Repair Parts For Symmons Products

Founded in 1939, Symmons Industries is a premier manufacturer of commercial and residential plumbing products. Their premium line of products offers style, durability and value-pricing - they have something to fit every plumbing budget.® wants to be your source for plumbing products from Symmons.® offers an extensive selection of Symmons repair parts.
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Symmons Repair Kits

Image/Part # Description Price & Quantity
Repair KitTA-4 Repair Kit - hot & cold renewable seat (T-1/3), cold seat o-ring $48.05 Enter a quantity and
Repair KitTA-9 Repair Kit - hot washer screw (T-5), hot & cold washers (T-6/8), cold washer retainer (T-7), cap gasket (T-11) $9.11 Enter a quantity and
Repair KitT-35C Hot & Cold Seat Removal Tools $31.77 Enter a quantity and

Please Note: Symmons recommends always replacing both seats in a Temptrol valve.
If only one seat appears worn, both seats need to be replaced.

SafetyMix Pressure Balancing Mixing Valve Parts
from 1960 - Current

safety mix pressure balancing mixing valve parts
Image/Part # Description Price & Quantity
Flow Control Spindle C-5C-5 Flow Control Spindle $106.86 Enter a quantity and
Seat Socket Wrench C-50C-50 Seat Socket Wrench $79.70 Enter a quantity and
Washer and Gasket Kit KIT-BKIT-B Washer & Gasket Kit $24.23 Enter a quantity and
LC-14 Lucite Handle with Set Screw SC-15A $41.53 Enter a quantity and
Lever handle RC-14RC-14 Solid Lever Handle with Set Screw SC-15A  N/A  Enter a quantity and
Cap assembly SC-2SC-2 Cap - includes packing nut, o-ring, gasket, & limit set screw $69.46 Enter a quantity and
Renewable seat SC-3SC-3 Renewable Seat with Gaskets $56.85 Enter a quantity and
Packing nut SC-7SC-7 Packing Nut $11.70 Enter a quantity and
SC-9 Cold Washer Retainer - use KIT-B (shown above) use KIT-B
SC-10A Hot Washer Screw - use KIT-B (shown above) use KIT-B
SC-10/11 Hot/Cold Washers - use KIT-B (shown above) use KIT-B
Escutcheon kit SC-12SC-12 Escutcheon, On/Off Plate & Screw (new design) Discontinued
Dome cover SC-13/18SC-13/18 Dome Cover & Lock Kit $33.69 Enter a quantity and
Set Screw SC-15ASC-15A Set Screw $4.84 Enter a quantity and
Packing SC-17SC-17 Packing $7.73 Enter a quantity and
Lock nut SC-18SC-18 Lock Nut $9.60 Enter a quantity and
SC-19 Cap Gasket - use KIT-B (shown above) use KIT-B
Limit stop assembly SC-22ASC-22A Limit Stop Assembly $5.43 Enter a quantity and
Limit stop SC-26SC-26 Limit Stop with O-Ring $6.84 Enter a quantity and
Dial SC-102SC-102 Dial $10.00 Enter a quantity and

SafetyMix Integral Stop Parts without Rings
from 1956 - Current

Image/Part # Description Price & Quantity
C-32-5 Spindle Assembly - 5/8" diameter $34.72 Enter a quantity and
Spindle assembly C-32-11C-32-11 Spindle Assembly - 11/16" diameter $34.76 Enter a quantity and
C-32B-5 Plaster Shield - 5/8" diameter $7.83 Enter a quantity and
C-32B-11 Plaster Shield - 11/16" diameter $7.89 Enter a quantity and

SafetyMix'ette' Stop Parts
from 1964 - 1965

Image/Part # Description Price & Quantity
C-32-5 Spindle Assembly - 5/8" diameter $34.72 Enter a quantity and
Spindle assembly C-32-11C-32-11 Spindle Assembly - 11/16" diameter $34.76 Enter a quantity and
C-32B-5 Plaster Shield - 5/8" diameter $7.83 Enter a quantity and
C-32B-11 Plaster Shield - 11/16" diameter $7.89 Enter a quantity and

SafetyMix Push Button Type Diverter Parts
from 1960 - 1964

Image/Part # Description Price & Quantity
DT-20/5 Replacement Unit with Escutcheon $144.38 Enter a quantity and

SafetyMix Lever Type Diverter Parts
from 1960 - 1964

Image/Part # Description Price & Quantity
LLD-20A Replacement Unit with Escutcheon $143.19 Enter a quantity and

VisuTemp ClearVue Pressure Balancing Valve w/ Thermometer

Image/Part # Description Price & Quantity
Dome cover SC-13/18SC-13/18 Dome Cover & Lock Kit $33.69 Enter a quantity and
Lock nut SC-18SC-18 Lock Nut $9.60 Enter a quantity and
VT-102 Escutcheon and Thermometer Element - view list of parts included $144.79 Enter a quantity and
VT-103 Thermometer Element $143.97 Enter a quantity and
On/Off indicator VT-104VT-104 On/Off Indicator $24.36 Enter a quantity and
Escutcheoun kit VT-105VT-105 Escutcheon Kit - Includes escutcheon and;
  • On/Off Indicator (VT-104)
  • Temperature Decal (VT-109)
  • Escutcheon Gasket - black back plate (VT-114)
  • Foam Gasket (VT-115)
  • Escutcheon Screws (W0-20A)
$76.89 Enter a quantity and
VT-112 Handle $65.75 Enter a quantity and
Symmons VT-112X Handle for Separate DiverterVT-112X Handle for Separate Diverter $50.90 Enter a quantity and
WO-20A Screws $4.84 Enter a quantity and

VisuTemp Pressure Balancing Valve w/ Thermometer
from 1975 - Current

Visu-Temp pressure balancing mixing valve parts
Image/Part # Description Price & Quantity
Flow Control Spindle C-5C-5 Flow Control Spindle $106.86 Enter a quantity and
Seat Socket Wrench C-50C-50 Seat Socket Wrench $79.70 Enter a quantity and
Washer and Gasket Kit KIT-BKIT-B-VT Visu-Temp Washer & Gasket Kit Discontinued
Cap assembly SC-2SC-2 Cap - includes packing nut, o-ring, gasket, & limit set screw $69.46 Enter a quantity and
Renewable seat SC-3SC-3 Renewable Seat with Gaskets $56.85 Enter a quantity and
Packing nut SC-7SC-7 Packing Nut $11.70 Enter a quantity and
SC-9 Cold Washer Retainer - use KIT-B (shown above) use KIT-B
SC-10A Hot Washer Screw - use KIT-B (shown above) use KIT-B
SC-10/11 Hot/Cold Washers - use KIT-B (shown above) use KIT-B
Dome cover SC-13/18SC-13/18 Dome Cover & Lock Kit $33.69 Enter a quantity and
Set Screw SC-15ASC-15A Set Screw $4.84 Enter a quantity and
Packing SC-17SC-17 Packing $7.73 Enter a quantity and
Lock nut SC-18SC-18 Lock Nut $9.60 Enter a quantity and
SC-19 Cap Gasket - use KIT-B (shown above) use KIT-B
Limit stop SC-26SC-26 Limit Stop with O-Ring $6.84 Enter a quantity and
Visu temp escutcheon VT-3AVT-3A Square Escutcheon & Screws - Replaced by VT-105 $76.89 Enter a quantity and
VT-7 Dial with Screw & O-Ring Discontinued
VT-9A Retainer AssemblyVT-9A Retainer Assembly $12.01 Enter a quantity and
VT-13 Escutcheon Gasket - no longer available separately use VT-102
Dial screw VT-16VT-16 Dial Screw with O-Ring Discontinued
VT-102 Escutcheon and Thermometer Element - view list of parts included $144.79 Enter a quantity and
VT-103 Thermometer Element $143.97 Enter a quantity and
On/Off indicator VT-104VT-104 On/Off Indicator $24.36 Enter a quantity and
VT-112 Lever Handle $65.75 Enter a quantity and
WO-20A Screws $4.84 Enter a quantity and

HydaPipe 800 Pressure Balancing Valve Replacement Parts
from 1964 - Current

Image/Part # Description Price & Quantity
4-420H Showeroff Valve $434.03 Enter a quantity and
HP-4 Cover Plate $39.67 Enter a quantity and
HP-5 Soap Dish $57.58 Enter a quantity and
Dial HP-6HP-6 Dial $19.96 Enter a quantity and
Screw HP-7HP-7 Screw $2.82 Enter a quantity and
HP-10 Body Cover $24.18 Enter a quantity and
O-Ring HP-7HP-10A O-Ring $2.73 Enter a quantity and
HP-14 Screw $4.83 Enter a quantity and
HP-14B Anchor $4.84 Enter a quantity and
HP-18 Stop Retainer Screw $4.83 Enter a quantity and
Stop retainer washer HP-18AHP-18A Stop Retainer Washer $2.30 Enter a quantity and
HP-26 Horizontal Cover Strap $46.32 Enter a quantity and
HP-27 Ceiling Flange $51.12 Enter a quantity and
HP-29 Inside Joining Bracket $51.21 Enter a quantity and
HP-30 Crossover Fitting Discontinued
HP-36SS Cake Soap Dish $157.71 Enter a quantity and
Symmons HY-50 Holt Head ScrewdriverHY-50 Holt Head Screwdriver $16.58 Enter a quantity and
IH-4 Escutcheon Screw $4.85 Enter a quantity and
C-13 Dome Cover (formerly SC-13B) $46.10 Enter a quantity and
SC-13C Dial $20.09 Enter a quantity and
Set screw SC-15ASC-15A Set Screw $4.84 Enter a quantity and
Silicone lubricant 963-01963-01 Silicone Lubricant - 1/4 oz
for o-rings and cartridges - FDA approved
$4.10 Enter a quantity and

HydaPipe 900 Pressure Balancing Valve Repair Parts
from 1997 - Current

Image/Part # Description Price & Quantity
DT-8 Bonnet O-Ring $4.85 Enter a quantity and
Screw HP-7HP-7 Screw $2.82 Enter a quantity and
HP-14A Screw $4.84 Enter a quantity and
HP-14B Anchor $4.84 Enter a quantity and
HPN-5 Top Cap $40.02 Enter a quantity and
HPN-6 Soap Dish $61.01 Enter a quantity and
HPN-7 Nameplate $18.22 Enter a quantity and
HPN-10 Dome Cover $22.60 Enter a quantity and
HPN-29 Inside Joining Bracket $97.24 Enter a quantity and
HPN-39 Ceiling Flange $51.64 Enter a quantity and
Symmons HY-50 Holt Head ScrewdriverHY-50 Holt Head Screwdriver $16.58 Enter a quantity and
L-23 O-Ring use DT-8
LM-26SW Service Stop Complete $19.55 Enter a quantity and
Silicone lubricant 963-01963-01 Silicone Lubricant - 1/4 oz
for o-rings and cartridges - FDA approved
$4.10 Enter a quantity and

Temptrol Pressure Balancing Valve Repair Parts
from 1968 - Current

Image/Part # Description Price & Quantity
Cap assembly T-12AT-12A Cap Assembly $59.74 Enter a quantity and
Packing nut assembly T-16T-16 Packing with O-Ring and Washer $4.60 Enter a quantity and
Packing nut T-17T-17 Packing Nut $11.85 Enter a quantity and
T-17-EXT-1 Extended Packing Nut $18.68 Enter a quantity and
Dome cover T-19/20T-19/20 Dome Cover and Lock Nut $23.39 Enter a quantity and
T-21 Hold Down Washer with Screw - 1 hole $4.83 Enter a quantity and
2 Hole hold down washer T-21AT-21A Hold Down Washer with Screws - 2 Hole $4.83 Enter a quantity and
Diverter retainer T-21CT-21C Diverter Retainer $4.83 Enter a quantity and
Spindle O-Ring T-24T-24 Spindle O-Ring Discontinued
Use LD-10
Escutcheon T-27T-27 Escutcheon $50.64 Enter a quantity and
Escutcheon gasket T-27BT-27B Escutcheon Gasket $5.01 Enter a quantity and
T-27-BRASS Chrome Plated Brass Escutcheon and Gasket $68.57 Enter a quantity and
Escutcheon clip T-27CLT-27CL Escutcheon Clip $4.84 Enter a quantity and
T-28 Escutcheon Screws - PAIR (qty of two) $4.85 Enter a quantity and
Escutcheon screws T-28AT-28A Escutcheon Screws - 3" - PAIR (qty of two) $5.74 Enter a quantity and
T-28VP Vandal Resistant Escutcheon Screws - PAIR (qty of two) $6.13 Enter a quantity and
Model A dial T-29AT-29A Model "A" Dial $6.83 Enter a quantity and
Model B dial T-29BT-29B Model "B" Dial $10.47 Enter a quantity and
Model C dial T-29CT-29C Model "C" Dial $6.62 Enter a quantity and
Diverter volume handle T-30T-30 Diverter/Volume Handle $18.85 Enter a quantity and
Temperature control handle T-31T-31 Temperature Control Handle with Handle Screw, Lock Washer, & Plug Button - Replaced by RTS-061 $30.95 Enter a quantity and
Handle screw T-32T-32 Handle Screw & Lock Washer $5.19 Enter a quantity and
Plug button T-33T-33 Plug Button $4.83 Enter a quantity and
Limit stop T-34T-34 Limit Stop - Without Ring $4.55 Enter a quantity and
Seat removal tools T-35CT-35 C Hot & Cold Seat Removal Tools $31.77 Enter a quantity and
Temp control handle T-101T-101 Acrylic Temperature Control Handle $30.54 Enter a quantity and
T-169 Brass Escutcheon With Screw $56.95 Enter a quantity and
Renewable seat TA-4TA-4 Hot/Cold Renewable Seat & Cold Seat O-Ring $48.05 Enter a quantity and
Repair kit TA-9TA-9 Repair Kit:
  • Hot Washer Screw
  • Hot/Cold Washers
  • Cold Washer Retainer
  • Cap Gasket
$9.11 Enter a quantity and
Flow control spindle TA-10TA-10 Flow Control Spindle $73.53 Enter a quantity and
Extension kit TA-10-EXT-KITTA-10-EXT-KIT Extension Kit $41.21 Enter a quantity and
Diverter volume spindle TA-25ATA-25A Model "A" Diverter/Volume Spindle $14.11 Enter a quantity and
Volume spindle TA-25BTA-25B Model "B" Volume Spindle $13.81 Enter a quantity and
Silicone lubricant 963-01963-01 Silicone Lubricant - 1/4 oz
for o-rings and cartridges - FDA approved
$4.10 Enter a quantity and

Temptrol 2000 Pressure Balancing Valve Parts

Image/Part # Description Price & Quantity
tub and shower dial with emblem2000-KIT-C (old part #2000-Kit-A)
- Dial with Tub/Shower Dial Emblem
$19.83 Enter a quantity and
2000-KIT-B Dial with Shower Dial Emblem Discontinued
Dome cover lock nut T-19/20T-19/20 Dome Cover Lock Nut $23.39 Enter a quantity and
Handle screw T-32T-32 Handle Screw & Lock Washer $5.19 Enter a quantity and
T-143 Tub/Shower Dial Emblem Discontinued
T-144 Shower Dial Emblem Discontinued
Symmons T3-27 Model C EscutcheonT3-27 Model "C" Escutcheon $38.86 Enter a quantity and
Symmons T3-27B Escutcheon GasketT3-27B Escutcheon Gasket $2.82 Enter a quantity and
T3-27D Model "A/B" Escutcheon with Slot $39.09 Enter a quantity and
Escutcheon screws T3-28T3-28 Escutcheon Screws - PAIR (qty of two) $4.83 Enter a quantity and
T3-29 Dial $14.49 Enter a quantity and
Plug button T-33T-33 Plug Button $4.83 Enter a quantity and
T3-30 Diverter Handle Kit $36.36 Enter a quantity and
T3-31 Lever Temperature Control Handle $57.10 Enter a quantity and
T3-31L Loop Temperature Control Handle $103.93 Enter a quantity and
Temp control handle T3-31ST3-31S Lever Temperature Control Handle (New Style) $124.14 Enter a quantity and
Symmons T3-33R Round Plug ButtonT3-33R Round Plug Button $3.35 Enter a quantity and
T3-SDD Shower Dial Discontinued
T3-TSDD Tub/Shower Dial Discontinued
Handle insert T3-31-INST3-31-INS Handle Insert $4.84 Enter a quantity and

Temptrol II Pressure Balancing Valve Repair Parts

Image/Part # Description Price & Quantity
Escutcheon T-27T-27 Escutcheon $50.64 Enter a quantity and
T-28 Escutcheon Screws - PAIR (qty of two) $4.85 Enter a quantity and
Dial T-29CT2T-29CT2 Dial for T-27 Escutcheon $9.37 Enter a quantity and
Handle screw T-32T-32 Handle Screw & Lock Washer $5.19 Enter a quantity and
Plug button T-33T-33 Plug Button $4.83 Enter a quantity and
Temp control handle T-65T-65 Temperature Control Handle  N/A  Enter a quantity and

Olde Braintree Brass Pressure Balancing Valve Parts

Image/Part # Description Price & Quantity
7.5 Escutcheon Ring - 7-1/2" $79.45 Enter a quantity and
DF-6 Handle Flange $27.48 Enter a quantity and
Dial DF-8DF-8 Dial $4.89 Enter a quantity and
Escutcheon screws DF-9DF-9 Escutcheon Screws $7.28 Enter a quantity and
DF-10 Handle Screw $6.27 Enter a quantity and
DF-11 Dome $52.20 Enter a quantity and
DF-14 Escutcheon - without slot $105.74 Enter a quantity and
DF-14-SL Escutcheon - slotted $105.29 Enter a quantity and
DF-21/22 Diverter Volume Handle $58.47 Enter a quantity and
Symmons DF-25 O-RingDF-25 O-Ring $3.69 Enter a quantity and
Chrome handle DF-28-LAMDF-28-LAM Handle with Chrome Insert $49.30 Enter a quantity and
DF-28-LCF Handle with Clear Faceted Insert $62.61 Enter a quantity and
DF-28-LPO Handle with White Insert $62.73 Enter a quantity and
T-127 Cross Handle $25.71 Enter a quantity and
Silicone lubricant 963-01963-01 Silicone Lubricant - 1/4 oz
for o-rings and cartridges - FDA approved
$4.10 Enter a quantity and

Allura Pressure Balancing Valve Replacement Parts

Image/Part # Description Price & Quantity
DF-6 Handle Flange $27.48 Enter a quantity and
Chrome handle DF-28-LAMDF-28-LAM Handle with Chrome Insert $49.30 Enter a quantity and
DF-28-LCF Handle with Clear Faceted Insert $62.61 Enter a quantity and
DF-28-LPO Handle with White Insert $62.73 Enter a quantity and
Handle screw T-32T-32 Handle Screw & Lock Washer $5.19 Enter a quantity and
Plug button T-33T-33 Plug Button $4.83 Enter a quantity and
T-127 Cross Handle $25.71 Enter a quantity and
Dial T-130AT-130A Model "A" Dial $12.58 Enter a quantity and
Dial T-130BT-130B
T-130BModel "B" Dial - Chrome $13.87 Enter a quantity and
T-130BModel "B" Dial - Satin Nickel $29.32 Enter a quantity and
T-131 Model "A/B" Escutcheon Assembly Discontinued
T-131A Model "A" Escutcheon Kit
T-131B Model "B" Escutcheon Kit
T-133C Model "C" Escutcheon Kit
Dial T-132T-132 Model "C" Dial $9.70 Enter a quantity and
T-139 Diverter Handle $20.95 Enter a quantity and
Dial T3-28T3-28 Escutcheon Screws - PAIR (qty of two) $4.83 Enter a quantity and
Temp control handle T3-31ST3-31S Lever Temperature Control Handle (New Style) $124.14 Enter a quantity and

WaterDance Pressure Balancing Valve Parts

Image/Part # Description Price & Quantity
C-13 Dome Cover $37.74 Enter a quantity and
Escutcheon screws DF-9DF-9 Escutcheon Screws $7.28 Enter a quantity and
DF-10 Handle Screw $6.27 Enter a quantity and
Symmons DF-25 O-RingDF-25 O-Ring $3.69 Enter a quantity and
HF-28-LAM Insert Handle - Chrome $63.13 Enter a quantity and
HF-28-LPO insert handle - clear $62.60 Enter a quantity and
HF-28-LCF Insert Handle - white $63.25 Enter a quantity and
HF-103 Spindle $151.81 Enter a quantity and
HF-109 Renewable Seat with Gasket $87.34 Enter a quantity and
HF-112 Escutcheon $138.48 Enter a quantity and
HF-113 2000 Series Dome Cover $22.49 Enter a quantity and
HF-114 Seat O-Ring use HF-109
HF-117 Dial $7.89 Enter a quantity and
HF-118 Handle Flange $15.67 Enter a quantity and
HF-119 2000 Series Dial $30.64 Enter a quantity and
HF-120 2000 Series Escutcheon $117.23 Enter a quantity and
KIT-HF Washer and Gasket Kit $34.97 Enter a quantity and
Cap assembly SC-2SC-2 Cap - includes:
  • Packing Nut
  • O-Ring
  • Gasket
  • Limit Set Screw
$69.46 Enter a quantity and
Packing nut SC-7SC-7 Packing Nut $11.70 Enter a quantity and
SC-9 Cold Washer Retainer use KIT-HF
SC-10/11 Hot & Cold Washers use KIT-HF
SC-10A Hot Washer Screw use KIT-HF
Packing SC-17SC-17 Packing $7.73 Enter a quantity and
Packing nut SC-18SC-18 Lock Nut $9.60 Enter a quantity and
SC-19 Cap Gasket use KIT-HF
Limit stop SC-26SC-26 Limit Stop with O-Ring $6.84 Enter a quantity and
Handle screw T-32T-32 Handle Screw & Lock Washer $5.19 Enter a quantity and
Plug button T-33T-33 Plug Button $4.83 Enter a quantity and
Escutcheon screws T3-28T3-28 Escutcheon Screws - PAIR (qty of two) $4.83 Enter a quantity and
T3-31L Loop Temperature Control Handle $103.93 Enter a quantity and
Temp control handle T3-31ST3-31S Lever Temperature Control Handle (New Style) $124.14 Enter a quantity and
Silicone lubricant 963-01963-01 Silicone Lubricant - 1/4 oz
for o-rings and cartridges - FDA approved
$4.10 Enter a quantity and

Temptrol Stop Parts w/ Sweat Connections

Image/Part # Description Price & Quantity
Spindle Assembly T-52T-52 Spindle Assembly & Plaster Shield $40.94 Enter a quantity and
T-54 Escutcheon Screw Retainer $5.43 Enter a quantity and
image coming soonT-55B Retainer, Stop Spindle (replaces T-55) $7.39 Enter a quantity and
Plaster Shield wrench T-55CT-55C Plaster Shield Wrench $19.85 Enter a quantity and

Image/Part # Description Price & Quantity
Push rod NS-4NS-4 Push Rod $4.59 Enter a quantity and
NS-21 Escutcheon & Screw use 4-420-TRM
NS-22 Escutcheon Screws - PAIR (qty of two) $5.23 Enter a quantity and
PS-1 Cartridge Replacement Unit $210.15 Enter a quantity and
PS-2 Knob & Screw $37.53 Enter a quantity and
PS-3 Push Rod use NS-4
PS-4 Escutcheon & Screw use 4-420-TRM
PS-5 Escutcheon Screws - PAIR (qty of two) use NS-22
PS-6 Cap use PS-1
PS-7 Cap Screw $4.84 Enter a quantity and
PS-8 Cap Gasket Discontinued
PS-9 Guide Nut - without ring use PS-1
PS-10 Guide Nut Gasket use PS-1
PS-11 Cap O-Ring use PS-1
PS-12 Shut-Off Washer & Screw use PS-1
PS-13 Cup-Washer & Control Rod Piston Unit use PS-1
PS-13R Washer & Gasket Repair Unit use PS-1
PS-14 Spring Discontinued
PS-15/17 Control Rod Sleeve & Retainer use PS-1
PS-18 Retainer Washer use PS-1
PS-20 Integral Stop Unit $21.25 Enter a quantity and
Trim kit 4-420-TRM4-420-TRM Trim Only - includes all exposed parts - chrome $124.79 Enter a quantity and
Silicone lubricant 963-01963-01 Silicone Lubricant - 1/4 oz
for o-rings and cartridges - FDA approved
$4.10 Enter a quantity and

ShowerOff Automatic Shower Limiting Valve Parts
from 1983 - Current

Image/Part # Description Price & Quantity
HV-1 Manual Shut-Off Cartridge $208.79 Enter a quantity and
Symmons L-39 Plug ButtonL-39 Plug Button $4.61 Enter a quantity and
NS-1 Cartridge Replacement Unit $240.62 Enter a quantity and
NS-2 Cap $43.06 Enter a quantity and
Knob NS-3NS-3 Knob $12.05 Enter a quantity and
Push Rod NS-4NS-4 Push Rod $4.59 Enter a quantity and
NS-5 Guide Nut $12.66 Enter a quantity and
NS-6 Cylinder $30.24 Enter a quantity and
NS-7 Retainer $12.89 Enter a quantity and
NS-8 Piston $35.49 Enter a quantity and
NS-9 Washer Screw $12.54 Enter a quantity and
NS-11 Shut-Off Washer $4.85 Enter a quantity and
NS-12 Retainer Gasket $4.84 Enter a quantity and
Piston spring NS-13NS-13 Piston Spring $2.73 Enter a quantity and
Washer and gasket repair unit NS-13RNS-13R Washer & Gasket Repair Unit $71.69 Enter a quantity and
NS-14 Guide Nut Washer $4.83 Enter a quantity and
Piston o-ring NS-15NS-15 Piston O-Ring $2.64 Enter a quantity and
NS-16 Control Rod $6.23 Enter a quantity and
NS-18 Integral Stop Unit $21.16 Enter a quantity and
NS-21 Escutcheon & Screw use 4-420-TRM
NS-22 Escutcheon & Screws - PAIR (qty of two) $5.23 Enter a quantity and
NS-24 Guide Nut - Small O-Ring $4.83 Enter a quantity and
NS-25 Guide Nut - Large O-Ring $4.84 Enter a quantity and
NS-26 Cap - Small O-Ring $4.85 Enter a quantity and
Large cap o-ring NS-27NS-27 Cap - Large O-Ring - 1-1/8" ID x 3/32" thick $3.52 Enter a quantity and
NS-28 Knob Set Screw $4.83 Enter a quantity and
NS-29 Knob Plug Button use L-39
NS-30 Adapter PlateNS-30 Adapter Plate $14.38 Enter a quantity and
NS-32 Stop Retainer $5.20 Enter a quantity and
PS-4A Escutcheon for 4-427R & 4-428R $97.19 Enter a quantity and
PS-4E Threaded Rod $4.83 Enter a quantity and
PS-4H Horseshoe Bracket $33.48 Enter a quantity and
Trim kit 4-420-TRM4-420-TRM Trim Only - includes all exposed parts - chrome $124.79 Enter a quantity and
Silicone lubricant 963-01963-01 Silicone Lubricant - 1/4 oz
for o-rings and cartridges - FDA approved
$4.10 Enter a quantity and

Divertrol Diverter Replacement Repair Parts
from 1964 - Current

Image/Part # Description Price & Quantity
DT-2 Bonnet $31.42 Enter a quantity and
DT-3 Spindle Assembly $45.71 Enter a quantity and
DT-4 Spacer Bushing $11.20 Enter a quantity and
DT-5 Escutcheon & Screw use LD-15A
DT-7 Escutcheon Bushing $20.09 Enter a quantity and
DT-8 Bonnet O-Ring $4.85 Enter a quantity and
DT-9 Bonnet Gasket $4.83 Enter a quantity and
DT-10 Spindle O-Ring $4.85 Enter a quantity and
DT-11 O-Ring Washer $4.83 Enter a quantity and
DT-12 Spring $4.85 Enter a quantity and
DT-13 Volume Dial & Screw $5.82 Enter a quantity and
DT-15 Knob $18.33 Enter a quantity and
DT-20 Replacement Unit $108.73 Enter a quantity and
LD-15A Escutcheon with Set Screw $40.98 Enter a quantity and
Silicone lubricant 963-01963-01 Silicone Lubricant - 1/4 oz
for o-rings and cartridges - FDA approved
$4.10 Enter a quantity and

Levertrol Diverter Repair Parts
from 1965 - 1976 & September 1990 - Current

Image/Part # Description Price & Quantity
Lever handle RC-14XRC-14X Handle with Set Screw $57.96 Enter a quantity and
LLD-20 Replacement Unit - without Escutcheon $105.09 Enter a quantity and
LLD-20A Replacement Unit - with Escutcheon $143.19 Enter a quantity and

Levertrol 4-458/9 Replacement Diverter Parts
from September 1976 - September 1990

Image/Part # Description Price & Quantity
LD-3 Bonnet $25.67 Enter a quantity and
Symmons LD-7R Spindle AssemblyLD-7R Spindle Assembly $52.25 Enter a quantity and
LD-8 Escutcheon Bushing $20.83 Enter a quantity and
Spindle O-Ring LD-10LD-10 Spindle O-Ring
(same as J-11, T-24 and S-24)
$4.62 Enter a quantity and
Bonnet O-Ring LD-11LD-11 Bonnet O-Ring $4.60 Enter a quantity and
Bonnet Washer LD-12LD-12 Bonnet Washer $4.61 Enter a quantity and
Spring and Washer LD-13LD-13 Spring & Washer $9.39 Enter a quantity and
LD-15A Escutcheon with Set Screw $40.98 Enter a quantity and
Handle RC-14XRC-14X Handle with Set Screw $57.96 Enter a quantity and

Levertrol 4-460 Diverter Repair Parts
from 1976 - Current

Image/Part # Description Price & Quantity
Bonnet LD-6ALD-6A Bonnet $38.09 Enter a quantity and
LD-7A Bonnet O-Ring use NS-27
LD-7RR Spindle Assembly $59.05 Enter a quantity and
Large cap o-ring NS-27NS-27 Cap - Large O-Ring $3.52 Enter a quantity and

TempControl Thermostatic Mixing Valve Parts

Part # Description Price & Quantity
#7-102NW Replacement Cartridge for 7-102, 7-102-W and 7-102B (replaces #6-102NW) $825.10 Enter a quantity and
#7-102P-NW Replacement Cartridge for 7-102-PW (exposed parts polished chrome finish) $998.63 Enter a quantity and
#7-200NW Replacement Cartridge for 7-200, 7-200-W, and 7-200B (replaces #6-200NW) $897.00 Enter a quantity and
#7-400NW Replacement Cartridge for 7-400, 7-400-W and 7-400B (replaces #6-400NW) $897.00 Enter a quantity and
#7-500NW Replacement Cartridge for for 7-500, 7-500-W, and 7-500B (replaces #5-500NW and #6-500NW) $889.40 Enter a quantity and
#7-700NW Replacement Cartridge for 7-700, 7-700-W, and 7-700B (replaces #6-700NW) $894.38 Enter a quantity and
#7-900NWM Replacement Cartridge for 7-900, 7-900-W, and 7-900B (replaces #6-900NW) $1,243.57 Enter a quantity and
#7-1000NW Replacement Cartridge for 7-1000, 7-1000-W, and 7-1000B (replaces #6-1000NW) $1,237.77 Enter a quantity and

Related Items & Accessories

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. "How can I stop my Temptrol shower valve from dripping?"
A. Replace the hot and cold washers using a TA-9 KIT. Inspect top surfaces of hot seat (T-1) and the cold seat (T-3) and if damaged replace with a TA-4 KIT.

Q. "I haven't seen many Symmons faucets in stores, is their quality any good?"
A. Symmons mainly makes top quality commercial grade faucets and doesn't (need to) advertise much. Rest assured that their quality is top notch and that you aren't paying for a big bulging advertising budget when you purchase Symmons. The company has been around for many decades.

Q. "Water is leaking out from around the diverter/volume handle. How do I repair it?"
A. The spindle o-ring (LD-10/J-11) (old #T-24) is worn and needs to be replaced.

Q. "What is a handle limit stop and how do I set or adjust it?"
A. All Symmons pressure-balancing shower valves come equipped with a handle limit stop to set the handle rotation. The limit stop is used to limit the valve handle from being turned to excessively hot water discharge temperatures. CAUTION: Never remove this screw without turning off the hot and cold water supplies. To set the shower valve handle limit stop, remove the screw holding on the handle and remove the handle. Remove the round dome cover by turning in a counter-clockwise direction. At this point you will see a small slotted screw head that is visible in the valve cap. Place the handle on the valve stem (loose) and open the valve turning the handle until the maximum desired position is reached. Turn the screw in a clockwise direction until it seats to set the handle limit stop. Shut off the valve and re-attach dome and handle.

Q. "Why can't I get any hot water out of my valve, only lukewarm?"
A. All Symmons pressure-balancing shower valves come equipped with a handle limit stop to set the handle rotation. If you are not having a problem with hot water elsewhere in the house, it is possible that the limit stop feature has been set too low, or the incoming supply temperatures have changed requiring an adjustment of the limit stop. CAUTION: Never remove this screw without turning off the hot and cold water supply. To set the shower valve handle limit stop, remove the screw holding on the handle and remove the handle. Remove the round dome cover by turning in a counter-clockwise direction. At this point you will see a small slotted screw head that is visible in the valve cap. Place the handle back on the valve stem (loose) and open the valve turning the handle until the maximum desired position is reached. This may require turning the limit stop screw (T-34) counter-clockwise (see CAUTION above). To most accurately and safely verify the temperature of the hot water, place a thermometer in a tumbler of water filled from tub outlet. Shut off valve and re-attach dome and handle. If following the above procedure has not rectified the problem then there is substantial wear within the valve, and the spindle assembly (TA-10) needs to be replaced. Under certain circumstances you may need to replace the TA-4 also.

Q. "Why is water coming out of my tub spout while I'm taking a shower, is this normal?"
A. A small stream of water (about the thickness of a pencil or less) coming from the tub spout while the valve is in the shower position is normal. If the stream of water is more than this the diverter/volume control spindle (TA-25A) should be replaced.

Q. "How do I take care of the finish on a Symmons product?"
A. To clean the finish on any Symmons product, Symmons recommends using only a mild soap solution and a soft cloth. After cleaning, rinse and blot dry with a clean, dry soft cloth. The use of abrasive cleaners, polishes, solvents and acid cleaners will/can damage the finish and does void the warranty.

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