Laboratory Grade Plastic Fittings
Please note: Not for human consumption, food applications, or pharmaceutical use

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90° Elbows - Fips x Fips

Image Size (Fips x Fips) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon 90 degree elbow 025 fips 1/4" Fips $5.84 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon 90 degree elbow 050 fips 1/2" Fips $6.02 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon 90 degree elbow 075 fips 3/4" Fips $6.53 Enter a quantity and
Image Size (Fips x Fips) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon 90 degree elbow 100 fips 1" Fips $11.34 Enter a quantity and
image unavailable 1-1/4" Fips $13.53 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon 90 degree elbow 150 fips 1-1/2" Fips $14.76 Enter a quantity and
Order 10, 25, 50 or more of the same size fitting for additional savings!
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90° Street Elbows - Fips x Mips

Image Size (Fips x Mips) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon 90 degree street eblow 025 1/4" Fips x 1/4" Mips $4.53 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon 90 degree street elbow 038 3/8" Fips x 3/8" Mips $6.20 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon 90 degree street elbow 050 1/2" Fips x 1/2" Mips $4.32 Enter a quantity and
Image Size (Fips x Mips) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon 90 degree street elbow 075 3/4" Fips x 3/4" Mips $5.90 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon 90 degree street elbow 100 1" Fips x 1" Mips $12.67 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon 90 degree street elbow 125 1-1/4" Fips x 1-1/4" Mips $14.06 Enter a quantity and
Order 10, 25, 50 or more of the same size fitting for additional savings!
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Tees - Fips x Fips x Fips

Image Size (Fips x Fips x Fips) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon tee 025 1/4" Fips $4.66 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon tee 050 1/2" Fips $6.98 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon tee 075 3/4" Fips $8.02 Enter a quantity and
Image Size (Fips x Fips x Fips) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon tee 100 1" Fips $14.98 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon tee 125 1-1/4" Fips $15.33 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon tee 150 1-1/2" Fips $22.83 Enter a quantity and
Order 10, 25, 50 or more of the same size fitting for additional savings!
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Couplings - Fips x Fips

Image Size (Fips x Fips) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon coupling 018 1/8" Fips $4.04 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon coupling 025 1/4" Fips $5.34 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon coupling 038 3/8" Fips $5.80 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon coupling 050 1/2" Fips $4.95 Enter a quantity and
Image Size (Fips x Fips) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon coupling 075 3/4" Fips $5.06 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon coupling 100 1" Fips $6.27 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon coupling 050 1-1/2" Fips $8.96 Enter a quantity and
image unavailable 2" Fips $11.09 Enter a quantity and
Order 10, 25, 50 or more of the same size fitting for additional savings!
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Pipe Caps - Fips

Image Size Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon pipe caps 025 fips 1/4" FIP $0.74 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon pipe caps 038 fips 3/8" FIP $1.00 Enter a quantity and
Image Size Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon pipe caps 050 fips 1/2" FIP $1.05 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon pipe caps 075 fips 3/4" FIP $0.97 Enter a quantity and
Order 10, 25, 50 or more of the same size fitting for additional savings!
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Hex Bushings - Fips x Mips

Image Size (Mips x Fips) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 018 fips x 025 mips 1/4" Mips x 1/8" Fips $2.16 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 018 fips x 038 mips 3/8" Mips x 1/8" Fips $1.51 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 025 fips x 038 mips 3/8" Mips x 1/4" Fips $2.14 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 025 fips x 050 mips 1/2" Mips x 1/4" Fips $1.76 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 038 fips x 050 mips 1/2" Mips x 3/8" Fips $2.22 Enter a quantity and
Image Size (Mips x Fips) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 018 fips x 075 mips 3/4" Mips x 1/8" Fips $2.74 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 025 fips x 075 mips 3/4" Mips x 1/4" Fips $1.73 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 038 fips x 075 mips 3/4" Mips x 3/8" Fips $2.34 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 050 fips x 075 mips 3/4" Mips x 1/2" Fips $1.96 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 050 fips x 100 mips 1" Mips x 1/2" Fips $2.88 Enter a quantity and
Image Size (Fips x Mips) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 075 fips x 100 mips 1" Mips x 3/4" Fips $2.17 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 075 fips x 125 mips 1-1/4" Mips x 3/4" Fips $4.06 Enter a quantity and
image unavailable 1-1/4" Mips x 1" Fips $3.55 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 075 fips x 150 mips 1-1/2" Mips x 3/4" Fips $4.68 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 100 fips x 150 mips 1-1/2" Mips x 1" Fips $5.15 Enter a quantity and
Image Size (Fips x Mips) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 125 fips x 150 mips 1-1/2" Mips x 1-1/4" Fips $5.17 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 075 fips x 200 mips 2" Mips x 3/4" Fips $11.23 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 100 fips x 200 mips 2" Mips x 1" Fips $10.19 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 150 fips x 200 mips 2" Mips x 1-1/2" Fips $5.01 Enter a quantity and
Order 10, 25, 50 or more of the same size fitting for additional savings!
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Hex Head Plugs - Mips

Image Size (Mips) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon hex plug 018 1/8" Mips $0.82 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex plug 025 1/4" Mips $0.87 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex plug 038 3/8" Mips $0.87 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex plug 050 1/2" Mips $1.81 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex plug 075 3/4" Mips $1.06 Enter a quantity and
Image Size (Mips) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon hex plug 100 1" Mips $1.67 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex plug 125 1-1/4" Mips $2.09 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex plug 150 1-1/2" Mips $3.25 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex plug 200 2" Mips $4.93 Enter a quantity and
Order 10, 25, 50 or more of the same size fitting for additional savings!
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Hex Nipples - Mips x Mips

Image Size (Mips) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon hex nipple 018 1/8" Mips $0.75 Enter a quantity and
image unavailable 1/4" Mips $1.27 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex nipple 038 3/8" Mips $0.70 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex nipple 050 1/2" Mips $0.98 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex nipple 075 3/4" Mips $1.22 Enter a quantity and
Image Size (Mips) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon hex nipple 100 1" Mips $2.12 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex nipple 125 1-1/4" Mips $4.41 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex nipple 150 1-1/2" Mips $4.32 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex nipple 200 2" Mips $5.50 Enter a quantity and
Order 10, 25, 50 or more of the same size fitting for additional savings!
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Reducing Nipples - Mips x Mips

Image Size (Mips) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon hex reducing nipple 018 x 025 1/4" Mips x 1/8" Mips $1.03 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex reducing nipple 018 x 038 3/8" Mips x 1/8" Mips $0.84 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex reducing nipple 025 x 038 3/8" Mips x 1/4" Mips $0.85 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex reducing nipple 025 x 050 1/2" Mips x 1/4" Mips $1.05 Enter a quantity and
Image Size (Mips) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon hex reducing nipple 038 x 050 1/2" Mips x 3/8" Mips $0.99 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex reducing nipple 038 x 075 3/4" Mips x 3/8" Mips $0.90 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex reducing nipple 050 x 075 3/4" Mips x 1/2" Mips $1.19 Enter a quantity and
Order 10, 25, 50 or more of the same size fitting for additional savings!
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All Hose Barb "Y" - Barb x Barb x Barb

Size Price & Quantity
3/8" Barb (Hose ID) $3.23 Enter a quantity and
Order 10, 25, 50 or more of the same size fitting for additional savings!
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Barbed Male Adapters - Mips x Barb

Image Size (Mips x Hose ID) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 018 mips x 0316 barb 1/8" Mips x 3/16" Barb (Hose ID) $0.69 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 018 mips x 025 barb 1/8" Mips x 1/4" Barb (Hose ID) $0.79 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 018 mips x 0516 barb 1/8" Mips x 5/16" Barb (Hose ID) $0.76 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 018 mips x 038 barb 1/8" Mips x 3/8" Barb (Hose ID) $0.79 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 025 mips x 0316 barb 1/4" Mips x 3/16" Barb (Hose ID) $0.83 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 025 mips x 025 barb 1/4" Mips x 1/4" Barb (Hose ID) $0.71 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 025 mips x 0516 barb 1/4" Mips x 5/16" Barb (Hose ID) $0.82 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 025 mips x 038 barb 1/4" Mips x 3/8" Barb (Hose ID) $1.22 Enter a quantity and
Image Size (Mips x Hose ID) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 025 mips x 050 barb 1/4" Mips x 1/2" Barb (Hose ID) $0.79 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 038 mips x 025 barb 3/8" Mips x 1/4" Barb (Hose ID) $0.95 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 038 mips x 0516 barb 3/8" Mips x 5/16" Barb (Hose ID) $0.85 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 038 mips x 038 barb 3/8" Mips x 3/8" Barb (Hose ID) $0.90 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 038 mips x 050 barb 3/8" Mips x 1/2" Barb (Hose ID) $0.90 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 038 mips x 058 barb 3/8" Mips x 5/8" Barb (Hose ID) $0.76 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 050 mips x 025 barb 1/2" Mips x 1/4" Barb (Hose ID) $1.04 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 050 mips x 038 barb 1/2" Mips x 3/8" Barb (Hose ID) $0.99 Enter a quantity and
Image Size (Mips x Hose ID) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 050 mips x 050 barb 1/2" Mips x 1/2" Barb (Hose ID) $1.24 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 050 mips x 058 barb 1/2" Mips x 5/8" Barb (Hose ID) $1.14 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 050 mips x 075 barb 1/2" Mips x 3/4" Barb (Hose ID) $1.25 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 075 mips x 025 barb 3/4" Mips x 1/4" Barb (Hose ID) $1.17 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 075 mips x 038 barb 3/4" Mips x 3/8" Barb (Hose ID) $0.93 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 075 mips x 050 barb 3/4" Mips x 1/2" Barb (Hose ID) $1.37 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 075 mips x 058 barb 3/4" Mips x 5/8" Barb (Hose ID) $1.38 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 075 mips x 075 barb 3/4" Mips x 3/4" Barb (Hose ID) $1.30 Enter a quantity and
Image Size (Mips x Hose ID) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 075 mips x 100 barb 3/4" Mips x 1" Barb (Hose ID) $1.41 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 100 mips x 075 barb 1" Mips x 3/4" Barb (Hose ID) $1.61 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 100 mips x 100 barb 1" Mips x 1" Barb (Hose ID) $1.82 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 100 mips x 125 barb 1" Mips x 1-1/4" Barb (Hose ID) $2.78 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 125 mips x 100 barb 1-1/4" Mips x 1" Barb (Hose ID) $3.64 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 125 mips x 125 barb 1-1/4" Mips x 1-1/4" Barb (Hose ID) $3.22 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 150 mips x 150 barb 1-1/2" Mips x 1-1/2" Barb (Hose ID) $3.73 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 200 mips x 200barb 2" Mips x 2" Barb (Hose ID) $6.00 Enter a quantity and
Order 10, 25, 50 or more of the same size fitting for additional savings!
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Barbed Female Adapters - Fips x Barb

Image Size (Fips x Hose ID) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed female adapter 025 fips x 025 barb 1/4" Fips x 1/4" Barb (Hose ID) $4.94 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed female adapter 025 fips x 038 barb 1/4" Fips x 3/8" Barb (Hose ID) $1.82 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed female adapter 038 fips x 038 barb 3/8" Fips x 3/8" Barb (Hose ID) $3.72 Enter a quantity and
image unavailable 1/2" Fips x 3/8" Barb (Hose ID) $5.10 Enter a quantity and
Image Size (Fipt x Hose ID) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed female adapter 050 fips x 050 barb 1/2" Fips x 1/2" Barb (Hose ID) $3.54 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed female adapter 050 fips x 075 barb 1/2" Fips x 3/4" Barb (Hose ID) $4.24 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed female adapter 075 fips x 058 barb 3/4" Fips x 5/8" Barb (Hose ID) $5.14 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed female adapter 075 fips x 075 barb 3/4" Fips x 3/4" Barb (Hose ID) $5.21 Enter a quantity and
Order 10, 25, 50 or more of the same size fitting for additional savings!
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Barbed Splicers - Barb x Barb

Image Size (Hose ID) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed splicer 018 barb 1/8" Barb (Hose ID) $0.70 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed splicer 0316 barb 3/16" Barb (Hose ID) $0.97 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade whit nylon barbed splicer 025 barb 1/4" Barb (Hose ID) $1.32 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed splicer 0516 barb 5/16" Barb (Hose ID) $0.99 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed splicer 038 barb 3/8" Barb (Hose ID) $0.75 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed splicer 050 barb 1/2" Barb (Hose ID) $0.77 Enter a quantity and
Image Size (Hose ID) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed splicer 058 barb 5/8" Barb (Hose ID) $1.00 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed splicer 075 barb 3/4" Barb (Hose ID) $1.46 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed splicer 100 barb 1" Barb (Hose ID) $2.01 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed splicer 125 barb 1-1/4" Barb (Hose ID) $3.53 Enter a quantity and
image unavailable 1-1/2" Barb (Hose ID) $3.72 Enter a quantity and
image unavailable 2" Barb (Hose ID) $13.37 Enter a quantity and
Order 10, 25, 50 or more of the same size fitting for additional savings!
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Barbed Tees - Barb x Barb x Barb

Image Size (Hose ID) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed tee 018 barb 1/8" Barb (Hose ID) $1.57 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed tee 0316 barb 3/16" Barb (Hose ID) $1.30 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed tee 025 barb 1/4" Barb (Hose ID) $1.58 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed tee 0516 barb 5/16" Barb (Hose ID) $1.42 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed tee 038 barb 3/8" Barb (Hose ID) $2.74 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed tee 050 barb 1/2" Barb (Hose ID) $1.59 Enter a quantity and
Image Size (Hose ID) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed tee 058 barb 5/8" Barb (Hose ID) $1.61 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed tee 075 barb 3/4" Barb (Hose ID) $1.91 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed tee 100 barb 1" Barb (Hose ID) $3.15 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed tee 125 barb 1-1/4" Barb (Hose ID) $4.84 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed tee 150 barb 1-1/2" Barb (Hose ID) $5.34 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed tee 200 barb 2" Barb (Hose ID) $17.69 Enter a quantity and

Order 10, 25, 50 or more of the same size fitting for additional savings!
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Barbed Union 90° Elbows - Barb x Barb

Image Size (Hose ID) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed union 90 degree elbow 025 barb 1/4" Barb (Hose ID) $1.42 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed union 90 degree elbow 038 barb 3/8" Barb (Hose ID) $1.43 Enter a quantity and
1/2" Barb (Hose ID) $1.48 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed union 90 degree elbow 058 barb 5/8" Barb (Hose ID) $1.88 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed union 90 degree elbow 075 barb 3/4" Barb (Hose ID) $1.89 Enter a quantity and
Image Size (Hose ID) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed union 90 degree elbow 100 barb 1" Barb (Hose ID) $2.79 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed union 90 degree elbow 125 barb 1-1/4" Barb (Hose ID) $7.73 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed union 90 degree elbow 150 barb 1-1/2" Barb (Hose ID) $10.19 Enter a quantity and
image unavailable 2" Barb (Hose ID) $16.51 Enter a quantity and
Order 10, 25, 50 or more of the same size fitting for additional savings!
Pricing discounts will show up in your shopping cart.

Barbed Male 90° Elbows - Mips x Barb

Image Size (Mips x Hose ID) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree eblow 018 mips x 0316 barb 1/8" Mips x 3/16" Barb (Hose ID) $0.66 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 018 mips x 025 barb 1/8" Mips x 1/4" Barb (Hose ID) $1.41 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 018 mips x 038 barb 1/8" Mips x 3/8" Barb (Hose ID) $1.50 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 025 mips x 0316 barb 1/4" Mips x 3/16" Barb (Hose ID) $1.62 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 025 mips x 025 barb 1/4" Mips x 1/4" Barb (Hose ID) $1.25 Enter a quantity and
Image Size (Mips x Hose ID) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 025 mips x 0516 barb 1/4" Mips x 5/16" Barb (Hose ID) $1.52 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 025 mips x 038 barb 1/4" Mips x 3/8" Barb (Hose ID) $1.36 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 025 mips x 050 barb 1/4" Mips x 1/2" Barb (Hose ID) $1.52 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree 038 mips x 025 barb 3/8" Mips x 1/4" Barb (Hose ID) $1.62 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 038 mips x 0516 barb 3/8" Mips x 5/16" Barb (Hose ID) $1.94 Enter a quantity and
Image Size (Mips x Hose ID) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 038 mips x 038 barb 3/8" Mips x 3/8" Barb (Hose ID) $1.20 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 038 mips x 050 barb 3/8" Mips x 1/2" Barb (Hose ID) $1.55 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 038 mips x 058 barb 3/8" Mips x 5/8" Barb (Hose ID) $1.63 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 050 mips x 038 barb 1/2" Mips x 3/8" Barb (Hose ID) $1.55 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 050 mips x 050 barb 1/2" Mips x 1/2" Barb (Hose ID) $1.54 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 050 mips x 058 barb 1/2" Mips x 5/8" Barb (Hose ID) $1.94 Enter a quantity and
Image Size (Mips x Hose ID) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 050 mips x 075 barb 1/2" Mips x 3/4" Barb (Hose ID) $2.07 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 075 mips x 038 barb 3/4" Mips x 3/8" Barb (Hose ID) $2.11 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 075 mips x 050 barb 3/4" Mips x 1/2" Barb (Hose ID) $1.93 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 075 mips x 058 barb 3/4" Mips x 5/8" Barb (Hose ID) $2.28 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 075 mips x 075 barb 3/4" Mips x 3/4" Barb (Hose ID) $2.04 Enter a quantity and
Order 10, 25, 50 or more of the same size fitting for additional savings!
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Larger Sized Barbed Male 90° Elbows - Mips x Barb

Image Size (Mips x Hose ID) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree 075 mips x 100 barb 3/4" Mips x 1" Barb (Hose ID) $2.68 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 100 mips x 075 barb 1" Mips x 3/4" Barb (Hose ID) $2.14 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 100 mips x 100 barb 1" Mips x 1" Barb (Hose ID) $2.44 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 125 mips x 100 barb 1-1/4" Mips x 1" Barb (Hose ID) $4.31 Enter a quantity and
Image Size (Mips x Hose ID) Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 125 mips x 125 barb 1-1/4" Mips x 1-1/4" Barb (Hose ID) $4.65 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 150 mips x 150 barb 1-1/2" Mips x 1-1/2" Barb (Hose ID) $6.03 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 200 mips x 200 barb 2" Mips x 2" Barb (Hose ID) $7.04 Enter a quantity and
Order 10, 25, 50 or more of the same size fitting for additional savings!
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Shop Laboratory Grade Plastic Fittings by Size

1/8" Laboratory Grade Plastic Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon coupling 018 1/8" Fips Coupling $4.04 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex plug 018 1/8" Mips Hex Head Plug $0.82 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex nipple 018 1/8" Mips Hex Nipple $0.75 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 018 mips x 0316 barb 1/8" Mips x 3/16" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $0.69 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 018 mips x 025 barb 1/8" Mips x 1/4" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $0.79 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 018 mips x 0516 barb 1/8" Mips x 5/16" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $0.76 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 018 mips x 038 barb 1/8" Mips x 3/8" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $0.79 Enter a quantity and
Image Description Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 018 mips x 038 barb 1/8" Mips x 3/8" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $0.79 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed splicer 018 barb 1/8" (Hose ID) Barbed Splicer $0.70 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed tee 018 barb 1/8" (Hose ID) Barbed Tee $1.57 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 018 mips x 0316 barb 1/8" Mips x 3/16" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Elbow $0.66 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree 018 mips x 025 barb 1/8" Mips x 1/4" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Elbow $1.41 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 018 mips x 038 barb 1/8" Mips x 3/8" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Elbow $1.50 Enter a quantity and
Order 10, 25, 50 or more of the same size fitting for additional savings!
Pricing discounts will show up in your shopping cart.

1/4" Laboratory Grade Plastic Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon 90 degree elbow 025 fips 1/4" Fips 90° Elbow $5.84 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon 90 degree street elbow 025 1/4" Fips x 1/4" Mips 90° Street Elbow $4.53 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon tee 025 1/4" Fips Tee $4.66 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon coupling 025 1/4" Fips Coupling $5.34 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon pipe caps 025 fips 1/4" FIP Pipe Cap $0.74 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 018 fips x 025 mips 1/4" Mips x 1/8" Fips Hex Bushing $2.16 Enter a quantity and
Image Description Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon hex plug 025 1/4" Mips Hex Head Plug $0.87 Enter a quantity and
image unavailable 1/4" Mips Hex Nipple $1.27 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex reducing nipple 018 x 025 1/4" Mips x 1/8" Mips Reducing Nipple $1.03 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 025 mips x 0316 barb 1/4" Mips x 3/16" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $0.83 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 025 mips x 025 barb 1/4" Mips x 1/4" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $0.71 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 025 mips x 0516 barb 1/4" Mips x 5/16" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $0.82 Enter a quantity and
Image Description Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 025 mips x 038 barb 1/4" Mips x 3/8" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $1.22 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 025 mips x 050 barb 1/4" Mips x 1/2" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $0.79 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed female adapter 025 fips x 025 barb 1/4" Fips x 1/4" (Hose ID) Barbed Female Adapter $4.94 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed female adapter 025 fips x 038 barb 1/4" Fips x 3/8" (Hose ID) Barbed Female Adapter $1.82 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed splicer 025 barb 1/4" (Hose ID) Barbed Splicer $1.32 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barber tee 025 barb 1/4" (Hose ID)Barbed Tee $1.58 Enter a quantity and
Image Description Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed union 90 degree elbow 025 barb 1/4" (Hose ID) Barbed Union Elbow $1.42 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 025 mips x 0316 barb 1/4" Mips x 3/16" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Elbow $1.62 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 025 mips x 025 barb 1/4" Mips x 1/4" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Elbow $1.25 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 025 mips x 0516 barb 1/4" Mips x 5/16" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Elbow $1.52 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree 025 mips x 038 barb 1/4" Mips x 3/8" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Elbow $1.36 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree 025 mips x 050 barb 1/4" Mips x 1/2" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Elbow $1.52 Enter a quantity and
Order 10, 25, 50 or more of the same size fitting for additional savings!
Pricing discounts will show up in your shopping cart.

3/8" Laboratory Grade Plastic Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon 90 degree street elbow 038 3/8" Fips x 3/8" Mips 90° Street Elbow $6.20 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon coupling 038 3/8" Fips Coupling $5.80 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon pipe caps 038 fips 3/8" FIPs Pipe Cap $1.00 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 038 fips x 050 mips 3/8" Fips x 1/2" Mips Hex Bushing $2.22 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 038 fips x 075 mips 3/8" Fips x 3/4" Mips Hex Bushing $2.34 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex plug 038 3/8" Mips Hex Head Plug $0.87 Enter a quantity and
Image Description Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon hex reducing nipple 018 x 038 3/8" Mips x 1/8" Mips Hex Reducing Nipple $0.84 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex reducing nipple 025 x 038 3/8" Mips x 1/4" Mips Hex Reducing Nipple $0.85 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon y 038 barb 3/8" (Hose ID) Barbed "Y" $3.23 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 038 mips x 025 barb 3/8" Mips x 1/4" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $0.95 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 038 mips x 0516 barb 3/8" Mips x 5/16" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $0.85 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 038 mips x 038 barb 3/8" Mips x 3/8" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $0.90 Enter a quantity and
Image Description Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 038 mips x 050 barb 3/8" Mips x 1/2" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $0.90 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 038 mips x 058barb 3/8" Mips x 5/8" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $0.76 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed female adapter 038 fips x 038 barb 3/8" Fips x 3/8" (Hose ID) Barbed Female Adapter $3.72 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed splicer 038 barb 3/8" (Hose ID) Barbed Splicer $0.75 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed tee 038 barb 3/8" (Hose ID) Barbed Tee $2.74 Enter a quantity and
Image Description Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed union 90 degee elbow 038 barb 3/8" (Hose ID) Barbed Union Elbow $1.43 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degere 038 mips x 025 barb 3/8" Mips x 1/4" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Elbow $1.62 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degee elbow 038 mips x 0516 barb 3/8" Mips x 5/16" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Elbow $1.94 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree 038 mips x 038 barb 3/8" Mips x 3/8" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Elbow $1.20 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbo 038 mips x 050 barb 3/8" Mips x 1/2" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Elbow $1.55 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degee elbow 038 mips x 058 barb 3/8" Mips x 5/8" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Elbow $1.63 Enter a quantity and
Order 10, 25, 50 or more of the same size fitting for additional savings!
Pricing discounts will show up in your shopping cart.

1/2" Laboratory Grade Plastic Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon 90 degree elbow 050 fips 1/2" Fips 90° Elbow $6.02 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon 90 degree street elbow 050 1/2" Fips x 1/2" Mips 90° Street Elbow $4.32 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon tee 050 1/2" Fips Tee $6.98 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon coupling 050 1/2" Fips Coupling $4.95 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon pipe caps 050 fips 1/2" FIP Pipe Cap $1.05 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 025 fips x 050 mips 1/2" Mips x 1/4" Fips Hex Bushing $1.76 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 038 fips x 050 mips 1/2" Mips x 3/8" Fips Hex Bushing $2.22 Enter a quantity and
Image Description Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon hex plug 050 1/2" Mips Hex Head Plug $1.81 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex nipple 050 1/2" Mips Hex Nipple $0.98 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nlyon hex nipple 050 1/2" Mips Hex Nipple $0.98 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex reducing nipple 025 x 050 1/2" Mips x 1/4" Mips Reducing Nipple $1.05 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex reducing nipple 038 x 050 1/2" Mips x 3/8" Mips Reducing Nipple $0.99 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 050 mips x 025 barb 1/2" Mips x 1/4" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $1.04 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 050 mips x 038 barb 1/2" Mips x 3/8" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $0.99 Enter a quantity and
Image Description Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 050 mips x 050 barb 1/2" Mips x 1/2" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $1.24 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 050 mips x 058 barb 1/2" Mips x 5/8" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $1.14 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 050 mips x 075 barb 1/2" Mips x 3/4" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $1.25 Enter a quantity and
image unavailable 1/2" Fips x 3/8" (Hose ID) Barbed Female Adapter $5.10 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed female adapter 050 fips x 050 barb 1/2" Fips x 1/2" (Hose ID) Barbed Female Adapter $3.54 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed female adapter 050 fips x 075 barb 1/2" Fips x 3/4" (Hose ID) Barbed Female Adapter $4.24 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed splicer 050 barb 1/2" (Hose ID) Barbed Splicer $0.77 Enter a quantity and
Image Description Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed tee 050 barb 1/2" (Hose ID)Barbed Tee $1.59 Enter a quantity and
image unavailable 1/2" (Hose ID) Barbed Union Elbow $1.48 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 050 mips x 038 barb 1/2" Mips x 3/8" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Elbow $1.55 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 050 mips x 050 barb 1/2" Mips x 1/2" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Elbow $1.54 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 050 mips x 058 barb 1/2" Mips x 5/8" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Elbow $1.94 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 050 mips x 075 barb 1/2" Mips x 3/4" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Elbow $2.07 Enter a quantity and
Order 10, 25, 50 or more of the same size fitting for additional savings!
Pricing discounts will show up in your shopping cart.

5/8" Laboratory Grade Plastic Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed splicer 058 barb 5/8" (Hose ID) Barbed Splicer $1.00 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed tee 058 barb 5/8" (Hose ID)Barbed Tee $1.61 Enter a quantity and
Image Description Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed union 90 degree elbow 058 barb 5/8" (Hose ID) Barbed Union Elbow $1.88 Enter a quantity and
Order 10, 25, 50 or more of the same size fitting for additional savings!
Pricing discounts will show up in your shopping cart.

3/4" Laboratory Grade Plastic Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon 90 degree 075 fips 3/4" Fips 90° Elbow $6.53 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon 90 degree street elbow 075 3/4" Fips x 3/4" Mips 90° Street Elbow $5.90 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon tee 075 3/4" Fips Tee $8.02 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon coupling 075 3/4" Fips Coupling $5.06 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon pipe caps 075 fips 3/4" FIP Pipe Cap $0.97 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 018 fips x 075 mips 3/4" Mips x 1/8" Fips Hex Bushing $2.74 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 025 fips x 075 mips 3/4" Mips x 1/4" Fips Hex Bushing $1.73 Enter a quantity and
Image Description Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 038 fips x 075 mips 3/4" Mips x 3/8" Fips Hex Bushing $2.34 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 050 fips x 075 mips 3/4" Mips x 1/2" Fips Hex Bushing $1.96 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex plug 075 3/4" Mips Hex Head Plug $1.06 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex nipple 075 3/4" Mips Hex Nipple $1.22 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex reducing nipple 038 x 075 3/4" Mips x 3/8" Mips Reducing Nipple $0.90 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex reducing nipple 050 x 075 3/4" Mips x 1/2" Mips Reducing Nipple $1.19 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 075 mips x 025 barb 3/4" Mips x 1/4" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $1.17 Enter a quantity and
Image Description Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 075 mips x 038 barb 3/4" Mips x 3/8" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $0.93 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 075 mips x 050 barb 3/4" Mips x 1/2" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $1.37 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 075 mips x 058 barb 3/4" Mips x 5/8" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $1.38 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 075 mips x 075 barb 3/4" Mips x 3/4" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $1.30 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 075 mips x 100 barb 3/4" Mips x 1" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $1.41 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed female adapter 075 fips x 058 barb 3/4" Fips x 5/8" (Hose ID) Barbed Female Adapters $5.14 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed female adapter 075 fips x 075 barb 3/4" Fips x 3/4" (Hose ID) Barbed Female Adapters $5.21 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed splice 075 barb 3/4" (Hose ID) Barbed Splicer $1.46 Enter a quantity and
Image Description Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed tee 075 barb 3/4" (Hose ID) Barbed Tee $1.91 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed union 90 degree elbow 075 barb 3/4" (Hose ID) Barbed Union Elbow $1.89 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 075 mips x 038 barb 3/4" Mips x 3/8 (Hose ID) Barbed Male Elbow $2.11 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 075 mips x 050 barb 3/4" Mips x 1/2" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Elbow $1.93 Enter a quantity and
laborarory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 075 mips x 058 barb 3/4" Mips x 5/8" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Elbow $2.28 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed 90 degree elbow 075 mips x 075 barb 3/4" Mips x 3/4" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Elbow $2.04 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 075 mips x 100 barb 3/4" Mips x 1" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Elbow $2.68 Enter a quantity and
Order 10, 25, 50 or more of the same size fitting for additional savings!
Pricing discounts will show up in your shopping cart.

1" Laboratory Grade Plastic Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon 90 degree elbow 100 fips 1" Fips 90° Elbow $11.34 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon 90 degree street elbow 100 1" Fips x 1" Mips 90° Street Elbow $12.67 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon tee 100 1" Fips Tee $14.98 Enter a quantity and
laborarory grade white nylon coupling 100 1" Fips Coupling $6.27 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 050 fips x 100 mips 1" Mips x 1/2" Fips Hex Bushing $2.88 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 075 fips x 100 mips 1" Mips x 3/4" Fips Hex Bushing $2.17 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex plug 100 1" Mips Hex Head Plug $1.67 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex nipple 100 1" Mips Hex Nipple $2.12 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 100 mips x 075 barb 1" Mips x 3/4" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $1.61 Enter a quantity and
Image Description Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 100 mips x 100 barb 1" Mips x 1" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $1.82 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 100 mips x 125 barb 1" Mips x 1-1/4" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $2.78 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed splicer 100 barb 1" (Hose ID) Barbed Splicer $2.01 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed tee 100 barb 1" (Hose ID) Barbed Tee $3.15 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed union 90 degree elbow 100 barb 1" (Hose ID) Barbed Union Elbow $2.79 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 100 mips x 075 barb 1" Mips x 3/4" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Elbow $2.14 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 100 mips x 100 barb 1" Mips x 1" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Elbow $2.44 Enter a quantity and
Order 10, 25, 50 or more of the same size fitting for additional savings!
Pricing discounts will show up in your shopping cart.

1-1/4" Laboratory Grade Plastic Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
image unavailable 1-1/4" Fips 90° Elbow $13.53 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon 90 degree street elbow 125 1-1/4" Fips x 1-1/4" Mips 90° Street Elbow $14.06 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon 125 1-1/4" Fips Tee $15.33 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 075 fips x 125 mips 1-1/4" Mips x 3/4" Fips Hex Bushing $4.06 Enter a quantity and
image unavailable 1-1/4" Mips x 1" Fips Hex Bushing $3.55 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex plug 125 1-1/4" Mips Hex Plug $2.09 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex nipple 125 1-1/4" Mips Hex Nipple $4.41 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 125 mips x 100 barb 1-1/4" Mips x 1" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $3.64 Enter a quantity and
Image Description Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 125 mips x 125 barb 1-1/4" Mips x 1-1/4" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $3.22 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed splicer 125 barb 1-1/4" (Hose ID) Barbed Splicer $3.53 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed tee 125 barb 1-1/4" (Hose ID) Barbed Tee $4.84 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed union 90 degree elbow 125 barb 1-1/4" (Hose ID) Barbed Union Elbow $7.73 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 125 mips x 100 barb 1-1/4" Mips x 1" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Elbow $4.31 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 125 mips x 125 barb 1-1/4" Mips x 1-1/4" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Elbow $4.65 Enter a quantity and
Order 10, 25, 50 or more of the same size fitting for additional savings!
Pricing discounts will show up in your shopping cart.

1-1/2" Laboratory Grade Plastic Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon 90 degree elbow 150 fips 1-1/2" Fips 90° Elbow $14.76 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon tee 150 1-1/2" Fips Tee $22.83 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon coupling 150 1-1/2" Fips Coupling $8.96 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 075 fips x 150 mips 1-1/2" Mips x 3/4" Fips Hex Bushing $4.68 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 100 fips x 150 mips 1-1/2" Mips x 1" Fips Hex Bushing $5.15 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 125 fips x 150 mips 1-1/2" Mips x 1-1/4" Fips Hex Bushing $5.17 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex plug 150 1-1/2" Mips Hex Head Plug $3.25 Enter a quantity and
Image Description Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon hex nipple 150 1-1/2" Mips Hex Nipple $4.32 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 150 mips x 150 barb 1-1/2" Mips x 1-1/2" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $3.73 Enter a quantity and
image unavailable 1-1/2" (Hose ID) Barbed Splicer $3.72 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed tee 150 barb 1-1/2" (Hose ID) Barbed Tee $5.34 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed union 90 degree elbow 150 barb 1-1/2" (Hose ID) Barbed Union Elbow $10.19 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree 150 mips x 150 barb 1-1/2" Mips x 1-1/2" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Elbow $6.03 Enter a quantity and
Order 10, 25, 50 or more of the same size fitting for additional savings!
Pricing discounts will show up in your shopping cart.

2" Laboratory Grade Plastic Fittings

Image Description Price & Quantity
image unavailable 2" Fips Coupling $11.09 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 075 fips x 200 mips 2" Mips x 3/4" Fips Hex Bushing $11.23 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 100 fips x 200 mips 2" Mips x 1" Fips Hex Bushing $10.19 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex bushing 150 fips x 200 mips 2" Mips x 1-1/2" Fips Hex Bushing $5.01 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex plug 200 2" Mips Hex Head Plug $4.93 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon hex nipple 200 2" Mips Hex Nipple $5.50 Enter a quantity and
Image Description Price & Quantity
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male adapter 200 mips x 200 barb 2" Mips x 2" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Adapter $6.00 Enter a quantity and
image unavailable 2" (Hose ID) Barbed Splicer $13.37 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed tee 200 barb 2" (Hose ID) Barbed Tee $17.69 Enter a quantity and
image unavailable 2" (Hose ID) Barbed Union Elbow $16.51 Enter a quantity and
laboratory grade white nylon barbed male 90 degree elbow 200 mips x 200 barb 2" Mips x 2" (Hose ID) Barbed Male Elbow $7.04 Enter a quantity and
Order 10, 25, 50 or more of the same size fitting for additional savings!
Pricing discounts will show up in your shopping cart.

Related Items & Accessories

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. "How are the barbed adapters sized?"
A.They are sized by the barbed fitting outside diameter which fits into the I.D.(inside diameter) of the tubing or hose.

Q. "How can I make sure my barbed fittings don't leak?"
A. The best way to ensure a good connection with barbed insert fittings is to choose the right size fitting and make sure your hose clamps are well-tightened. For a brief tutorial, check out the video below.

About Barbed Insert Fittings

Customer Testimonials

"I had absolutely no trouble finding what I needed. In fact, the ordering chart for the plastic fitting sizes was great... no need to search through pages and pages of fittings that look exactly alike. Easy to use website, simple checkout process... Great experience so far!"
- Chris Newcamp, Gibsonia, Pennsylvania 15044-9611

"I couldn't believe how fast my order arrived! I had not been able to locate a certain item in my city of half million people. I ordered from® on Wednesday morning, and it arrived on Friday. Fantastic!"
- Jo Jones, Edmond, Oklahoma 73083

Please note that every customer testimonial shown on our pages has given us written permission to quote them. Our customer's privacy is very important to us so we will never give, share or sell contact information or e-mail addresses to anyone!

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