merlot
89 Desert Bloom 95 Ice Grey 96 Biscuit
97 Timberline 98 Chamois G9 Sandbar
K4 Cashmere NG Tea Green S1 Biscuit Satin
S2 White Satin W2 Earthen White Y2 Sunlight

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