Copper Fittings
by Size® offers the best selection of copper fittings on the Internet.
No minimum order quantity -- only order the amount you need!!!
BULK savings - order 10, 100, 250 or more of the same item for additional savings!
Unless specifically noted otherwise, all copper sweat fittings listed on this page are nominal-sized (C or C x C).
To ensure you are ordering the correct size, use the copper nominal and OD size conversion chart below prior to ordering.
Nominal Size To OD Size
Conversion Table
O.D. Of Pipe Nominal Pipe Size
1/4" 1/8"
3/8" 1/4"
1/2" 3/8"
5/8" 1/2"
7/8" 3/4"
1-1/8" 1"
1-3/8" 1-1/4"
1-5/8" 1-1/2"
2-1/8" 2"
Please note: Not all fitting styles available in all sizes.

Prop 65 warning
California Proposition 65 Warning
WARNING: These products contain lead, a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling. For more information.
(California law requires this warning to be given to customers in the State of California.)

Items with lead are NOT for use in potable water systems and are only for industrial non-drinking water applications

1/8" Copper Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting coupling with stop 012 1/8" Coupling with Stop $1.13
copper fitting female adapter 012 1/8" C x FIPS Female Adapter $6.76
copper fitting reducing female 012 050 1/8" C x 1/4" FIPS Female Reducing Adapter $7.07
copper fitting reducing female 012 038 1/8" C x 3/8" FIPS Female Reducing Adapter $4.08
copper fiting male adapter 012 1/8" C x MIPS Male Adapter $11.37

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting 90 degree elbow 012 1/8" 90° Elbow $2.71
copper fitting 90 street elbow 012 1/8" FTG x C 90° Street Elbow $4.87
copper fitting 45 degree elbow 012 1/8" 45° Elbow $6.70
copper fitting tee 012 1/8" Tee $5.63
copper fitting cap 012 1/8" Cap $1.44
Order 10, 100, 250 or more of the same item for additional savings!
Pricing discounts will show up in your shopping cart.
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1/4" Copper Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting coupling with stop 025 1/4" Coupling with Stop $0.66
copper fitting coupling 025 1/4" Coupling WITHOUT Stop $0.59
copper fitting reducing coupling 025 012 1/4" x 1/8" Bell Reducer Coupling $4.30
copper fitting female adapter 025 1/4" C x FIPS Female Adapter $5.87
copper fitting reducing female 025 038 1/4" C x 3/8" FIPS Female Reducing Adapter $7.46

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting female fitting 1/4" FTG x FIPS Fitting Female $6.34
copper fitting male adapter 025 1/4" C x MIPS Male Adapter $8.90
copper fitting reducing male 025 038 1/4" C x 3/8" MIPS Male Reducing Adapter $9.98
copper fitting bushing 025 012 1/4" FTG x 1/8" C Bushing $1.83
copper flush bushing 025 012 1/4" FTG x 1/8" C Flush Bushing $1.50

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting 90 degree elbow 025 1/4" 90° Elbow $3.84
copper fitting 90 street elbow 025 1/4" FTG x C 90° Street Elbow $5.97
copper adapter 025 long turn 90 1/4" Long Turn 90° Elbow $3.39
copper fitting 45 degree elbow 025 1/4" 45° Elbow $4.64
copper fitting 45 degree street elbow 1/4" FTG x C 45° Street Elbow $6.46

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting tree 025 1/4" Tee $5.93
copper fitting reducing tree 025 x 012 x 012 1/4" x 1/8" x 1/8" Reducing Tee $11.29
copper fitting reducing tree 025 x 012 x 025 1/4" x 1/8" x 1/4" Reducing Tee $10.35
copper fitting reducing tee 025 x 025 x 012 1/4" x 1/4" x 1/8" Reducing Tee $8.47
copper fiting cap 025 1/4" Cap $0.95
Order 10, 100, 250 or more of the same item for additional savings!
Pricing discounts will show up in your shopping cart.
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3/8" Copper Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting coupling with stop 038 3/8" Coupling with Stop $1.29
copper fitting coupling 038 3/8" Coupling WITHOUT Stop $2.85
copper fitting reducing coupling 038 025 3/8" x 1/4" Bell Reducer Coupling $1.39
copper fitting female adapter 038 3/8" C x FIPS Female Adapter $5.53
Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting male adapter 038 3/8" C x MIPS Male Adapter $4.82
image currently unavailable 3/8" C x 1/4" MIPS Reducing Male Adapter $9.95
copper fitting male fitting 038 3/8" FTG x MIPS Fitting Male $7.79
copper fitting busing 038 012 3/8" FTG x 1/8" C Bushing $2.22

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting bushing 038 025 3/8" FTG x 1/4" C Bushing $1.81
copper fitting 90 degree elbow 038 3/8" 90° Elbow $2.55
copper fitting 90 degree street elbow 3/8" FTG x C 90° Street Elbow $3.18
copper fitting 45 degree elbow 3/8" 45° Elbow $3.98
Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting 45 degree street elbow 3/8" FTG x C 45° Street Elbow $5.26
copper fitting tee 012 3/8" Tee $4.77
copper fitting reducing tree 038 x 025 x 012 3/8" x 1/4" x 1/8" Reducing Tee $14.40
copper fitting cap 038 3/8" Cap $1.29
Order 10, 100, 250 or more of the same item for additional savings!
Pricing discounts will show up in your shopping cart.
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1/2" Copper Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting coupling with stop 050 1/2" Coupling with Stop $1.16
copper fitting coupling 050 1/2" Coupling WITHOUT Stop $0.71
copper fitting coupling long 050 1/2" (6" long) Coupling WITHOUT Stop $4.68
copper fitting reducing coupling 050 025 1/2" x 1/4" Bell Reducer Coupling $2.41
copper fitting reducing coupling 050 038 1/2" x 3/8" Bell Reducer Coupling $1.94

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper cross over coupling 050 1/2" Cross Over Coupling $14.94
copper fitting union 050 1/2" Regular Union - $12.74
copper fitting female union 050 1/2" C x FIPS Union Adapter - $32.21
copper fitting male union 050 1/2" C x MIPS Union Adapter - $19.85
copper fitting female adapter 1/2" C x FIPS Female Adapter $3.24

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting reducing female 050 025 1/2" C x 1/4" FIPS Female Reducing Adapter $5.72
copper fitting 90 degree elbow 050 1/2" 90° Elbow $0.99
copper fitting 90 degree street elbow 050 1/2" FTG x C 90° Street Elbow $1.49
copper fitting cast brass 90 degree street elbow 1/2" C x MIPS 90° Street Elbow $5.09
copper fitting short turn street 90-050 1/2" FTG x FTG (Street x Street) 90° Elbow $3.49

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting brass hyset 90 degree elbow 050 1/2" 90° Hyset Elbow - $6.41
copper fitting brass dropear slip elbow 050 1/2" 90° Drop Ear Elbow - $1.50
copper fitting dropear elbow 90 degree 1/2" C x 1/2" FIPS 90° Drop Ear Elbow - $4.35
copper fitting 45 degree elbow 050 1/2" 45° Elbow $1.80
copper fitting 45 degree street elbow 050 1/2" FTG x C 45° Street Elbow $2.54

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting tee 050 1/2" Tee $1.61
copper fitting reducing tee 050 x 050 x 038 1/2" x 1/2" x 3/8" Reducing Tee $7.17
copper fitting reducing tee 050 x 050 x 075 1/2" x 1/2" x 3/4" Reducing Tee $6.45
copper fitting reducing tree 050 x 050 x 100 1/2" x 1/2" x 1" Reducing Tee $14.51
copper fitting reducing female 050 038 1/2" C x 3/8" FIPS Female Reducing Adapter $4.99

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting reducing female 050 075 1/2" C x 3/4" FIPS Female Reducing Adapter $7.64
copper fitting brass reducing female adapter 050 075 1/2" C x 3/4" FIPS Brass Female Reducing Adapter - $4.94
copper female fitting 050 038 1/2" FTG x 3/8" FIPS Fitting Female $11.30
copper fitting female fitting 050 1/2" FTG x 1/2" FIPS Fitting Female $5.27
copper fitting male adapter 050 1/2" C x MIPS Male Adapter $1.95

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting reducing male 050 025 1/2" C x 1/4" MIPS Male Reducing Adapter $5.50
copper fitting reducing male 050 075 1/2" C x 3/4" MIPS Male Reducing Adapter $7.20
copper fitting reducing male 050 100 1/2" C x 1" MIPS Male Reducing Adapter $10.56
copper fitting brass slip male adapter 050 1/2" C x MIPS Brass Socket Adapter - $1.93
copper fitting male fitting 050 1/2" FTG x MIPS Fitting Male $7.14

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper male fitting 050 075 1/2" FTG x 3/4" MIPS Fitting Male $17.48
copper fitting bushing 050 025 1/2" FTG x 1/4" C Bushing $2.46
copper fitting bushing 050 038 1/2" FTG x 3/8" C Bushing $2.97
copper fitting flush bushing 050 038 1/2" FTG x 3/8" C Flush Bushing $1.70
copper fitting unique drop ear tee 050 1/2" C x 1/2" C x 1/2" FIPS Drop Ear Tee - $21.76

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Image Description Price & Quantity
unique copper fitting tee 050 1/2" C x 1/2" C x 1/2" FIPS Tee - $11.36
copper fitting unique bullhead tee 050 x 050 x 075 1/2" C x 1/2" C x 3/4" FIPS Bullhead Tee - $15.48
copper fitting cap 050 1/2" Cap $1.05
copper fitting test cap 050 1/2" Thin Test Cap $1.72
copper fitting cross 050 1/2" Cross - $16.07

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Image Description Price & Quantity
sharkbite slip coupling 050 1/2" Repair Coupling - 1/2" x 4-1/2" long - $12.90
copper hiear hanger coupling 050 1/2" Copper HiEar Hanger $0.97
copper stubout 050 600 1/2" x 6" long Stubout $4.41
copper stubout 1/2" x 12" long Stubout $5.33
copper stubout ell 050 x 400 x 600 1/2" x 4" x 6" Stubout Ell $6.06
brass companion flange sweat 150 1/2" Class 150 Companion Flange - $29.13
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= Brass components NOT for use with potable water - contains lead, a material found on CA Prop 65 chemical list
= Brass components compliant with 2014 Federal Safe Drinking Water Act requirements - suitable for use with potable water
Order 10, 100, 250 or more of the same item for additional savings!
Pricing discounts will show up in your shopping cart.
Need to seal your pipe threads?
We've got you covered.
PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $0.59 or (1/2" x 520" roll) - $1.03
GRAY 4 Mil (thicker) PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $2.66
Great White Basic Pipe Joint Compound (1 oz.) - $3.35
High Quality TU-555 Pipe Joint Compound (4 oz.) - $7.65
To ensure our customers receive fresh products,
TU-555 pipe joint compounds are non-returnable.
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3/4" Copper Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting coupling with stop 075 3/4" Coupling with Stop $1.64
copper fitting coupling 075 3/4" Coupling WITHOUT Stop $1.79
copper long fitting coupling 075 3/4" (6" long) Coupling WITHOUT Stop $6.43
copper fitting reducing coupling 075 x 025 3/4" x 1/4" Bell Reducer Coupling $3.14
copper fitting reducing coupling 075 x 050 3/4" x 1/2" Bell Reducer Coupling $2.62

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting union 075 3/4" Regular Union view components - $15.99
copper fitting female union 075 3/4" C x FIPS Union Adapter - $30.85
copper fitting female adapter 075 3/4" C x FIPS Female Adapter $4.34
copper fitting reducing female 075 x 050 3/4" C x 1/2" FIPS Female Reducing Adapter $6.99
copper fitting female fitting 075 3/4" FTG x FIPS Fitting Female $7.07

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting male adapter 075 3/4" C x MIPS Male Adapter $3.25
copper fitting brass male adapter 075 3/4" C x MIPS Brass Male Adapter - $9.72
copper fitting reducing male 075 x 050 3/4" C x 1/2" MIPS Male Reducing Adapter $4.04
copper fitting reducing male 075 x 100 3/4" C x 1" MIPS Male Reducing Adapter $10.36
copper male fitting 075 3/4" FTG x MIPS Fitting Male $10.96

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting bushing 075 x 050 3/4" FTG x 1/2" C Bushing $2.06
copper fitting 90 degree elbow 075 3/4" 90° Elbow $2.19
brass 90 degree elbow 075 3/4" C x 3/4" FIPS 90° Elbow - $12.69
copper reducing 90 degree elbow 075 x 050 3/4" x 1/2" 90° Reducing Elbow $5.44
copper fitting 90 degree street elbow 3/4" FTG x C 90° Street Elbow $3.15

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper long turn 90 degree street elbow 3/4" Long Turn 90° Street Elbow $6.38
copper fitting short turn street 90 degree eblow 075 3/4" FTG x FTG (Street x Street) 90° Elbow $6.98
copper fitting brass hyset elbow 075 x 075 3/4" C x 3/4" FIPS 90° Hyset Elbow - $19.82
copper fitting brass dropear slip elbow 075 3/4" C x C 90° Drop Ear Elbow Suitable for potable water $15.82
copper fitting dropear elbow 075 050 3/4" C x 1/2" FIPS 90° Drop Ear Elbow
- Suitable for potable water

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting dropear elbow 075 3/4" C x 3/4" FIPS 90° Drop Ear Elbow - $10.25
copper fitting 45 degree elbow 075 3/4" 45° Elbow $3.10
copper fitting 45 degree street elbow 075 3/4" FTG x C 45° Street Elbow $2.70
copper fitting tee 075 3/4" Tee $3.52
copper fitting reducing tree 075 x 050 x 050 3/4" x 1/2" x 1/2" Reducing Tee $4.56

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting reducing tee 075 x 050 x 075 3/4" x 1/2" x 3/4" Reducing Tee $4.17
copper fitting reducing tee 075 x 075 x 050 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" Reducing Tee $3.79
copper fitting reducing tee 075 x 075 x 100 3/4" x 3/4" x 1" Reducing Tee $11.32
copper fitting unique tee 075 3/4" C x 3/4" C x 3/4" FIPS Tee - $22.74

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting cap 075 3/4" Cap $1.01
copper fitting test cap 075 3/4" Thin Test Cap $1.82
copper hi ear hanger coupling 075 3/4" HiEar Hanger $1.07
copper stubout 075 x 800 3/4" x 8" long Stubout $9.14
brass companion flange sweat 3/4" Class 150 Companion Flange - $39.02
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= Brass components NOT for use with potable water - contains lead, a material found on CA Prop 65 chemical list
Order 10, 100, 250 or more of the same item for additional savings!
Pricing discounts will show up in your shopping cart.
Need to seal your pipe threads?
We've got you covered.
PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $0.59 or (1/2" x 520" roll) - $1.03
GRAY 4 Mil (thicker) PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $2.66
Great White Basic Pipe Joint Compound (1 oz.) - $3.35
High Quality TU-555 Pipe Joint Compound (4 oz.) - $7.65
To ensure our customers receive fresh products,
TU-555 pipe joint compounds are non-returnable.
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1" Copper Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting coupling with stop 100 1" Coupling with Stop $3.24
copper fitting coupling 100 1" Coupling WITHOUT Stop $3.92
copper fitting reducing coupling 100 x 050 1" x 1/2" Bell Reducer Coupling $5.55
copper fitting reducing coupling 100 x 075 1" x 3/4" Bell Reducer Coupling $5.99
copper fitting union 100 1" Regular Union view components - $19.96

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting female union 100 1" C x FIPS Union Adapter - $30.77
copper fitting female adapter 100 1" C x FIPS Female Adapter $10.27
copper fitting reducing female 100 x 050 1" C x 1/2" FIPS Female Reducing Adapter $15.52
copper fitting reducing female 100 x 075 1" C x 3/4" FIPS Female Reducing Adapter $13.28
copper fitting reducing female 100 x 125 1" C x 1-1/4" FIPS Female Reducing Adapter $22.40

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper female fitting 100 1" FTG x FIPS Fitting Female $14.43
copper fitting male adapter 100 1" C x MIPS Male Adapter $8.81
copper fitting reducing male 100 x 050 1" C x 1/2" MIPS Male Reducing Adapter $14.21
copper fitting reducing male 100 x 075 1" C x 3/4" MIPS Male Reducing Adapter $12.99
copper fitting reducing male 100 x 150 1" C x 1-1/2" MIPS Male Reducing Adapter $39.15

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper male fitting 100 1" FTG x MIPS Fitting Male $14.37
copper fitting bushing 100 x 050 1" FTG x 1/2" C Bushing $3.57
copper fitting bushing 100 x 075 1" FTG x 3/4" C Bushing $3.54
copper fitting 90 degree elbow 100 1" 90° Elbow $4.74
copper reducing 90 degree elbow 100050 1" x 1/2" 90° Reducing Elbow $9.71

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper reducing 90 degree elbow 100075 1" x 3/4" 90° Reducing Elbow $9.39
copper fitting 90 degree street elbow 1" FTG x C 90° Street Elbow $8.16
copper fitting dropear elbow cfips 100 1" C x 1" FIPS 90° Drop Ear Elbow - $29.17
copper fitting 45 degree elbow 100 1" 45° Elbow $7.19
copper fitting 45 degree street elbow 1" FTG x C 45° Street Elbow $10.35

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting tee 100 1" Tee $10.91
copper fitting reducing tee 100 050 050 1" x 1/2" x 1/2" Reducing Tee $13.02
copper fitting reducing tee 100 050 075 1" x 1/2" x 3/4" Reducing Tee $13.10
copper fitting reducing tee 100 075 050 1" x 3/4" x 1/2" Reducing Tee $13.06
copper fitting reducing tee 100 075 075 1" x 3/4" x 3/4" Reducing Tee $13.04

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting reducing tee 100 075 100 1" x 3/4" x 1" Reducing Tee $14.60
copper fitting reducing tee 100 100 050 1" x 1" x 1/2" Reducing Tee $12.15
copper fitting reducing tee 100 100 075 1" x 1" x 3/4" Reducing Tee $12.90
copper fitting cast brass tee 1 inch sweat x 1 inch seat 3/4 inch fip 1" C x 1" C x 3/4" FIPS Tee - $24.22

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting cap 100 1" Cap $2.55
copper fitting test cap 100 1" Thin Test Cap Discontinued
copper stubout 100 x 800 1" x 8" long Stubout $12.60
brass companion flange sweat 150 1" Class 150 Companion Flange - $50.14
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= Brass components NOT for use with potable water - contains lead, a material found on CA Prop 65 chemical list
Order 10, 100, 250 or more of the same item for additional savings!
Pricing discounts will show up in your shopping cart.
Need to seal your pipe threads?
We've got you covered.
PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $0.59 or (1/2" x 520" roll) - $1.03
GRAY 4 Mil (thicker) PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $2.66
Great White Basic Pipe Joint Compound (1 oz.) - $3.35
High Quality TU-555 Pipe Joint Compound (4 oz.) - $7.65
To ensure our customers receive fresh products,
TU-555 pipe joint compounds are non-returnable.
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1-1/4" Copper Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting coupling with stop 125 1-1/4" Coupling with Stop $4.54
copper fitting coupling 125 1-1/4" Coupling WITHOUT Stop $5.60
copper fitting reducing coupling 125 050 1-1/4" x 1/2" Bell Reducer Coupling $7.11
copper fitting reducing coupling 125 075 1-1/4" x 3/4" Bell Reducer Coupling $5.81

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting reducing coupling 125 100 1-1/4" x 1" Bell Reducer Coupling $5.85
copper fitting union 125 1-1/4" Regular Union - $38.86
copper fitting female union 1-1/4" C x FIPS Union Adapter - $106.31
copper fitting female adapter 125 1-1/4" C x FIPS Female Adapter $12.40

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting reducing feamel 125 x 100 1-1/4" C x 1" FIPS Female Reducing Adapter $26.64
copper fitting female fitting 125 1-1/4" FTG x FIPS Fitting Female $19.16
copper fitting male adapter 125 1-1/4" C x MIPS Male Adapter $12.35
copper fitting reducing male 125 x 150 1-1/4" C x 1-1/2" MIPS Male Reducing Adapter $23.94
Image Description Price & Quantity
copper male fitting 125 x 125 1-1/4" FTG x MIPS Fitting Male $35.06
copper fitting bushing 125 x 050 1-1/4" FTG x 1/2" C Bushing $6.00
copper fitting bushing 125 x 075 1-1/4" FTG x 3/4" C Bushing $9.42
copper fitting bushing 125 x 100 1-1/4" FTG x 1" C Bushing $6.08

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper flush bushing 125 x 100 1-1/4" FTG x 1" C Flush Bushing $6.00
copper fitting 90 degree elbow 125 1-1/4" 90° Elbow $7.54
copper reducing 90 degree elbow 125100 1-1/4" x 1" 90° Reducing Elbow $22.12
copper fitting 90 degree street elbow 125 1-1/4" FTG x C 90° Street Elbow $10.57

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting 45 degree elbow 125 1-1/4" 45° Elbow $9.09
copper fitting 45 degree street elbow 125 1-1/4" FTG x C 45° Street Elbow $10.54
copper fitting tee 125 1-1/4" Tee $14.91
copper fitting reducing tee 125 x 075 x 100 1-1/4" x 3/4" x 1" Reducing Tee $22.28

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting reducing tee 1-1/4" x 1" x 1/2" Reducing Tee $21.20
copper fitting reducing tee 125 x 100 x 075 1-1/4" x 1" x 3/4" Reducing Tee $19.89
copper fitting reducing tee 125 x 100 x 100 1-1/4" x 1" x 1" Reducing Tee $19.93
copper fitting reducing tee 125 x 125 x 050 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" x 1/2" Reducing Tee $16.17

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting reducing tee 125 x 125 x 075 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" x 3/4" Reducing Tee $16.16
copper fitting reducing tee 125 x 125 x 100 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" x 1" Reducing Tee $16.17
copper fitting cap 125 1-1/4" Cap $4.07
copper fitting test cap 125 1-1/4" Thin Test Cap $2.15
brass companion flange seat 1-1/4" Class 150 Companion Flange - $71.76
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= Brass components NOT for use with potable water - contains lead, a material found on CA Prop 65 chemical list
Order 10, 100, 250 or more of the same item for additional savings!
Pricing discounts will show up in your shopping cart.
Need to seal your pipe threads?
We've got you covered.
PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $0.59 or (1/2" x 520" roll) - $1.03
GRAY 4 Mil (thicker) PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $2.66
Great White Basic Pipe Joint Compound (1 oz.) - $3.35
High Quality TU-555 Pipe Joint Compound (4 oz.) - $7.65
To ensure our customers receive fresh products,
TU-555 pipe joint compounds are non-returnable.
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1-1/2" Copper Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting coupling with stop 150 1-1/2" Coupling with Stop $6.35
copper fitting coupling 150 1-1/2" Coupling WITHOUT Stop $7.34
copper fitting reducing coupling 150 x 050 1-1/2" x 1/2" Bell Reducer Coupling $10.50
copper fitting reducing coupling 150 x 075 1-1/2" x 3/4" Bell Reducer Coupling $9.94

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting reducing coupling 150 x 100 1-1/2" x 1" Bell Reducer Coupling $11.31
copper fitting reducing coupling 150 x 125 1-1/2" x 1-1/4" Bell Reducer Coupling $10.35
copper fitting union 150 1-1/2" Regular Union view components- $50.16
copper fitting female adapter 150 1-1/2" C x FIPS Female Adapter $18.79

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting female fitting 150 1-1/2" FTG x FIPS Fitting Female $24.92
copper fitting male adapter 150 1-1/2" C x MIPS Male Adapter $13.99
copper fitting reducing male 1-1/2" C x 2" MIPS Male Reducing Adapter $47.25
copper male fitting 150 1-1/2" FTG x MIPS Fitting Male $43.41

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting bushing 150 x 050 1-1/2" FTG x 1/2" C Bushing $7.70
copper fitting bushing 150 x 075 1-1/2" FTG x 3/4" C Bushing $7.79
copper fitting bushing 150 x 100 1-1/2" FTG x 1" C Bushing $7.88
copper fitting bushing 150 x 125 1-1/2" FTG x 1-1/4" C Bushing $7.87

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting 90 degree elbow 150 1-1/2" 90° Elbow $11.14
copper 90 degree reducing elbow 1-1/2" x 1" - $43.94
copper fitting 90 degree street elbow 150 1-1/2" FTG x C 90° Street Elbow $14.64
copper fitting 45 degree elbow 150 1-1/2" 45° Elbow $12.49

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting 45 degree street elbow 150 1-1/2" FTG x C 45° Street Elbow $12.52
copper fitting tee 150 1-1/2" Tee $22.96
copper fitting reducing tee 150 x 100 x 050 1-1/2" x 1" x 1/2" Reducing Tee $36.46
copper fitting reducing tee 1-1/2" x 1" x 3/4" Reducing Tee $34.05

- OR - View Cart
Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting reducing tee 1-1/2" x 1" x 1" Reducing Tee $38.98
copper fitting reducing tee 150 x 125 x 125 1-1/2" x 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" Reducing Tee $33.36
copper fitting reducing tee 150 x 150 x 150 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" x 1/2" Reducing Tee $20.97
copper fitting reducing tee 150 x 150 x 075 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" x 3/4" Reducing Tee $20.99

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting reducing tee 150 x 150 x 100 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" x 1" Reducing Tee $20.10
copper fitting reducing tee 150 x 150 x 125 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" x 1-1/4" Reducing Tee $20.19
copper fitting cap 150 1-1/2" Cap $5.41
copper fitting test cap 150 1-1/2" Thin Test Cap $2.40
brass companion flange sweat 150 1-1/2" Class 150 Companion Flange - $80.51
- OR - View Cart
= Brass components NOT for use with potable water - contains lead, a material found on CA Prop 65 chemical list
Order 10, 100, 250 or more of the same item for additional savings!
Pricing discounts will show up in your shopping cart.
Need to seal your pipe threads?
We've got you covered.
PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $0.59 or (1/2" x 520" roll) - $1.03
GRAY 4 Mil (thicker) PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $2.66
Great White Basic Pipe Joint Compound (1 oz.) - $3.35
High Quality TU-555 Pipe Joint Compound (4 oz.) - $7.65
To ensure our customers receive fresh products,
TU-555 pipe joint compounds are non-returnable.
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2" Copper Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting coupling with stop 200 2" Coupling with Stop $13.97
copper fitting coupling 200 2" Coupling WITHOUT Stop $13.38
copper fitting reducing coupling 200 x 050 2" x 1/2" Bell Reducer Coupling $17.24
copper fitting reducing coupling 200 x 075 2" x 3/4" Bell Reducer Coupling $15.44

- OR - View Cart
Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting reducing coupling 200 x 100 2" x 1" Bell Reducer Coupling $16.66
copper fitting reducing coupling 200 x 125 2" x 1-1/4" Bell Reducer Coupling $14.51
copper fitting reducing coupling 200 x 150 2" x 1-1/2" Bell Reducer Coupling $15.47
copper fitting union 200 2" Regular Union view components- $87.62

- OR - View Cart
Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting female adapter 200 2" C x FIPS Female Adapter $31.19
copper fitting reducing female 200c 150fipt 2" C x 1-1/2" FIPS Female Reducing Adapter $35.36
copper fitting female fitting 200 2" FTG x FIPS Fitting Female $33.97
copper fitting male adapter 200 2" C x MIPS Male Adapter $23.30

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper male fitting 200 2" FTG x MIPS Fitting Male $69.19
copper fitting bushing 200 x 050 2" FTG x 1/2" C Bushing $16.84
copper fitting bushing 200 x 075 2" FTG x 3/4" C Bushing $17.42
copper fitting bushing 200 x 100 2" FTG x 1" C Bushing $15.76

- OR - View Cart
Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting bushing 200 x 100 2" FTG x 1" C Bushing $15.76
copper fitting bushing 200 x 125 2" FTG x 1-1/4" C Bushing $14.54
copper fitting bushing 200 x 150 2" FTG x 1-1/2" C Bushing $14.65
copper fitting 90 degree elbow 200 2" 90° Elbow $20.98
copper reducing 90 degree elbow 200 x 125 2" x 1-1/2" 90° Reducing Elbow $36.88

- OR - View Cart
Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting 90 degree street elbow 200 2" FTG x C 90° Street Elbow $29.12
copper fitting 45 degree elbow 200 2" 45° Elbow $19.22
copper fitting 45 degree street elbow 200 2" FTG x C 45° Street Elbow $20.23
copper fitting tee 200 2" Tee $34.20
copper fitting reducing tee 200 x 125 x 150 2" x 1-1/4" x 1-1/2" Reducing Tee $47.69

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting reducing tee 200 x 150 x 150 2" x 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" Reducing Tee $43.56
copper fitting reducing tee 200 x 150 x 200 2" x 1-1/2" x 2" Reducing Tee $44.43
copper fitting reducing tee 200 x 200 x 050 2" x 2" x 1/2" Reducing Tee $27.09
copper fitting reducing tee 200 x 200 x 075 2" x 2" x 3/4" Reducing Tee $27.12
copper fitting reducing tee 200 x 200 x 100 2" x 2" x 1" Reducing Tee $26.63

- OR - View Cart
Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting reducing tee 200 x 200 x 125 2" x 2" x 1-1/4" Reducing Tee $31.56
copper fitting reducing tee 200 x 200 x 150 2" x 2" x 1-1/2" Reducing Tee $29.22
copper fitting cap 200 2" Cap $12.29
brass companion flange sweat 2" Class 150 Companion Flange - $127.16
brass companion flange sweat 2" Class 150 Companion Flange - $133.27

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= Brass components NOT for use with potable water - contains lead, a material found on CA Prop 65 chemical list
= Brass components compliant with 2014 Federal Safe Drinking Water Act requirements - suitable for use with potable water
Order 10, 100, 250 or more of the same item for additional savings!
Pricing discounts will show up in your shopping cart.
Need to seal your pipe threads?
We've got you covered.
PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $0.59 or (1/2" x 520" roll) - $1.03
GRAY 4 Mil (thicker) PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $2.66
Great White Basic Pipe Joint Compound (1 oz.) - $3.35
High Quality TU-555 Pipe Joint Compound (4 oz.) - $7.65
To ensure our customers receive fresh products,
TU-555 pipe joint compounds are non-returnable.
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2-1/2" Copper Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting coupling with stop 250 2-1/2" Coupling with Stop $28.82
copper fitting coupling 250 2-1/2" Coupling WITHOUT Stop $21.37
copper fitting reducing coupling 250 x 200 2-1/2" x 2" Bell Reducer Coupling $31.41
copper fitting union 250 2-1/2" Regular Union view components- $178.69
copper fitting female adapter 2-1/2" C x FIPS Female Adapter $79.75

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting male adapter 2-1/2" C x MIPS Male Adapter $78.26
copper fitting bushing 250 x 150 2-1/2" FTG x 1-1/2" C Bushing $29.32
copper fitting bushing 250 x 200 2-1/2" FTG x 2" C Bushing $28.13
copper fitting 90 degree elbow 250 2-1/2" 90° Elbow $39.93
copper fitting 45 degree elbow 250 2-1/2" 45° Elbow $35.68

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting 45 degree street elbow 250 2-1/2" FTG x C 45° Street Elbow $38.97
copper fitting tee 250 2-1/2" Tee $69.12
copper fitting reducing tee 250 x 250 x 075 2-1/2" x 2-1/2" x 3/4" Reducing Tee $82.81
copper fitting reducing tee 250 x 250 x 100 2-1/2" x 2-1/2" x 1" Reducing Tee $80.34

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting reducing tee 250 x 250 x 125 2-1/2" x 2-1/2" x 1-1/4" >Reducing Tee $80.47
copper fitting reducing tee 250 x 250 x 150 2-1/2" x 2-1/2" x 1-1/2" Reducing Tee $80.49
copper fitting reducing tee 250 x 250 x 200 2-1/2" x 2-1/2" x 2" Reducing Tee $80.47
copper fitting cap 250 2-1/2" Cap $24.26
brass companion flange sweat 2-1/2" Class 150 Companion Flange - $185.68

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= Brass components NOT for use with potable water - contains lead, a material found on CA Prop 65 chemical list
Order 10, 100, 250 or more of the same item for additional savings!
Pricing discounts will show up in your shopping cart.
Need to seal your pipe threads?
We've got you covered.
PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $0.59 or (1/2" x 520" roll) - $1.03
GRAY 4 Mil (thicker) PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $2.66
Great White Basic Pipe Joint Compound (1 oz.) - $3.35
High Quality TU-555 Pipe Joint Compound (4 oz.) - $7.65
To ensure our customers receive fresh products,
TU-555 pipe joint compounds are non-returnable.
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3" Copper Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting coupling with stop 300 3" Coupling with Stop $29.82
copper fitting coupling 300 3" Coupling WITHOUT Stop $33.84
copper reducing coupling 300 x 150 3" x 1-1/2" Bell Reducer Coupling $51.03
copper fitting reducing coupling 300 x 200 3" x 2" Bell Reducer Coupling $45.54

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting reducing coupling 3" x 2-1/2" Bell Reducer Coupling $40.62
copper fitting union three inch not for potable water 3" Regular Union - $317.92
copper fitting union individual pieces 3" Regular Union - (meets low-lead requirement of 2014 Federal Safe Drinking Water Act) $411.97
copper fitting female adapter 3" C x FIPS Female Adapter $114.50

= Brass components NOT for use with potable water - contains lead, a material found on CA Prop 65 chemical list
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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting male adapter 300 3" C x MIPS Male Adapter $115.56
copper fitting bushing 300 x 150 3" FTG x 1-1/2" C Bushing $42.48
copper fitting bushing 300 x 200 3" FTG x 2" C Bushing $37.21
copper fitting bushing 300 x 250 3" FTG x 2-1/2" C Bushing $37.14

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting 90 degree elbow 300 3" 90° Elbow $55.50
copper fitting 45 degree elbow 300 3" 45° Elbow $53.18
copper fitting tee 300 3" Tee $121.61
copper fitting reducting tee run 3" x 2" x 2" Reducing Tee $151.80

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting reducing tee 300 x 200 x 300 3" x 2" x 3" Reducing Tee $160.89
copper fitting reducing tee side 3" x 3" x 3/4" Reducing Tee $92.86
three inch by three inch by one inch copper fitting reducing tee 3" x 3" x 1" Reducing Tee $93.18

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting reducing tee 300 x 300 x 200 3" x 3" x 2" Reducing Tee $88.52
copper fitting cap 300 3" Cap $43.66
brass companion flange sweat 3" Class 150 Companion Flange - $231.87
= Brass components NOT for use with potable water - contains lead, a material found on CA Prop 65 chemical list
Order 10, 100, 250 or more of the same item for additional savings!
Pricing discounts will show up in your shopping cart.
Need to seal your pipe threads?
We've got you covered.
PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $0.59 or (1/2" x 520" roll) - $1.03
GRAY 4 Mil (thicker) PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $2.66
Great White Basic Pipe Joint Compound (1 oz.) - $3.35
High Quality TU-555 Pipe Joint Compound (4 oz.) - $7.65
To ensure our customers receive fresh products,
TU-555 pipe joint compounds are non-returnable.
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4" and Larger Copper Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting coupling with stop 400 4" Coupling with Stop $54.91
copper reducing coupling 4" x 2" Bell Reducer Coupling $93.02
copper fitting reducing coupling 400 x 250 4" x 2-1/2" Bell Reducer Coupling $88.87
copper fitting reducing coupling 400 x 300 4" x 3" Bell Reducer Coupling $83.48

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting male adapter 4" C x MIPS Male Adapter $194.94
copper fitting bushing 4" FTG x 2" C Bushing $95.03
copper fitting bushing 400 x 250 4" FTG x 2-1/2" C Bushing $50.36
copper fitting bushing 400 x 300 4" FTG x 3" C Bushing $92.77

- OR - View Cart
Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting 90 degree elbow 400 4" 90° Elbow $166.62
copper fitting 45 degree elbow 400 4" 45° Elbow $109.72
copper fitting tee 4" Tee $267.53

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Image Description Price & Quantity
copper fitting cap 400 4" Cap $67.75
brass companion flange sweat 4" Class 150 Companion Flange - $344.69
brass companion flange sweat 6" Class 150 Companion Flange - $578.25
Order 10, 100, 250 or more of the same item for additional savings!
Pricing discounts will show up in your shopping cart.
Need to seal your pipe threads?
We've got you covered.
PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $0.59 or (1/2" x 520" roll) - $1.03
GRAY 4 Mil (thicker) PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $2.66
Great White Basic Pipe Joint Compound (1 oz.) - $3.35
High Quality TU-555 Pipe Joint Compound (4 oz.) - $7.65
To ensure our customers receive fresh products,
TU-555 pipe joint compounds are non-returnable.
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Copper Fittings Related Items

Nominal Size To OD Size Conversion Table
O.D. Of Pipe Nominal Pipe Size
1/4" 1/8"
3/8" 1/4"
1/2" 3/8"
5/8" 1/2"
7/8" 3/4"
1-1/8" 1"
1-3/8" 1-1/4"
1-5/8" 1-1/2"
2-1/8" 2"
2-5/8" 2-1/2"
3-1/8" 3"
4-1/8" 4"
Nominal Wall Thickness for Copper Pipe (in inches)
Nominal Tubing Size
in inches
Type L Type M
1/4 .030 -
3/8 .035 .025
1/2 .040 .028
3/4 .045 .032
1 .050 .035
1-1/4 .055 .042
1-1/2 .060 .049
2 .070 .058
2-1/2 .080 .065
3 .090 .072
4 .110 .095

Common Terms (and what they mean)
  • C, SWT, or Socket: A regular hub or socket. The pipe fits (sweats/solders) inside this
  • MIPS: Male pipe threads on the outside of fitting
  • FIPS: Female pipe threads on the inside of fitting
  • FTG: The same size as the pipe. Will fit inside a socket (hub) fitting
  • Hyset: Has a nailing flange on the front of the fitting
  • Dropear: Has a nailing flange on the back of the fitting
  • Nominal: Used to describe copper pipe and fittings in plumbing. Refers to the inside diameter of the pipe which varies by thickness of the pipe. The outside is a constant size and is always 1/8" larger than the nominal size. Example: 1/2" nominal is always 5/8" O.D.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. "I have 1/2" copper fittings, can I use 1/2" o.d. copper tubing with those fittings?"
A. Probably not. In the plumbing trade when we say 1/2" fittings we mean fittings that use 1/2" nominal pipe. To figure what size pipe to use with standard plumbing fittings, you must add 1/8" to your measurements to know the o.d. (outside diameter) of the pipe. 1/2" nominal fittings use 5/8" od pipe; 3/4" fittings uses 7/8" pipe and so on.

Q. "I have 'refrigeration grade' copper tubing. How do I determine which size copper sweat fittings to use?"
A. Refrigeration grade copper tubing is sized according to the outside diameter of the copper pipe. The plumbing industry uses the inside diameter (nominal) size of the pipe for their measurement of sweat fittings. To figure what size sweat fittings to use on refrigeration grade tubing you must subtract 1/8" from the outside diameter of the pipe measurements. If you have 1/4" outside diameter refrigeration grade tubing then you will need to order 1/8" (nominal) sweat fittings. View our conversion table.

Q. "What does nominal mean?"
A. Manufacturers of copper pipe and sweat fittings use the inside diameter (nominal) size of the pipes for their definition of their pipe and fitting measurements. Some companies use the abbreviation CTS for copper tube size to refer to the copper nominal size. The term nominal is used because the inside diameter is not a precise measurement due to the different pipe thickness used for copper pipe. The outside diameter stays constant so the inside diameter will vary slightly. Since the outside diameter stays constant you can measure the outside diameter of a copper pipe and then you will be able to convert that measurement to the nominal pipe size. This will help you to determine the correct size of sweat fittings you will need. You can do this by taking the outside diameter measurement of the copper pipe and subtract 1/8" from that measurement which will give you the nominal inside diameter. View our conversion table.

Q. "Why are some of these fittings, valves, and nipples not for potable water?"
A. Starting January 1st of 2010, California and Vermont enacted new low lead laws. Effective January 2014, our U.S. Congress also passed the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act (public law P.L. 111-380) which revised the Safe Drinking Water Act definition of "lead free" to mean 0.25% or less (weighted average) in pipes and fixture fittings used for potable water. Before then these top quality brass products were legal for potable water and used throughout the world and actually contain much less lead than products manufactured before the 1980's.

Q. "I'm hearing a lot about lead-free these days. What does that have to do with plumbing products and how does the new lead-free legislation affect me?"
A. Basically, the laws implemented Jan. 1st, 2014 require plumbing products that come in contact with drinking water to be "essentially lead free" (less than 0.25% weighted average). For further information about how the law determines what is "lead free", rules regarding which plumbing products must be "lead free", and who these laws will affect, please view our page.

A quick note about copper and lead...

If your home has copper water piping and those pipes were installed before 1986, your copper pipe/fittings were generally joined or soldered together with "50/50" solder. 50/50 solder was comprised of 50% lead and 50% tin and had been used by the majority of plumbers to join copper pipe and fittings for many decades. For homes that have 50/50 solder in their water piping we recommend that you install and use a lead removal filter for your drinking water. Lead has been determined to have significant negative impacts on health, especially for children, and there is no safe level determined for human consumption.

For more information about what lead free laws mean for you and frequently asked questions about lead in plumbing, view our page.

Customer Testimonials

"Thank you for your great customer service and follow up with this order.....Being in the service industry myself (Realtor and previously in the restaurant business) I understand the importance of great customer service and letting others know - feel free to quote me and use my name, town and state. Keep up the good work."
- Kathy Sollien, Realtor, Bennington, Vermont 05201-1724

"Pleasure doing business with your site! I will be back!!!"
- Steve Combs, Scottsdale, Arizona 85251-6425

"I found the hard to find items I needed."
- Michael Rohwedder, Schererville, Indiana 46375-2763

Please note that every customer testimonial shown on our pages has given us written permission to quote them. Our customer's privacy is very important to us, and we will never give, share or sell contact information or e-mail addresses to anyone!

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