Agricultural Pumps
by Zoeller Pump Co.
If you're looking for a tough, reliable pump for your agricultural needs, then the E4291 is the pump for you. Designed for livestock waste management lagoons and sump pit applications, these durable Zoeller
sewage pumps are oil-filled and hermetically sealed, drastically reducing the need for maintenance (no need for weekly oiling and greasing the motor, shaft and moving parts to keep the pump operational). Let
® be your source for agricultural dewatering pumps from Zoeller.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Q. "What's the difference between an automatic and non-automatic pump?"
A. An automatic pump has a built in float switch that will turn on the pump automatically at a fixed water level. After the water is pumped out to certain water level (also a preset level), the pump will
turn itself off. A non-automatic pump has to be manually turned on and off, or with a separate control like a piggyback float switch.
Q. "What is a vortex impeller and what does it do?"
A. A vortex impeller handles debris better than other impellers. It's used to help prevent clogging in your pump. Below is an example of a vortex impeller.

Q. "What does the automatic reset thermal overload protection do?"
A. If the pump gets too hot the thermal overload protection will turn it off until the pump cools down (to prevent damage to the motor). The pump turns back on after it has cooled down enough. This backup
protection feature is useful if some debris causes the pump to overheat.
Q. "What's the advantage of a double seal over a single seal pump?"
A. The inside seal provides added protection in case the primary seal should ever fail.
Q. "What kind of material is 'neoprene'?"
A. Neoprene is a high grade synthetic rubber with these features:
- Resists degradation from the sun, ozone, and weather
- Performs well when in contact with oils and most chemicals
- Remains useful over a wide temperature range
- Displays great physical toughness
- Fantastic resistance to damage caused by flexing and twisting
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