Black Malleable Iron Fittings

Find the black pipe fittings and nipples you need for your natural gas, propane, oil, or air applications right here at®! We are your source for black iron (malleable) fittings and steel nipples, as well as many styles and sizes of PVC, brass, copper, galvanized and stainless steel fittings - all with NO minimums!
ALL black iron fittings listed on this page are Class 150 NPT-sized.
Please note: Not all fitting styles available in all sizes.

Black Iron 45° Elbows / Street Elbows

Black Iron 45deg Elbow1" 45° Elbow
Black Iron 45deg Street Elbow1" 45° Street Elbow
Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting 45 elbow 050 1/2" Elbow $2.57
black iron fitting 45 elbow 075 3/4" Elbow $2.57
black iron fitting 45 elbow 100 1" Elbow $3.27
black iron fitting 45 street elbow 100 1" Street Elbow $12.82
black iron fitting 45 elbow 125 1-1/4" Elbow $6.04
black iron fitting 45 elbow 150 1-1/2" Elbow $7.06
black iron fitting 45 elbow 200 2" Elbow $10.63
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Black Iron 90° Elbows

Black Iron 90deg Elbow1" 90° Elbow
Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting 90 elbow 050 1/2" Elbow $1.67
black iron fitting 90 elbow 075 3/4" Elbow $1.87
black iron fitting 90 elbow 100 1" Elbow $2.74
black iron fitting 90 elbow 150 1-1/2" Elbow $5.83
black iron fitting 90 elbow 200 2" Elbow $35.11
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Black Iron Reducing Elbows

Black Iron 90deg Reducing Elbow1" x 3/4" 90° Reducing Elbow
Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting 90 reducing elbow 075x050 3/4" x 1/2" Reducing Elbow $2.44
black iron fitting 90 reducing elbow 100x075 1" x 3/4" Reducing Elbow $3.12
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Black Iron Street Elbows

Black Iron 90deg Street Elbow1" 90° Street Elbow
Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting 90 street elbow 050 1/2" Street Elbow $3.47
black iron fitting 90 street elbow 075 3/4" Street Elbow $2.61
black iron fitting 90 street elbow 100 1" Street Elbow $4.28
black iron fitting 90 street elbow 150 1-1/2" Street Elbow $7.63
black iron fitting 90 street elbow 200 2" Street Elbow $12.38
image unavailable 2-1/2" Street Elbow $30.54
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Black Iron Bell Reducing Coupling

Black Iron Bell Reducing Coupling
2" x 1" Bell Reducing Coupling
Image Size Price & Quantity
black iron fitting bell reducing coupling 075x025 3/4" x 1/4" $6.15
black iron fitting bell reducing coupling 075x050 3/4" x 1/2" $3.25
black iron fitting bell reducing coupling 100x050 1" x 1/2" $10.52
black reducing coupling 100 ips 075 ips 1" x 3/4" $3.19
black iron fitting bell reducing coupling 125x050 1-1/4" x 1/2" $4.60
black iron fitting bell reducing coupling 125x075 1-1/4" x 3/4" $3.99
black iron fitting bell reducing coupling 125x100 1-1/4" x 1" $3.99
black iron fitting bell reducing coupling 150x050 1-1/2" x 1/2" $6.46

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Image Size Price & Quantity
image unavailable 1-1/2" x 3/4" $7.28
black iron fitting bell reducing coupling 150x125 1-1/2" x 1-1/4" $7.47
black iron fitting bell reducing coupling 200x050 2" x 1/2" $9.52
black iron fitting bell reducing coupling 200x075 2" x 3/4" $30.66
black iron fitting bell reducing coupling 200x100 2" x 1" $7.92
black iron fitting bell reducing coupling 200x125 2" x 1-1/4" $8.38
black iron fitting bell reducing coupling 200x150 2" x 1-1/2" $7.33
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Black Iron Bushings

Black Iron Bushing
1" x 1/2" Bushing
Image Size Price & Quantity
black iron fitting bushing 075x012 3/4" x 1/8" $2.24
black iron fitting bushing 075x025 3/4" x 1/4" $2.79
black iron fitting bushing 075x050 3/4" x 1/2" $2.08
black iron fitting bushing 100x050 1" x 1/2" $7.08
black iron fitting bushing 100x075 1" x 3/4" $2.16
black iron fitting buishing 125x075 1-1/4" x 3/4" $2.77
black iron fitting bushing 150x100 1-1/2" x 1" $3.25
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Black Iron Caps

Black Iron Cap1" Cap
Image Size Price & Quantity
black iron 025 ips threaded cap 1/4" Cap $1.78
black iron fitting cap 038 3/8" Cap $1.78
black iron fitting cap 050 1/2" Cap $1.29
black iron fitting cap 075 3/4" Cap $1.74
black iron fitting cap 100 1" Cap $2.12
black iron fitting cap 125 1-1/4" Cap $3.58
black iron fitting cap 150 1-1/2" Cap $3.75
black iron fitting cap 200 2" Cap $4.90
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Black Iron Plugs

Black Iron Plug1" Plug
Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting plug 025 1/4" Plug $1.67
black iron fitting plug 050 1/2" Plug $1.31
black iron fitting plug 075 3/4" Plug $1.23
black iron fitting plug 100 1" Plug $1.49
black iron fitting plug 125 1-1/4" Plug $1.87
black iron fitting plug 150 1-1/2" Plug $2.60
black iron fitting plug 200 2" Plug $5.23
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Black Iron Coupling

Black Iron Coupling
1/2" Coupling
Image Size Price & Quantity
black iron fitting coupling 012 1/8" $2.55
black iron fitting coupling 025 1/4" $2.17
black iron fitting coupling 038 3/8" $2.16
black iron fitting coupling 050 1/2" $1.74
black iron fitting coupling 075 3/4" $2.51
black threaded coupling 1 inch ips 1" $3.41
black iron fitting coupling 125 1-1/4" $3.99
black iron fitting coupling 150 1-1/2" $5.34
black iron fitting coupling 200 2" $7.76
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Black Iron Crosses

Black Iron Cross
1" Cross
Image Size Price & Quantity
black iron fitting cross 050 1/2" $6.55
black iron fitting cross 075 3/4" $7.46
black iron fitting cross 100 1" $9.19
black iron fitting cross 125 1-1/4" $14.91
black iron fitting cross 150 1-1/2" $18.46
black iron fitting cross 200 2" $34.49
image unavailable 2-1/2" $53.87
image unavailable 3" $80.36
image unavailable 4" $162.94
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Black Iron Floor Flanges

Black Iron Floor Flange
1" Floor Flange
Image Size Price & Quantity
black iron fitting floor flange 050 1/2" $6.56
black iron fitting floor flange 075 3/4" $6.14
black iron fitting floor flange 100 1" $6.55
black iron fitting floor flange 125 1-1/4" $10.40
black iron fitting floor flange 150 1-1/2" $9.89
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Black Iron Side Outlet 90's

Black Iron Side Outlet 901" Side Outlet 90
Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting side outlet 90-050 1/2" Side Outlet 90 $10.91
black iron fitting side outlet 90-075 3/4" Side Outlet 90 $11.96
black iron fitting side outlet 90-100 1" Side Outlet 90 $22.91
black iron fitting side outlet 90-125 1-1/4" Side Outlet 90 $25.98
black iron fitting side outlet 90-150 1-1/2" Side Outlet 90 $32.20
black iron fitting side outlet 90-200 2" Side Outlet 90 $55.35
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Black Iron Side Outlet Tees

Black Iron Side Outlet Tee1" Side Outlet Tee
Image Size Price & Quantity
black iron fitting side outlet tee 050 1/2" Side Outlet Tee $14.19
black iron fitting side outlet tee 075 3/4" Side Outlet Tee $18.14
black iron fitting side outlet tee 100 1" Side Outlet Tee $25.33
black iron fitting side outlet tee 125 1-1/4" Side Outlet Tee $45.53
black iron fitting side outlet tee 150 1-1/2" Side Outlet Tee $48.64
black iron fitting side outlet tee 200 2" Side Outlet Tee $65.84
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Black Iron Tees

Black Iron Tee1" Tee
Image Size (A x B x C) Price & Quantity
black iron fitting tee 050 1/2" x 1/2" x 1/2" Tee $5.57
black iron fitting tee 075 3/4" x 3/4" x 3/4" Tee $2.37
black iron fitting tee 100 1" x 1" x 1" Tee $4.21
black iron fitting tee 125 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" Tee $8.46
black iron fitting tee 150 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" Tee $8.47
black iron fitting tee 200 2" x 2" x 2" Tee $14.40
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Black Iron Reducing Tees

Black Iron Reducing Tee1" x 1" x 1/2" Reducing Tee
Image Size (A x B x C) Price & Quantity
black iron fitting reducing tee 075x075x050 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" Reducing Tee $3.66
black iron fitting reducing tee 075x050x050 3/4" x 1/2" x 1/2" Reducing Tee $3.81
black iron fitting reducing tee 075x050x075 3/4" x 1/2" x 3/4" Reducing Tee $4.20
black iron fitting reducing tee 100x050x050 1" x 1/2" x 1/2" Reducing Tee $5.71
black irong fitting reducing tee 100x050x075 1" x 1/2" x 3/4" Reducing Tee $6.20

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Image Size (A x B x C) Price & Quantity
black iron fitting reducing tee 100x100x075 1" x 1" x 3/4" Reducing Tee $6.08
black iron fitting reducing tee 100x075x050 1" x 3/4" x 1/2" Reducing Tee $5.28
black iron fitting reducing tee 100x075x075 1" x 3/4" x 3/4" Reducing Tee $4.92
black iron fitting reducing tee 100x075x100 1" x 3/4" x 1" Reducing Tee $5.34
black iron fitting reducing tee 100x100x050 1" x 1" x 1/2" Reducing Tee $4.68

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Image Size (A x B x C) Price & Quantity
black iron fitting reducing tee 125x125x050 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" x 1/2" Reducing Tee $9.86
black iron fitting reducing tee 125x125x100 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" x 1" Reducing Tee $7.43
black iron fitting reducing tee 150x150x050 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" x 1/2" Reducing Tee $9.93
black iron fitting reducing tee 150x150x075 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" x 3/4" Reducing Tee $9.41
black iron fitting reducing tee 150x150x100 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" x 1" Reducing Tee $9.39

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Image Size (A x B x C) Price & Quantity
black iron fitting reducing tee 200x200x050 2" x 2" x 1/2" Reducing Tee $14.71
black iron fitting reducing tee 200x200x075 2" x 2" x 3/4" Reducing Tee $48.35
black iron fitting reducing tee 200x200x100 2" x 2" x 1" Reducing Tee $21.16
black iron fitting reducing tee 200x200x125 2" x 2" x 1-1/4" Reducing Tee $15.54
black iron fitting reducing tee 200x200x150 2" x 2" x 1-1/2" Reducing Tee $15.54
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Black Iron Bullhead Tees

Black Iron Bull Head Tee3/4" x 3/4" x 1" Bull Head Tee
Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting bull head tee 050x050x075 1/2" x 1/2" x 3/4" Bull Head Tee $4.20
black iron fitting bull head tee 075x075x100 3/4" x 3/4" x 1" Bull Head Tee $4.93
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Black Iron Unions

Black Iron Union
1" Union
Image Size Price & Quantity
black iron fitting union 050 1/2" $5.71
black iron fitting union 075 3/4" $8.26
black iron fitting union 100 1" $12.41
black iron fitting union 125 1-1/4" $11.77
black iron fitting union 150 1-1/2" $14.39
black iron fitting union 200 2" $21.71
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Black Iron Lock Nuts

Black Iron Union
1-1/4" Lock Nut
Image Size Price & Quantity
black iron fitting lock nut 025 1/4" $2.17
black iron fitting lock nut 038 3/8" $3.82
black iron fitting lock nut 050 1/2" $1.68
black iron fitting lock nut 075 3/4" $1.86
image unavailable 1" $3.54
black iron fitting lock nut 125 1-1/4" $2.94
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Shop Black Iron Fittings by Size

1/8" Black Iron Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting coupling 012 1/8" Coupling $2.55
Need to seal your pipe threads?
We've got you covered.
PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $0.59 or (1/2" x 520" roll) - $1.03
EXTRA THICK 4 MIL YELLOW Gas Line PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $1.43
Great White Basic Pipe Joint Compound (1 oz.) - $3.35
High Quality TU-555 Pipe Joint Compound (4 oz.) - $7.65
To ensure our customers receive fresh products,
TU-555 pipe joint compounds are non-returnable.
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1/4" Black Iron Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting cap 025 1/4" Cap $1.78
black iron fitting coupling 025 1/4" Coupling $2.17
black iron fitting lock nut 025 1/4" Lock Nut $2.17
black iron fitting plug 025 1/4" Plug $1.67
Need to seal your pipe threads?
We've got you covered.
PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $0.59 or (1/2" x 520" roll) - $1.03
EXTRA THICK 4 MIL YELLOW Gas Line PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $1.43
Great White Basic Pipe Joint Compound (1 oz.) - $3.35
High Quality TU-555 Pipe Joint Compound (4 oz.) - $7.65
To ensure our customers receive fresh products,
TU-555 pipe joint compounds are non-returnable.
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3/8" Black Iron Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting cap 038 3/8" Cap $1.78
black iron fitting coupling 038 3/8" Coupling $2.16
Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting lock nut 038 3/8" Lock Nut $3.82
Need to seal your pipe threads?
We've got you covered.
PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $0.59 or (1/2" x 520" roll) - $1.03
EXTRA THICK 4 MIL YELLOW Gas Line PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $1.43
Great White Basic Pipe Joint Compound (1 oz.) - $3.35
High Quality TU-555 Pipe Joint Compound (4 oz.) - $7.65
To ensure our customers receive fresh products,
TU-555 pipe joint compounds are non-returnable.
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1/2" Black Iron Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting cross 050 1/2" Cross $6.55
black iron fitting cap 050 1/2" Cap $1.29
black iron fitting coupling 050 1/2" Coupling $1.74
black iron fitting 45 elbow 050 1/2" 45° Elbow $2.57
black iron fitting 90 elbow 050 1/2" 90° Elbow $1.67
black iron fitting 90 street elbow 050 1/2" 90° Street Elbow $3.47
black iron fitting side outlet 90-050 1/2" Side Outlet 90 $10.91

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Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting plug 050 1/2" Plug $1.31
black iron fitting tee 050 1/2" Tee $5.57
black iron fitting buill head tee 050x050x075 1/2" x 1/2" x 3/4" Bull Head Tee $4.20
black iron fitting side outlet tee 050 1/2" Side Outlet Tee $14.19
black iron fitting union 050 1/2" Union $5.71
black iron fitting floor flange 050 1/2" Floor Flange $6.56
black iron fitting lock nut 050 1/2" Lock Nut $1.68
Need to seal your pipe threads?
We've got you covered.
PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $0.59 or (1/2" x 520" roll) - $1.03
EXTRA THICK 4 MIL YELLOW Gas Line PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $1.43
Great White Basic Pipe Joint Compound (1 oz.) - $3.35
High Quality TU-555 Pipe Joint Compound (4 oz.) - $7.65
To ensure our customers receive fresh products,
TU-555 pipe joint compounds are non-returnable.
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3/4" Black Iron Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting bell reducing coupling 075x025 3/4" x 1/4" Bell Reducer $6.15
black iron fitting bell reducing coupling 075x050 3/4" x 1/2" Bell Reducer $3.25
black iron fitting bushing 075x012 3/4" x 1/8" Bushing $2.24
black iron fitting bushing 075x025 3/4" x 1/4" Bushing $2.79
black iron fitting bushing 075x050 3/4" x 1/2" Bushing $2.08
black iron fitting cross 075 3/4" Cross $7.46

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Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting cap 075 3/4" Cap $1.74
black iron fitting coupling 075 3/4" Coupling $2.51
black iron fitting 45 elbow 075 3/4" 45° Elbow $2.57
black iron fitting 90 elbow 075 3/4" 90° Elbow $1.87
black iron fitting 90 reducing elbow 075x050 3/4" x 1/2" 90° Reducing Elbow $2.44
black iron fitting 90 street elbow 075 3/4" 90° Street Elbow $2.61

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Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting side outlet 90-075 3/4" Side Outlet 90 $11.96
black iron fitting plug 075 3/4" Plug $1.23
black iron fitting tee 075 3/4" Tee $2.37
black iron fitting side outlet 075 3/4" Side Outlet Tee $18.14
black iron fitting reducing tee 075x075x050 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" Reducing Tee $3.66
black iron fitting reducing tee 075x050x050 3/4" x 1/2" x 1/2" Reducing Tee $3.81

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Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting reducing tee 075x050x075 3/4" x 1/2" x 3/4" Reducing Tee $4.20
black iron fitting bull head tee 075x075x100 3/4" x 3/4" x 1" Bull Head Tee $4.93
black iron fitting union 075 3/4" Union $8.26
black iron fitting floor flange 075 3/4" Floor Flange $6.14
black iron fitting lock nut 075 3/4" Lock Nut $1.86
Need to seal your pipe threads?
We've got you covered.
PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $0.59 or (1/2" x 520" roll) - $1.03
EXTRA THICK 4 MIL YELLOW Gas Line PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $1.43
Great White Basic Pipe Joint Compound (1 oz.) - $3.35
High Quality TU-555 Pipe Joint Compound (4 oz.) - $7.65
To ensure our customers receive fresh products,
TU-555 pipe joint compounds are non-returnable.
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1" Black Iron Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting bell reducing coupling 100x050 1" x 1/2" Bell Reducer $10.52
black iron fitting bell reducing coupling 1" x 3/4" Bell Reducer $3.19
black iron fitting bushing 100x050 1" x 1/2" Bushing $7.08
black iron fitting bushing 100x075 1" x 3/4" Bushing $2.16
black iron fitting cross 100 1" Cross $9.19
black iron fitting cap 100 1" Cap $2.12
black threaded coupling 1 inch ips 1" Coupling $3.41

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Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting 45 elbow 100 1" 45° Elbow $3.27
black iron fitting 45 street elbow 100 1" 45° Street Elbow $12.82
black iron fitting 90 elbow 100 1" 90° Elbow $2.74
black iron fitting 90 reducing elbow 100x075 1" x 3/4" 90° Reducing Elbow $3.12
black iron fitting 90 street elbow 100 1" 90° Street Elbow $4.28
black iron fitting side outlet 90-100 1" Side Outlet 90 $22.91
black iron fitting plug 100 1" Plug $1.49

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Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting tee 100 1" Tee $4.21
black iron fitting side outlet tee 100 1" Side Outlet Tee $25.33
black iron fitting reducing tee 100x050x050 1" x 1/2" x 1/2" Reducing Tee $5.71
black iron fitting reducing tee 100x050x075 1" x 1/2" x 3/4" Reducing Tee $6.20
black iron fitting reducing tee 100x100x075 1" x 1" x 3/4" Reducing Tee $6.08
black iron fitting reducing tee 100x075x050 1" x 3/4" x 1/2" Reducing Tee $5.28

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Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting reducing tee 100x075x075 1" x 3/4" x 3/4" Reducing Tee $4.92
black iron fitting reducing tee 100x075x100 1" x 3/4" x 1" Reducing Tee $5.34
black iron fitting reducing tee 100x100x050 1" x 1" x 1/2" Reducing Tee $4.68
black iron fitting union 100 1" Union $12.41
black iron fitting floor flange 100 1" Floor Flange $6.55
black iron fitting lock nut 1" Lock Nut $3.54
Need to seal your pipe threads?
We've got you covered.
PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $0.59 or (1/2" x 520" roll) - $1.03
EXTRA THICK 4 MIL YELLOW Gas Line PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $1.43
Great White Basic Pipe Joint Compound (1 oz.) - $3.35
High Quality TU-555 Pipe Joint Compound (4 oz.) - $7.65
To ensure our customers receive fresh products,
TU-555 pipe joint compounds are non-returnable.
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1-1/4" Black Iron Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting bell reducing coupling 125x050 1-1/4" x 1/2" Bell Reducer $4.60
black iron fitting bell reducing coupling 125x075 1-1/4" x 3/4" Bell Reducer $3.99
black iron fitting bell reducing coupling 125x100 1-1/4" x 1" Bell Reducer $3.99
black irokn fittin bushing 125x075 1-1/4" x 3/4" Bushing $2.77
black iron fitting cross 125 1-1/4" Cross $14.91
black iron fitting cap 125 1-1/4" Cap $3.58
black iron fitting coupling 125 1-1/4" Coupling $3.99
black iron fitting 45 elbow 125 1-1/4" 45° Elbow $6.04
black iron fitting side outlet 90-125 1-1/4" Side Outlet 90 $25.98

- OR - View Cart
Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting plug 125 1-1/4" Plug $1.87
black iron fitting tee 125 1-1/4" Tee $8.46
black iron fitting side outlet tee 125 1-1/4" Side Outlet Tee $45.53
black iron fitting reducing tee 125x125x100 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" x 1" Reducing Tee $7.43
black iron fitting reducing tee 125x125x050 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" x 1/2" Reducing Tee $9.86
black iron fitting union 125 1-1/4" Union $11.77
black iron fitting floor flange 125 1-1/4" Floor Flange $10.40
black iron fitting lock nut 125 1-1/4" Lock Nut $2.94
Need to seal your pipe threads?
We've got you covered.
PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $0.59 or (1/2" x 520" roll) - $1.03
EXTRA THICK 4 MIL YELLOW Gas Line PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $1.43
Great White Basic Pipe Joint Compound (1 oz.) - $3.35
High Quality TU-555 Pipe Joint Compound (4 oz.) - $7.65
To ensure our customers receive fresh products,
TU-555 pipe joint compounds are non-returnable.
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1-1/2" Black Iron Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting bell reducing coupling 150x050 1-1/2" x 1/2" Bell Reducer $6.46
image unavailable 1-1/2" x 3/4" Bell Reducer $7.28
black iron fitting bell reducing coupling 150x125 1-1/2" x 1-1/4" Bell Reducer $7.47
black iron fitting bushing 150x100 1-1/2" x 1" Bushing $3.25
black iron fitting cross 150 1-1/2" Cross $18.46
black iron fitting cap 150 1-1/2" Cap $3.75
black iron fitting coupling 150 1-1/2" Coupling $5.34
black iron fitting 45 elbow 150 1-1/2" 45° Elbow $7.06
black iron fitting 90 elbow 150 1-1/2" 90° Elbow $5.83
black iron fitting 90 street elbow 150 1-1/2" 90° Street Elbow $7.63

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Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting side outlet 90-150 1-1/2" Side Outlet 90 $32.20
black iron fitting plug 150 1-1/2" Plug $2.60
black iron fitting tee 150 1-1/2" Tee $8.47
black iron fitting side outlet tee 150 1-1/2" Side Outlet Tee $48.64
black iron fitting reducing tee 150x150x050 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" x 1/2" Reducing Tee $9.93
black iron fitting reducing tee 150x150x075 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" x 3/4" Reducing Tee $9.41
black iron fitting reducing tee 150x150x100 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" x 1" Reducing Tee $9.39
black iron fitting union 150 1-1/2" Union $14.39
black iron fitting floor flange 150 1-1/2" Floor Flange $9.89
Need to seal your pipe threads?
We've got you covered.
PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $0.59 or (1/2" x 520" roll) - $1.03
EXTRA THICK 4 MIL YELLOW Gas Line PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $1.43
Great White Basic Pipe Joint Compound (1 oz.) - $3.35
High Quality TU-555 Pipe Joint Compound (4 oz.) - $7.65
To ensure our customers receive fresh products,
TU-555 pipe joint compounds are non-returnable.
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2" Black Iron Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting bell reducing coupling 200x050 2" x 1/2" Bell Reducer $9.52
black iron fitting bell reducing coupling 200x075 2" x 3/4" Bell Reducer $30.66
black iron fitting bell reducing coupling 200x100 2" x 1" Bell Reducer $7.92
black iron fitting bell reducing coupling 200x125 2" x 1-1/4" Bell Reducer $8.38
black iron fitting bell reducing coupling 200x150 2" x 1-1/2" Bell Reducer $7.33
black iron fitting cross 200 2" Cross $34.49

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Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting cap 200 2" Cap $4.90
black iron fitting coupling 200 2" Coupling $7.76
black iron fitting 45 elbow 200 2" 45° Elbow $10.63
black iron fitting 90 elbow 200 2" 90° Elbow $35.11
black iron fitting 90 street elbow 200 2" 90° Street Elbow $12.38
black iron fitting side outlet 90-200 2" Side Outlet 90 $55.35

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Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting plug 200 2" Plug $5.23
black iron fitting tee 200 2" Tee $14.40
black iron fitting side outlet tee 200 2" Side Outlet Tee $65.84
black iron fitting reducing tee 200x200x050 2" x 2" x 1/2" Reducing Tee $14.71
black iron fitting reducing tee 200x200x075 2" x 2" x 3/4" Reducing Tee $48.35

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Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting reducing tee 200x200x100 2" x 2" x 1" Reducing Tee $21.16
black iron fitting reducing tee 200x200x125 2" x 2" x 1-1/4" Reducing Tee $15.54
black iron fitting reducing tee 200x200x150 2" x 1-1/2" Reducing Tee $15.54
black iron fitting union 200 2" Union $21.71
Need to seal your pipe threads?
We've got you covered.
PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $0.59 or (1/2" x 520" roll) - $1.03
EXTRA THICK 4 MIL YELLOW Gas Line PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $1.43
Great White Basic Pipe Joint Compound (1 oz.) - $3.35
High Quality TU-555 Pipe Joint Compound (4 oz.) - $7.65
To ensure our customers receive fresh products,
TU-555 pipe joint compounds are non-returnable.
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Larger Than 2" Black Iron Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting 90 street elbow 250 2-1/2" 90° Street Elbow $30.54
black iron fitting cross 250 2-1/2" Cross $53.87
black iron fitting cross 300 3" Cross $80.36
black iron fitting cross 400 4" Cross $162.94
Need to seal your pipe threads?
We've got you covered.
PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $0.59 or (1/2" x 520" roll) - $1.03
EXTRA THICK 4 MIL YELLOW Gas Line PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $1.43
Great White Basic Pipe Joint Compound (1 oz.) - $3.35
High Quality TU-555 Pipe Joint Compound (4 oz.) - $7.65
To ensure our customers receive fresh products,
TU-555 pipe joint compounds are non-returnable.
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Black Iron Pipe Nipples
Schedule 40

Black Iron Nipple
1" x 4" Nipple
Not sure what you need?
Check out our handy nipple sizing charts!
Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting nipple 050 close 1/2" x Close $1.35
black iron fitting nipple 050x150 1/2" x 1-1/2" $1.24
black iron fitting nipple 050x200 1/2" x 2" $1.35
black iron fitting nipple 050x250 1/2" x 2-1/2" $1.61
black iron fitting nipple 050x300 1/2" x 3" $1.68
black iron fitting nipple 050x350 1/2" x 3-1/2" $1.91
black iron fitting nipple 050x400 1/2" x 4" $1.94

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Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting nipple 050x450 1/2" x 4-1/2" $2.26
black iron fitting nipple 050x500 1/2" x 5" $2.29
black iron fitting nipple 050x550 1/2" x 5-1/2" $2.52
black iron fitting nipple 050x600 1/2" x 6" $2.64
black iron pipe nipple iron nip 050-7 1/2" x 7" $3.78
black iron fitting nipple 050x800 1/2" x 8" $4.11
black iron fitting nipple 050x900 1/2" x 9" $4.69

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Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting nipple 050x1000 1/2" x 10" $5.06
black iron fitting nipple 050x1100 1/2" x 11" $3.95
black iron fitting nipple 050x1200 1/2" x 12" $6.21
black iron fitting nipple 075 close 3/4" x Close $1.55
black iron fitting nipple 075x150 3/4" x 1-1/2" $1.68
black iron fitting nipple 075x200 3/4" x 2" $1.77
black iron fitting nipple 075x250 3/4" x 2-1/2" $1.90

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Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting nipple 075x300 3/4" x 3" $2.00
black iron fitting nipple 075x350 3/4" x 3-1/2" $2.33
black iron fitting nipple 075x400 3/4" x 4" $2.57
black iron fitting nipple 075x450 3/4" x 4-1/2" $2.95
black iron fitting nipple 075x500 3/4" x 5" $2.95
black iron fitting nipple 075x550 3/4" x 5-1/2" $3.36
black iron fitting nipple 075x600 3/4" x 6" $3.54

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Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting nipple 075x800 3/4" x 8" $4.31
black iron fitting nipple 075x1000 3/4" x 10" $7.60
black iron fitting nipple 075x1200 3/4" x 12" $7.13
black iron fitting nipple 075x1800 3/4" x 18" $10.41
black iron fitting nipple 100 close 1" x Close $2.37
black iron fitting nipple 100x200 1" x 2" $2.50

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Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting nipple 100x250 1" x 2-1/2" $2.64
black iron fitting nipple 100x300 1" x 3" $2.76
black iron fitting nipple 100x350 1" x 3-1/2" $3.43
black iron fitting nipple 100x400 1" x 4" $3.28
black iron fitting nipple 100x450 1" x 4-1/2" $3.85
black iron fittin gnipple 100x500 1" x 5" $3.87

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Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting nipple 100x550 1" x 5-1/2" $3.52
black iron fitting nipple 100x600 1" x 6" $4.54
image unavailable 1" x 10" $7.08
image unavailable 1" x 12" $8.13
black iron fitting nipple 125 close 1-1/4" x Close $2.88
black iron fitting nipple 125x200 1-1/4" x 2" $4.15

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Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting nipple 125x250 1-1/4" x 2-1/2" $3.45
black iron fitting nipple 125x300 1-1/4" x 3" $4.29
black iron fitting nipple 125x350 1-1/4" x 3-1/2" $4.31
black iron fitting nipple 125x400 1-1/4" x 4" $4.31
black iron fitting nipple 125x450 1-1/4" x 4-1/2" $4.79
black iron fitting nipple 125x500 1-1/4" x 5" $4.90

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Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting nipple 125x550 1-1/4" x 5-1/2" $5.61
black iron fitting nipple 125x600 1-1/4" x 6" $7.41
black iron fitting nipple 150 close 1-1/2" x Close $3.60
black iron fitting nipple 150x200 1-1/2" x 2" $4.02
black iron fitting nipple 150x300 1-1/2" x 3" $4.28
black iron fitting nipple 150x350 1-1/2" x 3-1/2" $4.97

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Image Description Price & Quantity
black iron fitting niplpe 150x400 1-1/2" x 4" $4.92
black iron fitting nipple 150x450 1-1/2" x 4-1/2" $5.97
black iron fitting nipple 150x500 1-1/2" x 5" $5.75
black iron fitting nipple 150x550 1-1/2" x 5-1/2" $6.63
black iron fitting nipple 150x600 1-1/2" x 6" $6.57
image unavailable 2" x 6" $11.24
Need to seal your pipe threads?
We've got you covered.
PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $0.59 or (1/2" x 520" roll) - $1.03
EXTRA THICK 4 MIL YELLOW Gas Line PTFE Tape (1/2" x 260" roll) - $1.43
Great White Basic Pipe Joint Compound (1 oz.) - $3.35
High Quality TU-555 Pipe Joint Compound (4 oz.) - $7.65
To ensure our customers receive fresh products,
TU-555 thread sealing compounds are non-returnable.
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Black Iron Fittings Related Items

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. "How do I know the correct Reducing Tee configuration to order?"
A. Reducing Tees are sized by determining the run (straight through portion) of the tee first and then the side outlet. The largest size of the run is always named first, the smaller size of the run second, and then the side outlet size last. Example: 3/4" x 1/2" x 1/2". When only two sizes are provided for the Tee description, the run size is listed first and then the side outlet. This means the run has the same size on both ends. Example: 3/4" x 1/2".  When the run part of a tee is smaller sized than the side outlet part of the Tee it is often called a Bull Head Tee. Example: 1/2" x 3/4" or 3/4" x 1".  This way of determining Tee sizes is the same for all Tees in plumbing no matter the type of material (PVC, copper, ABS, cast-iron, etc.) being used. measurements

Q. "What does Class 150 mean?"
A. All types of pipe and fittings are tested to ensure they meet specific temperature and pressure requirements. Class 150 is one of the ratings given to galvanized and black malleable iron pipe fittings as determined by the ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers). ASME B16.3-2006 is the standard used to test malleable iron threaded fittings to make sure they meet the proper pressure and temperature ratings. A Class 150 rating means these fittings have been tested and approved for a maximum pressure of 300 PSI at 150°F. The black and galvanized fittings we sell are also UL (Underwriters Laboratories) and FM (Factory Mutual Insurance Company) approved. FM has an independent testing facility where products are tested to make sure they meet the highest level of standards for safety and property loss prevention.

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