Freezeless Utility Hydrants

by Woodford

We at® feel that Woodford brand utility hydrants are some of the finest, most value-priced freezeless hydrants on the market. Prized for their reliability and durable construction, these hydrants will suit any need. Woodford utility, yard and sanitary yard hydrants, as well as freezeless wall hydrants and lawn & garden faucets are some of the best available today. Looking for parts? We also offer replacement parts for these utility hydrants.

Freezeless Utility Yard Hydrants
3/4" inlet/outlet

You can have water available all year round even in freezing conditions with these freezeless yard hydrants. Terrific for cabins, barnyards, school yards, outdoor ice rinks, livestock water tanks, or wherever you think access to water is necessary. When you turn them off, any water left in the standpipe drains out through the drain hole positioned below the frost line.
Woodford U34 U75 utility hydrant
  • Automatic draining when hydrant is shut off to prevent freezing
  • All working parts are removable through the top of the hydrant
  • Lever handles can easily be removed to prevent unauthorized usage
  • 3/4" FPT brass valve body
  • 1/4" galvanized pipe operating rod
  • 1" galvanized pipe casing
  • Maximum working pressure: 125 PSI
  • Maximum flow rate: up to 25 GPM @ 100 PSI
  • Replacement parts are readily available
  • View the rough-in dimensions to determine bury depth
  • View the comparison of the automatic and manual handles

The Automatic handle must be held open (down) for water to flow and when the handle is released it snaps back to the vertical position, positively turning off the flow of water. The Manual handle will stay open in the horizontal position until it is pushed manually back to the vertical position.

Model Description Bury Depth
Handle Option
U34 Freezeless utility yard hydrant

3/4" Brass hose SPOUT OUTLET
3/4" FPT valve body inlet
1" galvanized pipe casing
Maximum flow rate: 25 GPM @ 100 PSI
U75 Freezeless utility yard hydrant

3/4" FPT galvanized TEE OUTLET
3/4" FPT brass valve body inlet
1" galvanized pipe casing
Maximum flow rate: 25 GPM @ 100 PSI

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Freezeless Utility Yard Hydrants
1" & 1-1/4" inlet/outlet

If you want running water to be available when it's freezing outside then these are the faucets for you. Intended for irrigation purposes and designed for year around use these utility yard hydrants are perfect for livestock tanks, outdoor ice rinks, school yards, factories, chemical plants, office buildings or anywhere fresh water is needed.

  • Automatic draining when hydrant is shut off to prevent freezing
  • All working parts are removable through the top of the hydrant
  • Outlet can be located to any height above ground level by adjusting the bury depth accordingly
  • Lever handles can easily be removed to prevent unauthorized usage
  • 1/4" galvanized pipe operating rod
  • Maximum working pressure: 125 PSI
  • Replacement parts are readily available
  • View the rough-in dimensions
  • View the comparison of the automatic and manual lever handles

The Automatic handle must be held open (down) for water to flow and when the handle is released it snaps back to the vertical position, positively turning off the flow of water. The Manual handle will stay open in the horizontal position until it is pushed back to the vertical closed position. The manufacturer recommends the wheel handle be operated in the full open position when in use and will stay open until manually closed.

Model Description Bury Depth
Select Handle
U100 1" Freezeless utility yard hydrant

1" FPT brass valve body inlet
1" FPT galvanized tee outlet
1-1/4" galvanized pipe casing
Maximum flow rate: 60 GPM @ 100 PSI
U125 1-1/4" Freezeless utility yard hydrant

1-1/4" MPT brass valve body inlet
1-1/4" FPT galvanized tee outlet
1-1/4" galvanized pipe casing
Maximum flow rate: 76 GPM @ 100 PSI

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Freezeless Utility Yard Hydrants
1-1/2" & 2" inlet/outlet

Sturdy, rugged and dependable. Just what you need for year round water availability. Don't settle for less when the best are available for years of trouble free service.
Utility hydrant
  • Automatic draining when hydrant is shut off to prevent freezing
  • All working parts are removable through the top of the hydrant
  • Lever handles can easily be removed to prevent unauthorized usage
  • 1/4" galvanized pipe operating rod
  • Maximum working pressure: 125 PSI
  • Replacement parts are readily available
  • View the rough-in dimensions to determine bury depth

The Manual handle will stay open in the horizontal position until it is pushed back to the vertical closed position. The manufacturer recommends the wheel handle be operated in the full open position when in use and will stay open until manually closed.

Model Description Bury Depth
Select Handle Style Option
U150 1-1/2" Freezeless utility yard hydrant

1-1/2" FPT brass valve body inlet
1-1/2" FPT galvanized tee outlet
1-1/2" galvanized pipe casing
Maximum flow rate: 170 GPM @ 100 PSI
U200 2" Freezeless utility yard hydrant

2" FPT brass valve body inlet
2" FPT galvanized tee outlet
2" galvanized pipe casing
Maximum flow rate: 190 GPM @ 100 PSI

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Related Items & Accessories

Looking for parts for these utility hydrants? Your search is over!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. "If I install one of these hydrants can I still get water from the faucet (hydrant) when it is freezing outside?"
A. The way these hydrants work is that once you turn off the water to these the water in the standpipe drains out leaving the upper pipe empty. In an extremely hard freeze (with a near 32 degree water source as well) the standpipe might be very cold and you won't be able to get any water. It also might then damage the standpipe. In most conditions this won't be a problem, but we do want to warn you as we cannot predict or guarantee that in all cases that these hydrants will function as they are designed to do in extreme conditions. Some freezing conditions are so harsh that burials as deep as 8' are needed. Due to shipping costs, we only sell up to 5' burial depths.

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