Scald Protection

Scald protection devices are a must in homes with young children, the elderly and physically challenged individuals - but are recommended for every home and may even be code in some areas. While caution is always first and foremost with regards to scald prevention, scald protection devices can help to maintain safer water temperatures for you and your loved ones.

The Scalding Truth

What every parent or caregiver needs to know about hot water injuries

  • Scalding accidents occur most frequently in the bathrooms and kitchens - where they are most preventable.
  • Hot water scalds account for 20% of all burns.
  • More than 2,000 American children are treated for scalds each year.
  • Scalding often leads to additional injuries such as heart attacks, shock, falls, and serious broken bones, particularly among the elderly.
  • Scalding and other burns require some of the most expensive and physically extensive treatments, including long hospital stays, costly skin grafts, and plastic surgery.
  • Most U.S. states now mandate some form of anti-scald measures in building codes.
  • The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials have amended the Uniform Plumbing Code to require anti-scald protection.
  • A bathroom sink and shower can be fitted with anti-scald protective devices for very little money. Given current technology, hot water injuries can be virtually eliminated in the house.


Temperature Time to Cause Burns
Adult Child Under 5
100°F Cool bath Average bath
102°F Average bath Warm bath
105°F Average hot tub NOT recommended
120°F 9.5 minutes 4.5 minutes
125°F 2 minutes 1 minute
130°F 30 seconds 10 seconds
135°F 15 seconds 4 seconds
140°F 5 seconds 1 second
150°F 1.8 seconds 0.5 second

Most water heaters come factory set (or with a factory recommended setting) at 120°F to 140°F - it is recommended you follow manufacturer's recommendations for the temperature setting to provide further protection against burns or scalding.

Can't I just turn down the water heater to help prevent scalding and hot water burns?

Yes and no. If you turn down your water heater temperature, you help to prevent the chance of scalding. However - turning your water heater below 140°F provides a breeding ground for bacteria like legionella (which causes Legionnaire's disease), E.coli, and psuedomonas, all of which are opportunistic bacteria that can cause serious infection and even death in susceptible populations (including children, elderly, or immune-compromised individuals). We strongly recommend keeping your water heater at a higher temperature to kill bacteria and using thermostatic mixing valves at the heater and pressure balancing valves at fixtures to help prevent scalding, but ultimately, you must decide what is best for your family and weigh the risks associated with both bacterial growth and scalding to determine what precautions must be taken.

click any link below to view information about and purchase the scald prevention valves we offer

Whole House Anti-Scald Thermostatic Mixing Valve
Aquamix Valve by Honeywell Sparco

These units are to be installed in a hot water line and require a cold-water feed. They also require a swing check valve on the cold water feed line to prevent hot water from entering the cold water system. We also recommend a hot water expansion tank when you install these types of valves to prevent excessive pressure on the hot water side (due to hot water expansion). These types are best installed right at your water heater.

These mixing valves feature:
  • Help to protect against accidental burns or scalding from water that is too hot
  • Adjustable temperature range from 70°F to 145°F
  • Proportional valve effectively mixes hot and cold water to regulate temperature with a working pressure up to 150psi and incoming maximum water temperature of 212°F (boiling)
  • Helps save energy by regulating hot water demand
  • Durable, long-lasting brass construction with Teflon coated spool and body to prevent mineral buildup and extend life
  • ASSE 1016-T and 1017 approved - IAPMO approved
  • Available in two sizes to meet your installation needs
  • Meet low-lead requirements of 2014 Federal Safe Drinking Water Act

Description Threading
NPT Union NPT Union Sweat
Anti-Scald Valve with 3/4" inlets/outlets - 8 gpm max flow rate $161.77 $189.37 $186.39
Anti-Scald Valve with 1" inlets/outlets - 12 gpm max flow rate $197.90 $224.69 $214.59

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Looking for Sparco zone valves?

1/2" Tempera Automatic Pressure Compensating Valve
By Precision Plumbing Products (PPP)

Tempera anti-scald valve
The Tempera valve is a highly sensitive pressure balancing valve that holds a selected water temperature to plus or minus 3 degrees regardless of incoming pressure changes. It responds within milliseconds to pressure loss on either hot or cold sides. It is normally installed between the hot and cold supplies and a shower valve. Tempera valves may be installed in any position or at any angle. When installing a Tempera valve, be sure to leave a way to access the valve if maintenance is required.

Note: The TRB-2 valve is not compatible with the Moen Chateau series single control mixing valves.

View a typical installation of the Tempera valve here.

- ASSE 1066 approved
- ISO American Global Standards 9001 Certified
- Proudly made in the USA

Pressure compensating valve TRB-2 = $135.29

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ALL brands of man-made mechanical devices WILL (eventually) fail. The scald protection devices offered above are all mechanical devices, and therefore, it's best to design your hot water systems to not rely on these (or any) devices as your first defense against scalding.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. "While taking a shower, sometimes the water temperature changes. Why does this happen and how can I prevent it?"
A. This generally happens when someone uses water from the same water system (for example when flushing a toilet or using the kitchen faucet), at the same time. This causes changes in your pressure in the water line feeding your shower faucet. When you have changes in pressure on one side and not the other, you will feel the result of different volumes of hot versus cold water. To solve this problem, you can either install/increase your water piping sizes (which will help a lot in having less pressure fluctuations), or install a pressure balance device on the hot and cold water that feeds the shower faucet This device detects changes in pressure and automatically balances it. You can also replace the shower faucet with a pressure balance faucet. If none of these are an option, you may want to purchase a scald protector to reduce your chance of getting scalded, but you would still be subject to temperature fluctuations.

Q. "I have low water pressure, can I use these products?"
A. ALL of the products on this page will reduce your pressure even more. These anti-scald devices do reduce the pressure as they have friction loss, etc. If your water system is marginal and you cannot have less water pressure, then these products are not for you.

Q. "When installing the anti-scalding mixing valves are there any other helpful hints?"
A. We believe that whenever you install an anti-scald mixing valve after the water heater that you should also install a check valve on the cold side, an in-line screen (such as a wye-strainer) and an expansion tank.

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