Electronic Hands-Free Faucets

Everyone should know that handwashing is the #1 way to prevent the spread of germs! Make it even easier for your staff, customers, students, etc. to wash their hands effectively with these hands-free electronic faucets. No knobs to turn = no surfaces to harbor germs. Whether you're looking for custom lavatory solutions, hospital or healthcare facility fixtures, or something completely battery powered for your campsite or playground bathrooms, you've come to the right place. We offer only top quality hands-free products from brands like Sloan, Speakman, and Chicago Faucets. Shop in confidence at PlumbingSupply.com® - your source for hands-free faucets and more.

Look for this symbol Battery option available to find faucets with battery-powered options

Sensor-Operated Bathroom Faucets

CEC Compliant Faucets Water efficient

Please note that certain configurations of these faucets (i.e., battery-powered, vandal resistant aerators, etc.) may not conform to California Energy Commission water efficiency standards. Please check the specific model noted on the page to ensure compliance prior to placing your order.

Battery Operated ONLY  Battery option available

Sensor-Operated Handwashing & Surgical Scrub Faucets

All of our handwashing & surgical scrub faucets have a battery-powered option Battery option available

CEC Compliant Faucets Water efficient

Please note that certain configurations of these faucets (i.e., battery-powered, vandal resistant aerators, etc.) may not conform to California Energy Commission water efficiency standards. Please check the specific model noted on the page to ensure compliance prior to placing your order.

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