Baby Devoro Series Toilet Repair Parts
by American Standard

The American Standard Baby Devoro toilet has all the features of a full size model, in a compact child size. Finding replacement parts can be difficult, but we here at ® are pleased to offer Baby Devoro replacement parts - from fill valves to plunger repair kits, we have it.

Baby Devoro wall hung kindergarten toiletWall Hung Tank
Close coupled Baby Devoro toddler toiletClose Coupled Tank

Replacement Parts for American Standard Baby Devoro Toilet
Wall Hung Tank Model - #2162 / Tank #4083

American Standard Baby Devoro toddler toilet repair parts schematic

Item # Image Part # Description Price & Quantity
1 --- 047166-0070A Ballcock aka Fill Valve Discontinued
american standard fill valve 047212-0070A 47212-0070A "Will Fit" Replacement Fill Valve - (10 3/8" tall inside tank) (does not require float rod or hush tube support) - float ball sold separately - see item #7 Discontinued
fluidmaster 400a fill valve 400A "Will Fit" Fluidmaster Fill Valve - adjusts 9" to 14", float ball/rod NOT needed $16.62 Enter a quantity and
2 american standard plunger repair kit 011172-0070A 011172-0070A Plunger Repair Kit $6.14 Enter a quantity and
3 american standard water control mounting kit 047196-0070A 047196-0070A Water Control Mounting Kit $5.42 Enter a quantity and
4 american standard brass supply coupling kit 047050-0070a 047050-0070A Supply Coupling Kit $6.56 Enter a quantity and
5 --- 011293-0070A Hush Tube Support Discontinued
6 --- 011194-0070A Float Rod with Pin Discontinued
7 will-fit plastic float ball Will-Fit Float Ball Float Ball - Replaces original 047381-0070A float ball $3.70 Enter a quantity and
8 american standard flush valve 47387-0070a 047387-0070A Flush Valve Assembly - 9-1/2" tall overflow - includes flapper & mounting kit Discontinued
korky plus 87 flush valve with dimensions #87 "Will Fit" 2-Inch Flush Valve - 10-1/2" tall overflow, will need to be cut down to height of original valve (altered valves are non-returnable) $14.99 Enter a quantity and
9 american standard flapper with chain 47146-0070A 047146-0070A "Will-Fit" Flapper & Chain - for discontinued 047387-0070A flush valve $7.65 Enter a quantity and
chemical resistant flapper with strap 53396 53396 "Will Fit" Replacement Flapper with Strap - chemical resistant - for discontinued 047387-0070A flush valve $2.99 Enter a quantity and
red korky flapper 2001 2001BP Replacement flapper only - for #87 Flush Valve $2.79 Enter a quantity and
10 american standard flush valve mounting kit 047195-0070a 047195-0070A Flush Valve Mounting Kit $10.53 Enter a quantity and
11 --- 047147-0200A Front Mount Tank Lever - Chrome Discontinued
12 american standard tank to bowl offset connection 47553-0020a 47553-0020A 2" Offset Tank to Bowl Connection - Chrome - includes nuts & washers - view dimensions Discontinued
13 american standard toilet bolt cap covers in white 034783-0200A 034783-0200A Toilet Bolt Cap Covers (2) - White (view more color options) $8.07 Enter a quantity and
Not Shown open front toddler toilet seat white color bb955c BB955CT Open Front Toddler Toilet Seat - White - view dimensions $77.26
american standard bemis baby seat bb540 BB540 Molded Wood Toddler Toilet Seat with Lid - White - view dimensions $53.11 Enter a quantity and

Not sure which model toilet you have? Try looking under the toilet tank lid or inside of the toilet tank.

Replacement Parts for American Standard Baby Devoro Toilet
Close Coupled Tank Model - #2315.012 / Tanks #4010, 4014 & 4072

Schematic of parts for the Amerian Standard Baby Devoro toilet with 4010, 4014, or 4072 tank

Item # Image Part # Description Price & Quantity
1 --- 738145-0070A Fill Valve / Water Control Assembly Discontinued
korky quietfill fill valve 528 528 "Will Fit" Korky ® QUIETFILL Replacement Fill Valve (float ball/rod NOT required) $11.95 Enter a quantity and
2 american standard plunger repair kit 047243-0070A 047243-0070A Plunger Repair Kit $19.16 Enter a quantity and
3 american standard float rod 011176-0070A 011176-0070A Float Rod - 10" Discontinued
4 --- 011194-0070A Float Rod with Ball & Pin Discontinued
5 plastic float ball Will-Fit Float Ball Float Ball - Replaces original 047381-0070A float ball $3.70 Enter a quantity and
6 will-fit refill tube 12" long Will-Fit Refill Tube "Will Fit" Refill Tube For Toilet Fill Valves - 12" Long - Replaces original 030079-0070A refill tube $2.22 Enter a quantity and
7 american standard water control mounting kit 047196-0070A 047196-0070A Water Control Mounting Kit $5.42 Enter a quantity and
8 --- 047197-0070A Supply Coupling Kit Discontinued
9 american standard flush valve 738138-0070a 738138-0070A Flush Valve Assembly Discontinued
american standard flush valve 738360-0070a 738360-0070A Replacement Flush Valve Discontinued
american standard flush valve will fit 738360-0070a 738360-0070A Will-Fit Will-Fit Replacement Flush Valve $34.61 Enter a quantity and
10 --- 738159-0070A Flapper & Chain for Original 738145-0070A Valve Discontinued
american standard black flapper with chain and float 7381129-200-0070A 7381129-200-0070A "Will Fit" Replacement Flapper for Original 738145-0070A Valve $21.56 Enter a quantity and
lavelle 100bp korky ultra water saver flapper 100BP "Will Fit" Replacement flapper for "will fit" flush valve - set band to closed and #6 hole on dial $6.15 Enter a quantity and
11 american standard toilet flush valve mounting kit 047195-0070A 047195-0070A Flush Valve Mounting Kit $10.53 Enter a quantity and
12 american standar chrome trip lever chrome 047242-0020A 47242-0020A Left Hand Trip Lever - Chrome $23.57 Enter a quantity and
american standard white trip lever 047242-0200A 47242-0200A Left Hand Trip Lever - White $22.41 Enter a quantity and
american standard bone trip lever 047242-0210A 47242-0210A Left Hand Trip Lever - Bone $31.98 Enter a quantity and
13 open front toddler toilet seat white bb955ct BB955CT Open Front Toddler Toilet Seat - White - view dimensions $77.26 Enter a quantity and
american standard bemis baby seat bb540 BB540 Molded Wood Toddler Toilet Seat with Lid - White - view dimensions $53.11 Enter a quantity and
14 american standard toilet bolt cap covers 034783-0200a 034783-0200A Toilet Bolt Cap Covers (2) - White (view more color options) $8.07 Enter a quantity and

Replacement Parts for American Standard Baby Devoro Toilet
Close Coupled Tank Model - #2315.228 / Tank #4019

American Standard Baby Devoro 1.28gpf toilet repair parts diagram

Item # Image Part # Description Price & Quantity
1 american standard adjustable fill valve 7381125-400-0070a 7381125-400.0070A Fluidmaster Water Control Assembly - Adjustable 9" to 12-1/2" $40.09 Enter a quantity and
2 replacement cap assembly 385 for fluidmaster 400a fill valves #385 Fluidmaster Fill Valve Repair Kit - includes diaphragm and float lever fulcrum $5.87 Enter a quantity and
3 fluidmaster 215 refill tube with roller clamp 215 Roller Clamp, Refill Tube & Angle Adapter Clip $4.62 Enter a quantity and
4 fluidmaster angle adapter clip for refill tube B12-350 Angle Adapter Clip $3.01 Enter a quantity and
5 --- 7381007-420.0070A Flush Valve Discontinued
fluidmaster universal flush valve 507A 507A "Will Fit" Replacement Flush Valve
(10" tall - If needed, valve can be cut down to fit. Modified valves are non-returnable.)
$6.09 Enter a quantity and
fluidmaster universal flush valve and tank bowl gasket 507ak 507AK "Will Fit" Replacement Flush Valve
PLUS includes tank to bowl gasket & tank/bowl bolts set
- (10" tall - If needed, valve can be cut down to fit. Modified valves are non-returnable.)
$14.44 Enter a quantity and
6 --- 7381024-406.0070A Flapper - for original 7381007-420.0070A valve Discontinued
--- 502 Fluidmaster #502 Flapper - 1.28 - 3.5 gpf - for "will fit" 507A valve $6.28 Enter a quantity and
7 american standard tank trip lever chrome 738903-0020a 738903-200.0070A Front Mount Trip Lever - Chrome $31.68 Enter a quantity and
8 primary toilet seat bb955c BB955CT Open Front Toddler Toilet Seat - White - view dimensions $77.26 Enter a quantity and
american standard bemis baby seat bb540 BB540 Molded Wood Toddler Toilet Seat with Lid - White - view dimensions $53.11 Enter a quantity and
9 american standard tank to bowl kit 47060-0700 47060-0700 Tank to Bowl Coupling Kit $11.80 Enter a quantity and
10 american standard toilet bolt cap covers 034783-0200A 034783-0200A Toilet Bolt Cap Covers (2) - White (view more color options) $8.07 Enter a quantity and

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