Sale Tank Lids

Sale prices on over 52 different Toilet Tank Lids and Covers
Competition is good and it makes for better toilet tank lid suppliers and for lower prices.

Largest Selection - Best Service - Fastest Shipping - Super Low Prices on These Sale Lids
We stock many thousands of obsolete and antique lids dated from 1912 to the present.

This is page 15 of our many toilet tank lid pages

On this page, unless we specifically show a size, the exact size that we will ship will be "random". We will ship whatever size we have the most of the model number that you order.

Tank Lids On Sale

Alamo toilet tank lid: White
$47.18 +

American Standard F2002American Standard F2002 shown above

American Standard # F2002: White
$47.18 +

American Standard # 4043: Peach Bisque  
$47.18 +

American Standard # F4043: White
$47.18 +

American Standard 4050 F4050 toilet tank cover shown above American Standard 4050 - F4050

American Standard # 4050 : White
$47.18 +

American Standard # 4056: White
$47.18 +

American Standard F4058 toilet tank covershown above is an American Standard F4058

American Standard # F4058 : White
$47.18 +

"If you can't return a favor, pass it on." - Louise Brown

Briggs # A: Tan  
$47.18 +

Briggs # A (A-Briggs): White
$47.18 +

replacement Briggs 6635 white toilet tank lid shown above is a Briggs 6635

Briggs # 6635: White
$47.18 +

"Once the toothpaste is out of the tube, it's hard to get it back in!" - H.R. Haldeman

Case # 4000: White
$47.18 +

Case Robinson toilet tank lid: White
$47.18 +

Chicago Pottery toilet tank lid: White
$47.18 +

"Our character is what we do when we think no one is looking." - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Comco toilet tank lid: White
$47.18 +

CPCO toilet tank lid: White
$47.18 +

Crane Pacific : White
$47.18 +

"We must use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right." - Nelson Mandela

House Mfg toilet tank lid: White
$47.18 +

JPIPPI toilet tank lid: White
$47.18 +

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi

"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome." - Anne Dudley Bradstreet

Murray toilet tank lid: Almond
$47.18 +

Murray toilet tank lid: White
$47.18 +

Toilet tank lid NT

NT # 15: White
$47.18 +

NT # 29: White
$47.18 +

NT # 32: White
$47.18 +

"We have to do the best we can, this is our sacred human responsibility." - Albert Einstein

Pacific toilet tank lid: White
$47.18 +

SAG toilet tank lid: White
$47.18 +

SET # 11711: White
$47.18 +

"The true test of character is not how much we know how to do, but how we behave when we don't know what to do." - John Holt

Universal Rundle (URC) # 3441: Desert Gold
$47.18 +

Universal Rundle (URC) # 3441: White
$47.18 +

U.R. (Universal Rundle) # 3459: White
$47.18 +

Universal Rundle (URC) # 4445: White
$47.18 +

Universal Rundle (URC) # 4458: Dresden Blue  
$47.18 +

"Prepare your mind to receive the best that life has to offer." - Ernest Holmes

# 1976 toilet tank lid: White
$47.18 +

Can't afford the above low priced toilet tank lids?
View our suggestions on how to save more money.

If you have any questions regarding these above special Toilet Tank Lids, please contact us.
Please mention that you saw them on our "overstock" tank lids page.

If you can't find a suitable porcelain replacement, we do offer a multi-fit plastic toilet tank lid:

multi fit most - plastic toilet tank lid

for toilet tanks up to 20 1/2" x 7 5/8"
Includes adjustable tabs to help prevent wobbling
(We recommend you buy this plastic lid only if you can't find a better fit.)
$24.09 +

This is page 15 of our many toilet tank lid pages® home of the original toilet tank lid experts

Profits of our toilet tank lids are dedicated to charity

Questions about toilet tank lids? Check out our FAQ page for answers

Didn't find the tank lid you need? Not sure exactly what you need? Don't give up - we can help!

Dimensions listed are approximate outside dimensions of the lid (not the tank size that receives the lid).
Please note: We do charge a restock fee if you return the tank lid.
Please be sure you are ordering the correct sized toilet tank lid.

To get a rough idea of what each color looks like just click here and you'll see over 90 colors. Please do recognize that your web browser will not show the "exact" color and that the only way to see that color is with physical possession (not looking anywhere online) of a color chart.
Additionally, please be aware that the color of our tank lids may not necessarily match your toilet's unique color exactly. If exact color is critical we suggest that you mail a chip off of your broken tank lid to us.
Please note: We do charge a restock fee if you return the tank lid.
Please be sure you are ordering the correct color toilet tank lid.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. "Why are you charging so much less for these toilet tank lids?"
A. Mainly because we have too many of these specific very common toilet tank cover models and so we want to move some of these most common toilet tank lids out of our warehouse to make more room for less common and more very unique ones. Also (except for a few), we don't show specific sizes on the above toilet tank lids which allows us (gives us the freedom) to send you any size of the model number that we are listing. That makes it easier for us. For those that an exact fit isn't that critical and are just looking for a low price and a tank lid that will fit "close enough" this is a win/win situation for both us. We want to always be known for having the largest selection and the most different brands of toilet tank lids anywhere on the Net. That takes many thousands of square feet of warehouse space (all of our toilet tank lids are kept indoors). We'd like to clear out our overstock of common lids in our giant warehouse. Lastly, this is our Toilet Tank Lids for Charity Project and so we will do whatever we can to sell more and more toilet tank lids.

Customer Testimonials

"I just wanted to thank you for the toilet lid you sent me. Even though I sent drawings, photos and a small sample, when you contacted me to say you thought you had a match, you wouldn't say that the color was a match. I decided to order it when I was told that it was not a bright white (mine was an Off-White). Both my husband and son were skeptical and wanted to buy a new toilet. I pursued a replacement because my current toilet better matches the bathroom's sink and tub and we don't have to re-tile the floor. The additional expense and bother weren't necessary. It is a perfect match! Your staff handled this order very professionally. As you can tell, I am delighted!"
- Rosemary O'Toole, New York, NY 10128-1176

"Your service was the greatest...I'll definitely recommend you."
- Terri, Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania

Please note that every customer testimonial shown on our pages has given us written permission to quote them. Our customer's privacy is very important to us, and we will never give, share or sell contact information or e-mail addresses to anyone!

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