Gas Flex Connectors
For indoor, outdoor, residential and commercial applications

The gas connectors listed on this page are NOT for use on Natural
Gas or LPG piping systems operating at pressures exceeding 1/2 psig® has such a great selection of - and excellent prices on - gas flex connectors and other gas-related products, that even manufacturers purchase from us. They no longer feel it necessary to stock large quantities when they can purchase what they need, when they need it, from our excellent stock. And so can you! We are your source for thousands of plumbing-related products and, as always, no minimum purchase required.

Stay safe and learn how to turn off your gas in the event of a natural disaster or emergency

All of the gas connectors on this page are CSA approved

Stainless Steel Gas Flexible Connectors

3/8" O. D. (1/4" i.d.) 304 Stainless Steel - Gas Flex Connectors

3/8" O. D. gas connectors include 2 each 3/8" flare adapters to pipe thread (either MIPS or FIPS)
3/8in Gas flex connector3/8" Stainless Steel Gas Flex Connector

View a chart of the MAX BTU's of both Propane and Natural gases

Note: the lengths shown for gas flexes is the overall length including the fittings, with a tolerance of ± 1 inch

1/2" O. D. (3/8" i.d.) 304 Stainless Steel - Gas Flex Connectors

1/2" O. D. gas connectors include 2 each 1/2" flare adapters to pipe thread (either MIPS or FIPS)
1/2in Gas flex connector1/2" Stainless Steel Gas Flex Connector

View a chart of the MAX BTU's of both Propane and Natural gases

Note: the lengths shown for gas flexes is the overall length including the fittings, with a tolerance of ± 1 inch

5/8" O. D. (1/2" i.d.) 304 Stainless Steel - Gas Flex Connectors

5/8" O. D. gas connectors include 2 each 15/16" flare adapters to pipe thread (either MIPS or FIPS)
5/8in Gas flex connector5/8" Stainless Steel Gas Flex Connector

View a chart of the MAX BTU's of both Propane and Natural gases

Note: the lengths shown for gas flexes is the overall length including the fittings, with a tolerance of ± 1 inch

Gas Flex Connectors with Shut-Off Valve - 304 Stainless Steel

Gas flex connectors with Shut-Off valves include 1 each flare adapter to pipe thread (either MIPS or FIPS)
3/8in x 12in gas flex3/8" x 12" Stainless Steel Gas Flex
3/8" MIPS adapter x 1/2" FIPS straight valve
1/2in x 12in gas flex1/2" x 12" Stainless Steel Gas Flex
3/8" MIPS adapter x 1/2" FIPS straight valve
1/2in x 12in gas flex5/8" x 12" Stainless Steel Gas Flex
3/4" MIPS adapter x 3/4" FIPS straight valve

Flex Size Flare Adapter Size Ball Valve Size Price & Quantity
3/8" O.D (1/4" I.D.) 3/8" Flare x 3/8" MIPS 1/2" FIP Ball Valve Enter a quantity and
3/8" O.D (1/4" I.D.) 3/8" Flare x 1/2" MIPS 1/2" FIP Ball Valve Enter a quantity and
1/2" O.D (3/8" I.D.) 1/2" Flare x 3/8" MIPS 1/2" FIP Ball Valve Enter a quantity and
1/2" O.D (3/8" I.D.) 1/2" Flare x 1/2" MIPS 1/2" FIP Ball Valve Enter a quantity and
5/8" O.D (1/2" I.D.) 15/16" Flare x 3/4" MIPS 1/2" FIP Ball Valve Enter a quantity and

View a chart of the MAX BTU's of both Propane and Natural gases

Note: the lengths shown for gas flexes is the overall length including the fittings, with a tolerance of ± 1 inch

Looking for more gas flexes with shutoff valves? Click here!

1" O. D. (3/4" I.D.) Ultraflow High BTU Coated Stainless Steel Gas Connectors

1in plastic coated gas flex connector36" with 3/4" MIPS x 3/4" FIPS adapters
  • PVC coating resists chipping and cracking
  • Ideal for outdoor installations
  • Designed for applications with a significant BTU requirement
  • Can supply up to 290,000 BTU (NG) or 465,000 (LP)
  • Increases productivity by eliminating the need for pipe nipples, 90's and elbows
  • Common applications: tankless water heaters, commercial water heaters, furnaces, manufactured homes, boilers, rooftop HVAC units, and gas meters

Maximum BTU per hour- Natural Gas
24" 36" 72"
290,900 255,900 173,900
Maximum BTU per hour - Propane
24" 36" 72"
465,440 409,440 278,240
Size Length Fittings Price & Quantity
1"od (3/4"id) 24" 3/4" MIPS x 3/4" FIPS Temporarily Unavailable
3/4" MIPS x 3/4" MIPS Temporarily Unavailable
3/4" FIPS x 3/4" FIPS Temporarily Unavailable
1"od (3/4"id) 36" 3/4" MIPS x 3/4" FIPS $68.18
3/4" MIPS x 3/4" MIPS $66.97
3/4" FIPS x 3/4" FIPS $63.62 Enter a quantity and
1"od (3/4"id) 72" 3/4" MIPS x 3/4" FIPS $106.42
3/4" MIPS x 3/4" MIPS $117.02
3/4" FIPS x 3/4" FIPS $101.46 Enter a quantity and

3/4" I.D. Coated Stainless Steel Gas Connectors
Plastic Coated with 3/4" Quick Connect Valve

The Blue Hose gas connector for commercial and food service use3/4" x 60" length
  • Patented Stressguard Technology reduces stress at both ends of the connector
  • Anti-microbial PVC Coating (patent pending) inhibits growth of bacteria, mold and mildew on the gas connector
  • Heavy-duty, flexible, corrugated 304 stainless steel tubing
  • Tightly woven stainless steel braid prevents corrugations from stretching as equipment is moved
  • This hose meets all of the current national building codes and standards
  • Specifically designed and engineered for the commercial kitchen
  • Comes equipped with a handy one-handed quick-disconnect fitting for the safety of your kitchen and your employees
  • Includes restraining (and additional) hardware

Description Connections Length Max BTU (NG) Price & Quantity
Coated Stainless Gas Connector
Includes restraining (and additional) hardware
3/4" MIPS x 3/4" MIPS 48" 180,000 $302.99 Enter a quantity and
Coated Stainless Gas Connector
Includes restraining (and additional) hardware
3/4" MIPS x 3/4" MIPS 60" 158,000 $331.65 Enter a quantity and
Replacement Hose ONLY 3/4" MIPS x 3/4" MIPS 48" 180,000 $171.01 Enter a quantity and

1" O.D. (3/4" I.D.) Ultraflow High BTU Stainless Steel Gas Connectors

Ultraflow gas connectors1" OD x 24" length with 3/4" FIP x 3/4" MIP adapters
  • Ideal for outdoor installations
  • Designed for applications with a significant BTU requirement
  • Can supply up to 290,000 BTU (NG) or 465,000 (LP)
  • Increases productivity by eliminating the need for pipe nipples, 90's and elbows
  • Common applications: tankless water heaters, commercial water heaters, furnaces, manufactured homes, boilers, rooftop HVAC units, and gas meters
Maximum BTU per hour- Natural Gas
24" 36" 72"
290,900 255,900 173,900
Maximum BTU per hour - Propane
24" 36" 72"
465,440 409,440 278,240

Size Length Fittings Price & Quantity
1"od (3/4"id) 24" 3/4" FIPS x 3/4" MIPS $56.68
3/4" MIPS x 3/4" MIPS $50.51
3/4" FIPS x 3/4" FIPS $50.53 Enter a quantity and

1-1/4" O.D. (1" I.D.) Coated Gas Flex Connectors for Commercial Applications

60in gas connector60" Gasflex with 1" FIP x 1" MIP Adapters
Fittings Max BTU Length Price & Quantity
1" MIPS x 1" MIPS 581,800 (NG) / 930,880 (LP) 24 inches $104.65
515,900 (NG) / 825,440 (LP) 36 inches Temporarily Unavailable
398,900 (NG) / 638,240 (LP) 60 inches $128.38 Enter a quantity and
1" MIPS x 1" FIPS 581,800 (NG) / 930,880 (LP) 24 inches $105.77
515,900 (NG) / 825,440 (LP) 36 inches Temporarily Unavailable
398,900 (NG) / 638,240 (LP) 60 inches $128.49 Enter a quantity and
1" FIPS x 1" FIPS 581,800 (NG) / 930,880 (LP) 24 inches $104.56
515,900 (NG) / 825,440 (LP) 36 inches Temporarily Unavailable
398,900 (NG) / 638,240 (LP) 60 inches $127.72 Enter a quantity and

1-1/4" O.D. (1" I.D.) NON-Coated Gas Flex Connector for Commercial Applications

36 inch gas connector36" NON-Coated Gasflex

Maximum BTU per hour for 36" Length: 515,900 (Natural Gas) - 825,440 (Propane)

1-1/4"od (1"id) x 36" - with adapters to 1" MIPS x 1" FIPS = Temporarily Unavailable

Gas Shut-Off Valves
AGA & UL listed, top quality! - Standard Female Threads (FIPS x FIPS)

3/4in gas shutoff valve3/4" Gas Shut-off Valve
1in gas shutoff valve1" Gas Shut-off Valve
2in gas shutoff valve2" Gas Shut-off Valve

Size Handle Style Price & Quantity
3/8" FIPS "T" Style Handle $5.27 Enter a quantity and
1/2" FIPS "T" Style Handle $7.90 Enter a quantity and
3/4" FIPS "T" Style Handle $10.18 Enter a quantity and
1" FIPS "T" Style Handle $16.37 Enter a quantity and
Size Handle Style Price & Quantity
1-1/4" FIPS Lever Style Handle $38.89 Enter a quantity and
1/2" FIPS Lever Style Handle $47.05 Enter a quantity and
2" FIPS Lever Style Handle $44.40 Enter a quantity and

"Push-To-Connect" Gas Valves

3/4in Quick connect coupling3/4" Quick Disconnect Coupling
  • Gas shuts off automatically when coupling is disconnected
  • This valve is designed specifically for the food industry
  • Has thermal safety shutoff (350° F) - In the event of a fire or other heat source affecting the valve above 350° F the valve will automatically shut off
  • One hand operation - Quick disconnect - Quick connect

Description 1/2" 3/4" 1"
Push-to-Connect Gas Valve $64.45 $88.99 $117.42 Enter a quantity and

The gas connectors listed on this page are NOT for use on Natural
Gas or LPG piping systems operating at pressures exceeding 1/2 psig

Related Items & Accessories

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. "You say 5/8" O. D. flare (15/16" - 16 thread). What does that mean?"
A. The 5/8" O.D. refers to the outside diameter of the flex tubing. 15/16" refers to the size of the special flare fitting, and 16 thread refers to the number of threads per inch. 15/16" - 16 size and thread pitch is required for CSA design certification of 5/8" O.D. gas appliance connectors. Normal 5/8" O.D. flare fittings will not work with these specific gas flexes. The 15/16" - 16 thread flare fittings were designed to replace 5/8" flare fittings, that were originally used on 5/8" O.D. gas appliance connectors, because some installers were threading galvanized or black nipples directly into the 5/8" flare nuts which would then leak.

Q. "How can I measure my flare fitting to know if it is 15/16"-16 flare or another size?"
A. The 15/16"-16 male flare thread measures 15/16" diameter from the outside of the male threads. The flare threads have 16 threads per inch. The actual opening through the fitting is 1/2" inside diameter for the gas to flow through. The 15/16"-16 are 45° flare, but are not SAE fittings.

Q. "What is 'BTU'?"
A. BTU" is an abbreviation for "British Thermal Unit", and is a measurement of heat that's equal to the amount of heat necessary to raise one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit at sea level. One BTU is equal to about 250 calories.

Q. "I need a flexible gas connector that is exactly 18-inches long. Will your 18" gas flex work?"
A. It may, but it would best to buy a 24-inch gas flex to allow for slack in the line and prevent the possibility of stressing the gas flex.

Q. "Can I use these gas connectors in my RV or trailer?"
A. No. Vibration occurs in any moving vehicle (RV or trailer), which could cause the connection to vibrate itself loose and become a serious safety hazard. For those types of applications you must have a non-vibrational connection, which these flexes do not support.

Q. "I've heard that gas connectors need to be changed every ten years or less for safety. Is there any truth in that?"
A. No, the stainless connectors that we sell will generally last as long as your house (if not repeatedly moved or physically damaged). Sometimes older, non stainless steel, coated or uncoated budget gas connectors can be a real safety hazard. Some older, uncoated brass connectors have a serious flaw that can, over time, cause a leak, fire or explosion. These uncoated brass connectors have not been made for more than 20 years but are still in use and sometimes are sold at garage sales, etc. The older these connectors get, the greater the possibility of failure.

Appliance connectors have been used for years, because they are made of corrugated piping and can be shaped to fit in spaces between your appliances and gas piping. But these connectors aren't made to last a lifetime, nor are they made to withstand the stress put on them when appliances are moved frequently. Although not all uncoated connectors have this flaw, it's very difficult to tell which ones do.

We believe that any uncoated brass connector should be replaced immediately with one of our new stainless steel connectors. Replace any connector that appears corroded or appears brittle. Check occasionally for gas odor. If you smell gas, or if you hear gas leaking, close the appliance shut-off valve, but only if you can do this without moving the appliance or connector. If the valve can't be shut off without moving something, shut off the main gas shut-off to the house right away, evacuate everyone from the house immediately, opening windows and doors as you go. Do not use your telephone, operate any gas or electric appliances, or turn light switches on or off. Sparks from any of these could ignite the gas. Immediately contact a trusted local professional as well as your gas provider to ensure that the issue is properly corrected.

Code requires that a new gas appliance connector must be used for a new appliance, when moving an appliance to a new location, or as a result of damage (ANSI Z21.24/CSA 6.10 and ANSI Z21.75/CSA 6.27). It is a good idea to always install a new gas connector when you replace an appliance. Again, we highly recommend that you immediately replace any uncoated brass connectors with a quality stainless steel or brand new, coated connector and as always, before installing any product, check your local plumbing codes..

For safety, only use one connector for each appliance. Never use two connectors together to extend the length.

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