Water Leak Location Systems - GenEAR LE

by General Wire

Save yourself a lot of guess-work and the hassle of unnecessary digging. The new Gen-Ear LE Water Leak Location System offers a simpler, more economical way to detect leaks in residential or commercial water lines. Whether they are under concrete, in walls, under grass, or in swimming pools or hot tubs, this system will help you detect costly leaks and save your investment, so you save money.

Gen-Ear LE Water Leak Location System

Complete system includes items 1 through 7

Water Leak Locator
Leak locator in action

1. Ground Sensor
This quality ground sensor locates leaks through many different surfaces: dirt, sand, concrete, tile, wood, marble, pergo, and many more. The ground sensors housing is wind proof & shock resistant to protect against handling noise that can interfere with the locating process.

2. Sectional Probe Rods
If you have a soft surface such as grass or carpet these probe rods will suite your needs by allowing you to set the probe closer to the possible leak for better detection.

3. Sensor Magnet
With a sensor magnet, sound surveying is much easier. It threads onto the sensor to listen for leaks through above ground pipes, fire hydrants, water mains, iron valves, or steel pipes & fittings.

4. Amplifier
This high quality amplifier takes a leak sound and pumps up the volume through a powerful amp with built-in preset audio filters. This product has stronger sound amplification than many other systems. It also features a low battery indicator light, safety mute button that automatically shuts down the system when the headphones are removed (helps to extend battery life as well), built in flash light for night jobs, & volume control. Conveniently mounted in a durable housing, this amplifier fits perfectly in the palm of your hand for easy handling. Requires two AA batteries.

5. High Performance Headphones
These high quality headphones produce a clear sound with excellent noise cancellation to block out interference from surrounding ambient noise.

6. Sound Amplification Manifold (SAM)
Hard to find leaks get a boost with SAM. It helps amplify hard to hear leaks by using air to pressurize the water line making leak location easier. Requires an air compressor.

7. Heavy Duty Carrying Case
Made of high-density polyethylene this case is designed to withstand heavy use and protect your investment.

View operating instructions for the Gen-Ear LE water leak location system

Item Description Price & Quantity
Complete water leak locator ready to operate (items 1-7 from above)
Includes: ground sensor (1), sectional probe rods (2), sensor magnet (3), handheld amplifier (4), high performance headphones (5), sound amplification manifold (6), & padded heavy duty carrying case (7)

from above
Replacement Parts & Accessories Price & Quantity
1 & 4 Ground Sensor & Amplifier $1,899.63
2 Sectional Probe Rods (3) $62.87
3 Sensor Magnet Base Accessory $123.48
5 High Performance Headphones $510.92
6 Sound Amplification Manifold (SAM) $149.74
7 Heavy Duty Padded Carrying Case $474.32

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Specifications For Gen-Ear LE

• Input impedance = 430k
• Output impedance = 4 - 10 Ohm
Amplification: 56 db +/- 3%
Filter characteristics: 100 - 1000Hz
Power: two 1.5-volt AA batteries (sold separately)
Power Consumption: 20 mA
Weight: 1 Pound
Operating temperature: 20° F - 130°F

• Element = Piezoelectric element
• Sensitivity = 1.00V/g at 400 Hz (Max.)
• Dynamic range = 10 - 20,000 Hz
• Noise reduction rating = 23 db
Carrying Case:
• Dimensions = 20" x 13.5" x 9"
• Weight = 7.5 lbs.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. "How deep will the water leak location system find leaks?"
A. Generally the deeper the pipe the harder it will be to find the leak. Soil absorbs leak sounds quickly and lines buried deeper than 8 feet in soil will be difficult to hear. On a hard surface like concrete, pipes deeper than 10 feet will be difficult to hear.

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