Plumbing Related Standards Groups® is pleased to offer this and other pages that provide information on plumbing products or the installation and/or care of many of the products offered on our site.

ISOInternational Standard Organization
- A worldwide standards coordinating organization. An internationally recognized certification for manufacturers that comply with high standards of quality control. Developed standards ISO-9000 through ISO-9004.
IAPMOInternational Association of Plumbing & Mechanical Officials
- Qualifies and lists products suitable for use in plumbing installations.
ASSEAmerican Society of Sanitary Engineering
- Develops standards and qualifies products for plumbing and sanitary installations.
NSFNational Sanitation Foundation
- A non-profit organization best known for its role in developing standards for equipment, products and services. Many standards govern products for residential use.
AGAAmerican Gas Association
- Develops standards, tests and qualifies products used in gas lines and gas appliance installations.
CGACanadian Gas Association
- Canadian Association that develops standards, tests and qualifies products used in gas lines and gas appliance installations.
ULUnderwriter's Laboratory
- Tests and qualifies valve and fitting products under UL standards for safety.
FMFactory Mutual
- Develops standards and qualifies products for use by the general public.
AWWAAmerican Water Works Association
- Promotes public health through improvement of the quality of water. Develops standards for valves, fittings and other equipment.
ADAAmerican Disability Act
- Assures that products fully comply with the provisions of the act to ensure equal access for physically challenged users.
ASMEAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Develops standards for materials and testing as well as finished products.
ASTMAmerican Society for Testing of Materials
- Develops standards for materials, products, systems and services.
ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute
- Organization that coordinates the work amongst U.S. Standards writing groups. Works in conjunction with other groups such as ISO, ASME, ASTM, etc.
MSSMechanical Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.
- A committee of manufacturers that develops technical codes and standards for the Valve & Fitting industry.

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