We believe that currently we stock and offer more toilet tank lids
on the Internet than all of our competitors combined.
No one for sure comes close to the large inventory of toilet tank lids that we
have been offering on the Internet since 1995.
You can click on any of the 160 brands below to jump directly to that section
Since 1995, we continue to be the largest replacement toilet tank lids supplier on the world wide web
In 1977 our founder Vic (the original "Toilet Tank Lid King")
began collecting toilet tank lids.
In 1995 we started selling toilet tank lids on the Internet,
Vic loved how unique every porcelain toilet tank lid is as well as he saw
how much history is in each toilet tank lid.
In 1995 when he started our Internet store he immediately started offering
his vast inventory of toilet tank lids on-line.
Since then we have purchased over 12,000 additional toilet tank lids.
We were the first on the Net and we still by far have the largest selection of toilet tank lids anywhere on the World Wide Web.
The profits from the sales of our replacement toilet tank lids go to charity.
All of the pictures below of toilet tank lids in other countries were taken by our Founder Vic.

Above is toilet tank lid expert Alejandro and our own expert
Vic searching together for unique vintage old toilet tank lids. Vic really enjoyed talking "turkey" about toilet tank lids with Alejandro. Alejandro has a vast and totally different experience with toilet tank lids and has given Vic some excellent pointers. Alejandro has been renting old toilets to the movie industry for many years.
Toilet tank lids has been one of Vic's passion's for over 30 years and Alejandro's for at least that long as well.
Funny as it may sound, toilet tank lids truly is one of our Founder's hobbies.
He goes to great lengths to find unique and antique toilet tank lids.
Profits of the sale of our toilet tank lids go to charity

Our founder finding unique toilet tank lids in New Zealand.

Fowler brand toilet tank lid from New Zealand.

Vic found this toilet tank lid on the beautiful island of Bequia.

Toilet tank lid in Barbados.

Toilet tank lid found at Iles Des Saintes.

Toilet tank lid in St. Lucia.

St. Kitts island in Caribbean had this toilet tank lid.

Toilet tank lid on the French island of Martinique.

Toilet tank lid on the island Grenada.

Another toilet tank lid in Barbados (Eastern Caribbean).

Toilet rest stop at the Indian River on the Caribbean island of Dominica.

Toilet tank lid found in the above rest rooms in Domenica.

These kinds of commode water tank toppers are very popular in both Australia and New Zealand.

Caroma is a very popular brand in New Zealand and Australia.

Two button tank lids are everywhere in the South Pacific.

Concorde tank cover by Caroma manufacturer.

Plastic tank lids and tanks are popular in other areas of the world.

This dual action button looks nice.

Oukalman brand Made in China toilet tank lid.

Roco toilets are quite popular in many parts of the world.
ROC stands for Republic of China.

Beto toilet tank lids are popular in China.

A Yimeng brand toilet tank lid in China.

Haweway toilet tank lid in ROC (Republic of China).

Above is an Italian toilet tank.

Toilet tank lid in France.

Another toilet tank lid in France.

Many of France's toilet tank lids have buttons on right.

Croatian toilet tank lid cover.

Toilet tank lid in fun Venice, Italy.

Super clean toilet tank lid in Switzerland.

Pulling toilet tank lid handle in France.

Toilet tank lid in France.

Toilet tank lid in Croatia.

French Clara toilet tank lid.

Above is a toilet tank lid in the Netherlands (aka: Holland).

Above is a Jacob Delafon toilet tank lid in Holland (aka: Netherlands).

Above is not a toilet tank lid in the Netherlands (aka: Holland)
it is a wall flush mechanism for a toilet.

Above is a Dutch toilet tank lid in the Netherlands/Holland.

Above is another Dutch toilet tank lid in Holland.
The Dutch call their country "Nederland".

Hiva Oa island toilet tank cover.

Island of Rangi Roa toilet tank lid.

Island of Fatu Hiva toilet tank top.

Ua Huka Island tank lid.

Toilet tank lid in Tahiti.

Moorea toilet tank top.

Our founder
Vic enjoying a fun public toilet pantomime in Barcelona, Spain.

Vic sitting on an over 2000 year old toilet in the ancient famous city of Ephesus, Turkey
(notice they didn't have toilet tank lids in those days)