click any of the images below to be directed to that section
ABS= Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene; AC= Asbestos Cement; CI= Cast Iron; DI= Ductile Iron; PVC= Poly Vinyl Chloride; ST= Steel; PL= Plastic (ABS/PVC)
1001 series - for Clay to Clay
includes stainless steel hose clamps
Note: Dimensions have been converted from decimal inches to usable fraction inches and are not always exact equivalents
* Parts are supplied with a reducer
1002 series - for Clay to Cast Iron or Plastic
includes stainless steel hose clamps
Note: Dimensions have been converted from decimal inches to usable fraction inches and are not always exact equivalents
* Parts are supplied with a reducer
1003 series - for Clay to Asbestos Cement Fiber or Ductile Iron
includes stainless steel hose clamps
Note: Dimensions have been converted from decimal inches to usable fraction inches and are not always exact equivalents
* Parts are supplied with a reducer
1004 series - for Concrete to Concrete
includes stainless steel hose clamps
Note: Dimensions have been converted from decimal inches to usable fraction inches and are not always exact equivalents
* Parts are supplied with a reducer
1006 series - for Concrete to Cast Iron or Plastic
includes stainless steel hose clamps
Note: Dimensions have been converted from decimal inches to usable fraction inches and are not always exact equivalents
* Parts are supplied with a reducer
1051 series - for Asbestos Cement Fiber or Ductile Iron to Cast Iron or Plastic
(also copper, lead, orange, c900)
includes stainless steel hose clamps
Note: Dimensions have been converted from decimal inches to usable fraction inches and are not always exact equivalents
* Parts are supplied with a reducer
1055 series - for Asbestos Cement Fiber or Ductile Iron
to Asbestos Cement Fiber or Ductile Iron
includes stainless steel hose clamps
Note: Dimensions have been converted from decimal inches to usable fraction inches and are not always exact equivalents
* Parts are supplied with a reducer
1056 series - for Cast Iron, Plastic, or Steel
to Cast Iron, Plastic, or Steel
includes stainless steel hose clamps
Note: Dimensions have been converted from decimal inches to usable fraction inches and are not always exact equivalents
* Parts are supplied with a reducer
1056EB series ECCENTRIC - for Cast Iron, Plastic, or Steel
to Cast Iron, Plastic, or Steel
includes stainless steel hose clamps
These couplings align the inside wall of the two pipes to maintain a continuous flowline.
All of these eccentric couplings come in a two-piece combination.
Note: Dimensions have been converted from decimal inches to usable fraction inches and are not always exact equivalents
1059 series - connects by sliding over plastic Socket (Hub) and over plastic pipe
Connects pipe to a fitting when existing pipe was cut off flush inside fitting.
includes stainless steel hose clamps
Note: Dimensions have been converted from decimal inches to usable fraction inches and are not always exact equivalents
1060 series - connects by sliding over plastic Socket (Hub) and over plastic Socket (Hub)
Connects two fittings together when pipe is cut off flush inside the fittings.
includes stainless steel hose clamps
Note: Dimensions have been converted from decimal inches to usable fraction inches and are not always exact equivalents
Donut Shaped Compression Seal
Service Weight Cast Iron Bell (hub) x ABS/PVC Schedule 40 pipe
- Creates positive pipe seal to sewer pipe sockets, hubs and bells
- Not only adapts ABS or PVC but can also adapt galvanized or cast iron pipe to service weight cast iron pipe bell/hub
- Eliminates heating and pouring lead to seal joints
- Corrosion proof and unaffected by acid or alkali
- Donuts are made of flexible elastomeric PVC
Order in quantities of 2, 10, 20 or more of each size for additional savings!
Volume pricing will appear in your shopping cart.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. "What is a Trap Adapter?"
A. Trap Adapters are fittings used to connect the piping from the P-trap to the piping coming out from the wall or floor. These trap adapters can be used for repairs or alterations or for new installations.
Q. "The trap under my kitchen sink has 1-1/2" OD (outside diameter) pipe. Will the 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" trap adapter work for this application?"
A. These trap adapter flexible couplings are so flexible they will usually tighten down one or 2 sizes more than the pipes shown that they fit, but we would suggest you use a coupling closer to the actual size you need which in this case would be the 1-1/2" x 1-1/4" coupling.
Q. "Can I use these flexible rubber couplings in place of a shielded no-hub coupling?"
A. You should not replace a shielded no-hub coupling with a flexible rubber coupling if it is an above ground installation or repair. Flexible rubber couplings are for use underground. No-hub or shielded couplings can be used above or below ground because the shield provides extra strength to the coupling.
Q. "The flexible rubber coupling appears much thicker than a no-hub coupling. What is the advantage of the shield on the no-hub coupling?"
A. The shield was designed for the no-hub couplings to adjust to variations in diameters of the pipes to be joined and for added strength. When the bands are tightened the corrugations squeeze together and line up to lock against each other. This puts pressure both parallel and crossways against the gasket which in turn tightens against the pipe providing a reliable positive seal. The shield keeps the pipe from shifting and possibly cutting or breaking through the gasket and the gasket creates the seal and prevents the pipe from pulling out.

Flexible Coupling

No-Hub Coupling
Q. "What is flexible elastomeric PVC?"
A. It is a rubber like material capable of recovering its original shape after being greatly stretched. Composed of man made chemical compounds including PVC (poly vinyl chloride).
Q. "What is service weight cast iron pipe?"
A. Service weight cast iron pipe is the standard cast iron pipe with bell and spigot connections. It is used for
gravity flow sanitary drain, waste, vent, sewer and storm drains in non-pressure installations. Service weight cast iron pipe and fittings must conform to ASTM specifications as set forth in ASTM A 74 that specifies the physical composition, dimension requirements, the quality of the finished product and testing requirements to ensure the piping conforms to this standard. Service weight is the minimum grade of cast iron piping that can be used in residential or commercial plumbing bell and spigot applications. An Extra Heavy Duty Cast Iron pipe is also available but is very rarely used except for extreme soil conditions and in special industrial applications.