Gerber Toilet Repair Parts

Find the parts you need to get your toilet running like new again - conserve water and save money!

Replacing a toilet can be a hassle, and with proper maintenance and timely repair, often isn't really necessary. Keep your Gerber toilet functioning efficiently with our selection of replacement and repair parts. Whether you need flush valves, flappers, fill valves or trip levers, we've got one to fit your needs!® is your best source for Gerber toilet repair parts.

Replacement Gerber Toilet Fill Valves

Model # Description Price & Quantity
Gerber 99-651 fill valve99-651 10-1/2" Fill Valve - includes refill tube, float rod, and float ball
Fits tanks: 28-490, 28-492, 28-494

Replaced by your choice of OEM Gerber 99-300 or "will fit" Fluidmaster 400A (both sold below)
Gerber 99-654 fill valve99-654 10-5/8" Fill Valve
Fits tanks: 28-495, 28-790, 28-794, 28-795

Replaced by your choice of OEM Gerber 99-300 or "will fit" Fluidmaster 400A (both sold below)
Fluidmaster 400A toilet fill valve400A 400A Replacement Fill Valve
- adjustable 9" to 14"
- eliminates float rod and ball interference with flapper and chain
$16.62 Enter a quantity and
Gerber 99-300 fill valveGA711048 Adjustable Anti-Siphon Fill Valve - Replaces 99-300
- adjustable 9" to 13-1/2"
- fits tanks 21-010, 28-580, 28-584, 28-585, 28-170, 28-174 & 28-175
Replaces 99-300, 99-842, and 99-023 Fill Valves
$26.39 Enter a quantity and
99-363 Fill Valve
- for 28-590, 28-790, 28-792, 28-794, 28-795, & 28-796 tanks

Replaced by your choice of OEM Gerber GA711048 or "will fit" Fluidmaster 400A (both sold above)

Gerber Replacement Toilet Flush Valves

Model # Description Price & Quantity
Gerber replacement 3" toilet flush valve with flapper and locknut99-006 3" Flush Valve - for "Viper VP" tanks - 6-3/4" tall from toilet to top of overflow, includes locknut and 99-788 flapper
Fits tanks: VP-28-590, VP-28-592, and VP-28-595
$20.99 Enter a quantity and
Gerber replacement 2" toilet flush valve with flapper and locknut99-027 2" Flush Valve - for "Maxwell SE" tank - 7-5/8" tall from toilet to top of overflow, includes locknut and 99-647 flapper
Fits tank: 28-175
$7.57 Enter a quantity and
Gerber replacement toilet flush valve with flapper and locknut99-648 2" Flush Valve - replaces 99-541 - for "Aquasaver", and "Viper" tanks - 7-1/8" tall from toilet to top of overflow, includes locknut and 99-647 flapper
Fits tanks: 28-170, 28-174, 28-175, 28-193, 28-196, 28-197, 28-198, 28-495, 28-580, 28-584, 28-585, 28-590, 28-594, 28-595, 28-792, 28-796
Replaced with 99-652
Gerber replacement toilet flush valve99-652 2" Flush Valve - 7-3/4" tall from toilet to top of overflow, includes lock nut and 99-647 clear flapper
Fits tanks: 28-490, 28-492, 28-494, 28-790, 28-794, 28-795
$12.69 Enter a quantity and
Gerber toilet OEM flush valve99-655 2" Flush Valve - replaces 99-548 - 8-1/2" tall from toilet to top of overflow, includes 99-644 rigid flapper
Fits tanks: 28-290, 28-292, 28-295, 28-690
Gerber flush valve 99-78099-780 3" Flush Valve - includes 99-770 3" soft flapper
Fits tanks: 28-180, 28-186, 28-535, 28-895
$18.27 Enter a quantity and
Flush valve kit 99-79399-793 3" Flush Valve - includes 99-788 3" flapper
Fits tanks: 28-183, 28-530, 28-570, 28-890, 28-894, 28-970, 28-980, 28-990, 28-994, 28-995
$20.78 Enter a quantity and
Flush valve kit 99-83899-838 3" Flush Valve with 2" extended base - 5-3/4" overflow length - (7-3/4" from tank to top of overflow) - includes 99-788 3" flapper
Fits Viper High Efficiency tank: HE-28-570
$21.32 Enter a quantity and
Flush valve GA-712002GA-712029 (Old #GA-712002)
3" Flush Valve for some "Viper High Efficiency" and "Viper WaterSense" tanks - includes 99-788 3" flapper
Fits tanks: HE-28-590 and WS-28-590
$19.80 Enter a quantity and
coming soon imageGA-700235 2" Dual Flush Valve - for Maxwell 2-Piece Toilet Tanks DF-28-192 and DF28-195 - Replaces Gerber 99-791 dual flush valve $22.79 Enter a quantity and

Replacement Flappers for Gerber Toilets

Model # Description Price & Quantity
Gerber toilet replacement flapper cone style99-644 Small Cone Flapper - rigid body with patented silicone seal to stop leaks, highly resistant to chlorinated water, 2-way mounting for brass or plastic flush valves - replaces 99-522
Fits tanks: 28-290, 28-292, 28-295, 28-690
$8.28 Enter a quantity and
Gerber toilet replacement flapper clear cone99-647 Flapper - clear silicone body - replaces 99-524
Fits tanks: 21-010, 28-170, 28-174, 28-175, 28-193, 28-196, 28-197, 28-198, 28-490, 28-492, 28-494, 28-495, 28-584, 28-585, 28-590, 28-594, 28-595, 28-790, 28-792, 28-794, 28-795, 28-796
$8.13 Enter a quantity and
Gerber toilet soft 3-inch replacement flapper99-770 3" Soft Flapper
Fits tanks: 21-011, 28-180, 28-186, 28-535
$9.22 Enter a quantity and
Gerber toilet clear insert replacement flapper99-779 Clear Insert Flapper
Fits Gerber Mirage Series tanks: 28-190, 28-192
Please Note: This flapper will not replace the counter balance flush valve flapper. Counter balance flush valve replacement parts have been discontinued.
see will-fit below
Will-Fit 99-779 - Blue Flapper with gray insert
Fits Gerber Mirage Series tanks: 28-190, 28-192
Please Note: This flapper will not replace the counter balance flush valve flapper. Counter balance flush valve replacement parts have been discontinued.
Counter Balance Flapper Alternate Solution:
- Fluidmaster Flush Valve Repair Kit - Simple top mount installation.
Easily attach directly to existing flush valve with included water tight adhesive sealant - rotate flapper dial to adjust flush volume
$7.99 Enter a quantity and
Gerber toilet blue rubber flapper99-788 3" Flapper
Fits tanks: 21-014, 21-017, 28-183, 28-530, 28-570, 28-580, 28-585, 28-890, 28-894, 28-895, 28-970, 28-980, 28-990, 28-994, 28-995
$10.37 Enter a quantity and
Gerber counterbalance toilet flapper495-6037-00 "Will Fit" Counterbalance Flapper
- fits tanks: 28-190, 28-192
$9.95 Enter a quantity and
"Will Fit"
Flapper - with chain - adjustable, chlorine resistant $15.05 Enter a quantity and

Gerber Toilet Tank Trip Levers

Model # Description Finish Price & Quantity
Gerber toilet trip lever 99-001 in chrome99-001 Trip Lever left side front mount - sturdy metal handle with brass arm
Fits tanks: 28-570, 28-590, 28-591, 28-592, 28-952, 28-594, 28-595, CT-28-830 - Replaces 99-656
Chrome $27.12 Enter a quantity and
White $26.09 Enter a quantity and
Gerber trip lever 99-493 in white99-483 Trip Lever Left side front mount
Fits tanks: For some model 28-790 tanks (1997 - 2003)
White Discontinued
Use PRO64
Gerber toilet trip lever 99-56499-564 Trip Lever - mini, left side front mount - sturdy metal handle with brass arm
Fits tanks: 28-390, 28-395
Chrome Discontinued
Discontinued Gerber right side toilet tank lever in chrome99-585-RH Trip Lever - RIGHT side front mount
Fits tanks: 28-190, 28-192, 28-193, 28-196, 28-197, 28-198, 28-290, 28-292, 28-295, 28-490, 28-492, 28-494, 28-495, 28-790, 28-792, 28-794, 28-795, 28-796
Chrome Discontinued
use Will-Fit 99-585
Will-Fit 99-585-RH   Trip Lever Front RIGHT Hand Side with 8" Brass Arm Chrome $7.84 Enter a quantity and
Gerber toilet tank lever in chrome99-585 Trip Lever - left side front mount
Fits tanks: 28-190, 28-192, 28-193, 28-196, 28-197, 28-198, 28-290, 28-292, 28-295, 28-490, 28-492, 28-494, 28-495, 28-790, 28-792, 28-794, 28-795, 28-796
Chrome Discontinued
use Will Fit PRO64
"Will-Fit" Trip Lever - PRO64 - left side front mount - (bendable brass rod) Chrome $9.95 Enter a quantity and
Gerber toilet tank lever in white99-586 OEM Trip Lever - left side front mount
Fits tanks: 28-190, 28-192, 28-193, 28-196, 28-197, 28-198, 28-290, 28-292, 28-295, 28-490, 28-492, 28-494, 28-495, 28-790, 28-792, 28-794, 28-795, 28-796
White Discontinued
use Will-Fit
"Will-Fit" Trip Lever - left side front mount
Fits tanks: 28-190, 28-192, 28-193, 28-196, 28-197, 28-198, 28-290, 28-292, 28-295, 28-490, 28-492, 28-494, 28-495, 28-790, 28-792, 28-794, 28-795, 28-796
White $8.69 Enter a quantity and
Gerber side mount toilet tank lever in chrome99-685 Trip Lever - SIDE mount
Fits tanks: 21-010, 21-011, 21-014, 21-017, 28-183, 28-530, 28-580, 28-584, 28-890, 28-894
Chrome $26.03
White $26.09 Enter a quantity and
Gerber side mount toilet tank lever in white99-659 Side Mount Toilet Tank Lever White $29.85 Enter a quantity and
Gerber front mount toilet tank lever in white99-773 Trip Lever - Left hand FRONT mount
Fits tanks: 28-690
White Discontinued
Gerber left hand side mount tank lever - Chrome99-794 Trip Lever - Left hand SIDE mount
Fits tanks: 28-146
Chrome $65.30 Enter a quantity and
Gerber left hand toilet tank lever in white99-840 Trip Lever - Left hand FRONT mount
Fits tanks: 28-970, 28-980, 28-990, 28-994, 28-995
Chrome $11.10
White $11.05 Enter a quantity and

Tank-to-Bowl Kits & Gaskets for Gerber Toilets

Model # Description Price & Quantity
Gerber toilet tank to bowl kit99-292 Tank to Bowl Kit - includes #99-582 beveled gasket, 2" brass tank bolts (2), rubber washers (2), plastic wing nuts (4), rubber channel pads (2), and B/C coupling nut

Fits tanks: 28-170, 28-174, 28-175, 28-192, 28-193, 28-196, 28-197, 28-198, 28-290, 28-292, 28-490, 28-492, 28-494, 28-495, 28-580, 28-584, 28-585, 28-590, 28-594, 28-595, 28-790, 28-792, 28-794, 28-795, 28-796
Replaced by
99-537 below
Gerber toilet tank to bowl kit99-537 Tank to Bowl Kit - includes #99-582 beveled gasket, 2" brass tank bolts (2), rubber washers (2), plastic wing nuts (4), rubber channel pads (2)
View Gerber #99-582 gasket dimensions
Fits tanks: 28-170, 28-174, 28-175, 28-192, 28-193, 28-196, 28-197, 28-198, 28-290, 28-292, 28-490, 28-492, 28-494, 28-495, 28-580, 28-584, 28-585, 28-590, 28-594, 28-595, 28-790, 28-792, 28-794, 28-795, 28-796
$11.78 Enter a quantity and
Gerber toilet tank to bowl beveled gasket99-582 Tank-to-Bowl Beveled Gasket - Black
Replacement gasket only for gravity flush tanks
view tank to bowl gasket

For tank #'s: 28-290, 28-490, 28-494, 28-495, 28-590, 28-594, 28-595, and 28-790, 28-794, 28-795
with 99-537
Gerber toilet tank to bowl beveled gasket dimension99-591 Tank-to-Bowl Beveled Gasket - Green
Replacement gasket only for pressure assist tanks
view Gerber toilet tank to bowl gasket - green

For tank #'s: 28-380, 28-384, 28-385, DF-28-380, DF-28-384, DF-28-385, and EF-28-380, EF-28-384, EF-28-385
$12.09 Enter a quantity and
Tank to bowl kit for Gerber toilets99-660 Tank-to-Bowl Kit - includes 3" beveled rubber gasket, brass tank bolts (2), rubber washers (2), plastic wing nuts (4), rubber channel pads (2), and B/C coupling nut
View Gerber toilet tank to bowl gasket dimensions
Fits tanks: 28-180, 28-183, 28-186, 28-530, 28-535, 28-570, 28-890, 28-894, 28-895, 28-970, 28-980, 28-990, 28-994, 28-995
$12.80 Enter a quantity and
Tank to bowl kit for Gerber Maxwell toilet tank #28-175 GA714012 (old #99-782) Tank-to-Bowl Kit - includes 2" beveled rubber gasket, brass tank bolts (2), rubber washers (2), plastic wing nuts (4), and rubber channel pads (2)
Fits Maxwell tank: 28-175
$10.22 Enter a quantity and
Tank to bowl gasket for Gerber toilets "Will Fit" Tank-to-Bowl Beveled Gasket - Black
3" replacement gasket only
Fits tanks using tank-to-bowl kit #99-660 - for 3" flush valves
view "will fit" toilet tank to bowl gasket
$4.89 Enter a quantity and
Image of Tank-To-Bowl Bolt Set Tank-to-Bowl Bolt Set - Solid Brass - Fits many Gerber toilet tank models
Includes 2 brass bolts (5/16" x 3"), 4 rubber washers, chrome plated zinc: 2 hex-nuts, 2 wing-nuts and 4 flat washers
$6.27 Enter a quantity and
Tank to bowl bolt set Tank-to-Bowl Bolt Set - Stainless Steel - Fits many Gerber toilet tank models
Includes 2 stainless steel bolts (5/16" x 3"), 2 rubber washers, 4 nuts and 2 flat steel washers
$6.39 Enter a quantity and

Miscellaneous Replacement Parts for Gerber Toilets

Image Description Price & Quantity
Round toilet seat Round toilet seat - White
Proudly made in the USA
Features slow close lid that won't slam shut, easy clean hinges that allow you to quickly clean or change hinges to match décor, and adjustable front-to-back hinges for a perfect fit
View additional colors
$60.56 Enter a quantity and
Elongated toilet seat Elongated toilet seat - White
Proudly made in the USA
Features slow close lid that won't slam shut, easy clean hinges that allow you to quickly clean or change hinges to match décor, and built-in antimicrobial agent
View additional colors
$67.91 Enter a quantity and
Toilet bolt caps in white Toilet Bolt Cap Set - White
Includes 2 caps and 2 easy-to-install retainer washers
Each cap is 3/4" tall and 1-1/4" diameter at base
View additional colors
$3.89 Enter a quantity and

Find Gerber Toilet Replacement Parts by Tank Number

Simply find your toilet tank number in the tables below to find out which flush valve, fill valve, flapper, tank lever, or mounting kit you need!
Please note: Certain flush assemblies, including Flushmate and canister style valves do not use flappers. Additionally, due to manufacturers discontinuing certain toilets and parts not all parts are available for all models of Gerber toilets. Please browse our wide selection of toilet repair parts for an appropriate substitute or contact us for assistance.
Tank # Flush Valve Fill Valve Flapper Trip Lever Tank-to-Bowl Kit
21-010 99-800 99-300 99-647 99-685 --
21-011 99-796 99-300 99-770 99-685 --
21-014 -- 99-300 99-788 99-685 --
21-017 -- 99-300 99-788 99-685 --
28-170 99-648 99-300 99-647 99-783 99-537
28-174 99-648 99-300 99-647 99-783 99-537
28-175 99-648 99-300 99-647 99-783 99-537
28-180 99-780 99-300 99-770 99-685 99-660
28-183 99-793 99-300 99-788 99-685 99-660
28-186 99-780 99-300 99-770 99-794 99-660
28-190 99-531 99-300 99-779 99-585 99-537
28-192 99-531 99-300 99-779 99-585 99-537
28-193 99-648 99-300 99-647 99-585 99-537
28-196 99-648 99-300 99-647 99-585 99-537
28-197 99-648 99-300 99-647 99-585 99-537
28-198 99-648 99-300 99-647 99-585 99-537
28-290 99-655 99-300 99-644 99-585 99-537
28-292 99-655 99-300 99-644 99-585 99-537
28-295 99-655 99-300 99-644 99-585 99-537
Tank # Flush Valve Fill Valve Flapper Trip Lever Tank-to-Bowl Kit
28-490 99-652 99-651 99-647 99-585 99-292
28-492 99-652 99-651 99-647 99-585 99-537
28-494 99-652 99-651 99-647 99-585 99-537
28-495 99-648 99-651 99-647 99-585 99-537
28-530 99-793 99-300 99-788 99-685 99-660
28-535 99-780 99-300 99-770 99-659 99-660
28-570 99-793 99-300 99-788 99-656 99-660
28-580 99-648 99-300 99-788 99-685 99-537
28-584 99-648 99-300 99-647 99-685 99-537
28-585 99-648 99-300 99-647 99-685 99-537
28-590 99-648 99-300 99-647 99-656 99-537
28-594 99-648 99-300 99-647 99-656 99-537
28-595 99-648 99-300 99-647 99-656 99-537
Tank # Flush Valve Fill Valve Flapper Trip Lever Tank-to-Bowl Kit
28-601 99-608 99-606 99-609 99-685 99-293
28-690 99-655 99-300 99-644 99-773 99-537
28-790 99-652 99-651 99-647 99-585 99-537
28-792 99-648 99-300 99-647 99-585 99-537
28-794 99-652 99-651 99-647 99-585 99-537
28-795 99-652 99-654 99-647 99-585 99-537
28-796 99-648 99-300 99-647 99-585 99-537
28-890 99-793 99-300 99-788 99-685 99-660
28-894 99-793 99-300 99-788 99-685 99-660
28-895 99-780 99-300 99-788 99-659 99-660
28-970 99-793 99-300 99-788 99-840 99-660
28-980 99-793 99-300 99-788 99-840 99-660
28-990 99-793 99-300 99-788 99-840 99-660
28-994 99-793 99-300 99-788 99-840 99-660
28-995 99-793 99-300 99-788 99-840 99-660

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Customer Testimonials

"I just put in toilets, Gerber... Easy for a novice computer user... Keep on making things easier for the homeowners. You have a winner."
- Becky Minshall, Belton, Missouri 64012-3008

"I quickly found what I wanted and bought it. Your site was perfect for me."
- Chris Cinciripini, Saint Louis, Missouri 63123-3238

Please note that every customer testimonial shown on our pages has given us written permission to quote them. Our customer's privacy is very important to us so we will never give, share or sell contact information or e-mail addresses to anyone!

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